Sky Dungeon

Chapter 310: [Respect] the field

"'s nothing, I accidentally knocked on the bedside." Jing Tian explained lightly. Although his eyes were full of anger, he had wiped out the violence from his body over the years, especially when he encountered After Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue, Yun Yiyi always gave him a feeling of restlessness and taught him how to deal with things calmly. Zhao Jiaxue made him feel the warmth from female friends. Although in this warmth, he is always exploited by the other party. Her coquettish and filthy air fully interprets the taste of little women. Women should be like this, like Taking advantage of small things, like acting like a baby, and teasing men, this makes Jing Tian feel comfortable all over.

  Because Zhao Jiaxue unabashedly showed her heart to everyone, it was a real friendship. Therefore, even if Zhao Jiaxue hit Jing Tian angrily, even if Jing Tian showed a fierce face, she would not really breathe in her heart. More importantly, if you don't give in and tolerate at this time, then just wait for the evil woman's incisive and endless wave of revenge.

  Men, don't offend women, especially women who like yourself.

"There is something ahead!" Yun Yiyi said coldly. As the eyes of the team, Yun Yiyi has the responsibility and obligation to observe and report the enemy. Her sentence is also a very natural escape. Although Liu Yaya knows, she has nothing to say. Zhujingtian didn't mean to pursue it, so what can she do?

But as Jing Tian’s fiancée, how could Liu Yaya say to pick it up and put it down, as long as it is related to Jing Tian, ​​it seems to her to be the most important thing. At this time, she has formed both red and blue in her heart. And there was a fierce debate about whether or not to make a move, and should I give this woman Zhao Jiaxue some color? In an instant, the pros and cons fought inexorably.

But the next second, she recalled what Jing Tian had said... Jing Tian would never allow herself to do anything with friends around him, thinking that the strange and ordinary female student in class back then made Jing Tian worry about it. People even have to wonder whether the weight of the first love in his heart is above all else, or that Jing Tian just doesn't want to hurt the people around him, and doesn't want his friends to be wronged. If he really hit his friend and touched his inverse scale, the consequences would be uncontrollable. Thinking of this, Liu Yaya also began to calm down, and the anger in her heart finally slowly receded.

"Is this a giant crystal tree?" Jin Chengwu thought he would see some weird creatures and said with great regret. After all, the crystal path that I walked just now is covered with crystal trees on both sides, such an incredible crystal. The end of the road turned out to be a crystal tree that was only slightly larger, and no matter which player it was, I would be a little disappointed. Around this towering crystal tree, there is a relatively open space, obviously the last BOSS room.

He naturally didn't know what this ancient tree was. There was a dark ancient tree deep in the dry Shuilian Cave of the 25th level dungeon, and these ancient trees contained some amazing secrets in Sky Dungeon, but even if he knew The mysterious Jingtian people can only quietly admire this mysterious old crystal tree, but they cannot share the secrets of their hearts. After all, everyone has signed a confidential contract.

   A few seconds later, there was a violent shaking on the ground, and two giants jumped out of the woods on both sides of the Crystal Road. Their names came into view: Crystalized White Tiger, Crystalized Lion King.

   Located in nature, these two creatures have always been a mountain that cannot tolerate two tigers. However, in the game here and now, they are both held by mysterious powers, becoming servants of mysterious powers and guardian beasts of this giant crystal tree.

   "Why not Crystallized Tiger King, or Crystallized Blue Lion, the names of these two bosses are a bit inconsistent." Jin Chengwu, like a wise man stroking his beard, spotted the unusual place in the boss name.

   er...why do you have to be in pairs? They are not brothers and sisters, nor are they friends of husband and wife, why are they so neat? Jing Tian didn't agree with him.

Suddenly, the voices of two BOSS came over: "Stupid creatures, you dare to set foot in the realm of [Zun] and turn into our appetite with gratitude. Your soul will become the honorable servant of [Zun]. Really live to fulfill [Zun]’s wishes."

  What kind of ghost lines, if you eat it, your soul will turn into a slave, and you will feel honored to be deprived of your freedom and life? Wait, how is [Zun]?

Jing Tian was a little bit emotional. The plan for this copy is probably the guy behind the scenes with the pseudonym [Kick Tian Nong Jing]. He is really bold and eclectic. I let myself eat it before, but now he In the end, the names of BOSS were moved out of the different world, but this is something in the later stage of the game, I am afraid that there is no detailed design at all, it is just a matter of text planning. However, ordinary players like Jin Chengwu would naturally not think so far-reaching. They simply couldn't imagine what kind of existence [Zun] was. In the eyes of ordinary players, what BOSS said was just a mystery of the system.

After the opening remarks this tiger and lion launched a fierce attack. There was no such twin boss setting in the previous level 25 dungeons, but this twin boss is obviously not a good one. .

   "Really far away!"

   "Split the mountain!"


Sitting on the well Guantian and the village woman have been posted under the cover of Zhao Jiaxue’s demon song. The purple war sickle in the hands of the village woman even hit the crystallized white tiger’s right eye first, while sitting on the well Guantian did not show weakness, and a cross cut across the lion. The bridge of the king's nose.

After one move, it is considered to be a test of reality and reality. Obviously, these two BOSSs do not have special settings for physical or magical damage attenuation. Jing Tian deliberately told Yun Yiyi in advance: "Yiyi retains the skills, you and Xueer first cooperate with the village women to kill Baihu, I have a plastic surgeon to pull the blood line, don’t worry."

That’s right, facing two bosses, village women with more group attack skills can’t withstand the attacks of two bosses. If something goes wrong, the group will naturally be destroyed, so Jing Tian still uses a more conventional method to deal with it. Gemini BOSS is one person pulling away. The village woman was under relatively little pressure at first, and the BOSS was unable to fight back under her continuous skill attack, but after the continuous skill attack, someone would naturally need someone to respond. Yun Xueyi and Zhao Yunxueer naturally took turns. Unleashing their fists, they easily ushered in the village woman's second week of continuous skill attacks.

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