Sky Dungeon

Chapter 386: 8 Immortal captures the king to show his magical powers

Even if the situation was downside-down at this time, the overbearing did not choose to catch it at all. The thunder trident in his hand had already crossed in the direction of sitting on the well and watching the sky, and he also made a sudden dawn!

I don’t know if the overbearing is thinking of giving a tooth for a tooth, let alone where his confidence comes from, but it was such a humble daybreak that came too suddenly, and was affected by the short-term interruption of sitting and watching the sky, now it is really too late to dodge . But Jing Tian is not alone in the fight. The overbearing scum sends blueberries to cover, and there are several people behind Jing Tian. The key is who will come out to cover?

Before the overbearing dawn hit, a fat figure stood in front of Zuijing Guantian. Needless to say, just by looking at the color of his black and white hair, you can know that it was Luojing Xiashi who stepped forward to cover.

That's right, you're overbearing, there is a sword tyrant on your side to cover, wouldn't Jing Tian be missing the great sword tyrant Luo Jing Xia Shi? This is the real tooth for tooth.

Although Dawn has the effect of a negative state, it does not have an absolute setting that cannot be interrupted, and there is no absolute hit setting. It is not as arrogant as the dark knight's dark sudden, but it is encountering absolute defense [parry] After the skill, the move was broken and completely invalidated.

On the screen, when the Thunder Trident hit the two swords of Luo Jing Xia Shi, there was a sound of a collision of weapons. After that, the Thunder Trident was bounced off. At the same time, a black ominous aura was exuded. The magic sword draws out several stabbing afterimages to approach the overbearing.

Since this phantom thorn is almost a seamless connection with Luojing Xiashi's parry skills, the overbearing has no chance and no time to react, so the afterimage has pierced into the overbearing body.

Of course, this phantom thorn is a masterpiece of the King of Sword Cavalry. Before the overbearing players around him came up to help him, the King of Sword Cavalry was a blow to the demon players around him to continue to be unable to move.

At this time, the players who are close to the domineering side have the heart to protect them. Other players are under attack of varying degrees. Some are overwhelmed. They have no consciousness to protect the main power. Moreover, everyone’s vision is limited. The vision is all aimed at domineering, right?

Sitting on the well and watching the sky at this time, the Fang Tianji in his hand slashed heavily on the domineering lower body. This is a broken tendon. If it hits the opponent’s lower limbs, it will have a 100% hold effect. However, Jing Tian seems to forget that dominance is In the same profession as his own, a domineering series of misfortunes directly set Jing Tian in place, and the king of swordsman was even affected into a state of interrupted action.

But at this time, the corner of Jing Tian's mouth raised a strange arc, because at this time, another person rushed out from behind sitting Jing Guantian. This person was fat and holding a red and blue sword. He did not wait for the domineering to escape two steps in the next second. The sword shadow of slashed heavily on the domineering back. The double swords in Luojing Xiashi's hands are like two extended brushes, drawing a beautiful line of sword spirit behind the overbearing brush. There are hundreds of lines in the shadows, just like taking the air as a scroll to draw a magnificent picture of mountains and rivers.

The shadow-drawing skill is a small-scale group attack skill, but the whole Demon players are naturally not spared. Naturally, this is attributed to the right position of Luojing Xia Shi, which caused the Demon players to suffer five sword injuries and blood line madness. fall. However, at this time, due to the completion of the shadow painting, Luojing Xiashi immediately entered the two-second closing action. During this period of time, he was naturally a fragile ant. As long as other Demon players attacked him, Luojing Xia Shi could only be beaten.

Of course, there is still a relay person behind Luojing Xia Shi, and the village woman has already posted it at this time. The weapon in her hand has now turned into a mace, and the mace has drawn a beautiful and murderous arc in front of everyone. Line, the demon player is still unable to move after being beaten, can only watch the missed opportunity, and cannot smash the Pandaren's corpse.

The members of the Riding Cloud Guild are truly amazing!

Sitting on the well and watching the sky, his hands were not idle at this time. Although he was hit by the hold effect, the hold was just unable to move, and other operations could still be performed normally. Therefore, he has replaced the weapon with a crossbow at the first time. Needless to say, all the crossbow arrows of the crossbow are hit on the overbearing body. Now catching the thieves first is the first priority, and the overbearing is the first priority. To escape, you can only endure the attack without repetition.


The village woman used the bluff and throw to switch weapons, and the damage from the bluff and throw was naturally given to the overbearing. At this time, a silver gentian gun blew another gust of wind in her hand, and the gun wind naturally hit the surrounding players. No, but at this moment, the scum-pie Blueberry, who had been knocked out before, did not know when he had escaped the group attack of the village women, got into the battle circle with a fancy neutral, and clung to the overbearing side.

However, when the scum-pie Blueberry wanted to make a whirlwind slash, she suddenly found that a magic sword exuding black life had penetrated her heart heavily. The wound did not bloom with mosaic blood, but was Two ice blossoms bloomed on her chest and back! In the next instant, her body became heavier, and her movements became extremely slow, and she saw a blond human player appearing in front of her very strangely, as if she had already calculated her actions.

In fact, where does the king of swordsman pay attention to the scum-pie She just sprints towards the primary goal of domineering when she can act, and prepares to send the skill of Demon Sword Ice Heart into dominance On his chest, a cool ice flower bloomed on his domineering chest. Unexpectedly, the squad blueberry burst into her field of vision last moment, and the skill instruction in her mouth could not be recovered, she pushed the boat along the way to change the target to the squad blueberry, and sent the magic sword in her hand into the atrium of the squad blueberry.

You must know that women's minds are very small, especially when dealing with women. It’s also Yu Yan’s character that if you have a grudge, she has always been uncomfortable with her secret hatred just now. The chance of revenge that she gave to her door for free, she couldn’t let it go. This sword hit instantly. She felt relieved as though she had robbed the other party's husband, which made her excited.

Jing Tian was already preparing to cast the skill to intercept the scum pie blueberry, but when he saw the sword of the king of swordsman, he gave up continuing his general attack and domineering. Fortunately, there is [Sister who doesn’t eat mice] madly controlling the field and pulling hatred. Otherwise, Jing Tian would have to use Liancai to get out. After all, he is the guild leader. Without cover, he would definitely be beaten into flesh by the players behind him.

By the way, what about not eating mice?

Jing Tian suddenly thought of Yang Miaomiao, after all, he was also a member of the beheading team, why didn't he see him. Sky Dungeon

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