Sky Dungeon

Chapter 402: Isn't this cursing oneself to die every day?

However, how Nan Lingxi came up with the strategy of using the jade bowl to buy people's hearts, whether she did it deliberately, or pushed the boat along the way, only she herself knew.

But after a few people took out all the jade bowls on the upper layer and exposed the jade bowls in the bottom package, Jing Tian's pupils shrank several times, as if he had seen something that shouldn’t be seen as an adult, he said lightly in embarrassment. : "This is also ordinary jade?"

Others may not be able to see it, but Jing Tian just glanced at it and recognized them. These are Hetian jade bowls. Compared with the ordinary jade on the upper layer, these Hetian jade bowls are similar in appearance to other jade bowls, but carefully Observation shows the amazing difference in color quality.

"The upper level is an apologize, and the lower level is a betrothal gift, specially for Brother Jing you." Nan Lingxi whispered playfully.

Killing, you know, the peony is castrated, and you can only suffer as a ghost. You want two beautiful women to castrate me, right?

Fortunately, during this period of time, the other three were chatting to select jade bowls, and for fear of being stolen by the bodyguard or Nan Lingxi changing his mind, they went to the middle of the kitchen on their own, so they didn’t pay attention to Nan Lingxi and Jing. What kind of private life is God saying.

That’s right, it’s the end, and it’s taken to the kitchen one by one. It seems that if the two are stacked together, they will break if they are not held firmly, so Yun Yiyi is the only one who chooses by himself, and is not eager to choose himself. When the bowl was received in the kitchen, Zhao Jiaxue and Fatty's performance was really a bit greedy and a little overwhelming.

Jing Tian glanced at the situation on the jade bowl, and faintly replied: "Your offer is too insulting to me, is it worth the price? I think it's almost enough to send a red envelope to an old classmate accept."

"Red envelopes are the red envelopes. People who took my red envelopes have also become profiteers." Nan Lingxi smiled lightly, as if Jing Tian had already been attacked by her.

Of course, it’s that simple to understand where Jing Tian is. Just listen to Jing Tian said indifferently: "Really, then I can wait for you in the game. When your level catches up with us, I don’t mind giving up the position of chairman. You, we will all belong to you then."

Waiting for Nanlingxi, a novice in the game industry, to catch up with you? I'm afraid that you have to wait until you reach the full level, right? Jing Tian suddenly wrote a blank check, which perfectly diverted the subject.

"Okay, it's a deal!" Nan Lingxi didn't know where the confidence came from, she might have equated the game with the game of Go in her heart. This woman in Nanlingxi gave people the feeling of not eating the fireworks in the world. Not to mention the princess' illness, she still played some Go, and she had an ancient sense of crossing, which was incompatible with the reality of the common people.

After a while, everyone was on the game. Within two minutes of playing the game, Jing Tian’s mobile phone rang, and at the same time, the caller information appeared on the VR screen. You must know that the mobile phone and the VR device seem to be using Bluetooth for data communication. , Which we mentioned before, so that players can connect to the phone without taking off the VR device. At first glance, the call came from Nan Lingxi, who had just been apart for a few minutes. Jing Tian answered the phone in surprise, still wondering if Nan Lingxi had forgotten something here.

As soon as the call was connected, Nan Lingxi's grotesque voice came from the other end of the signal: "Brother Jing, do you especially want to be with this profiteer?"

" do you say this?" Jing Tian asked, somewhat unconscious.

"Then your game nickname is the idiom Zuijingguantian, is there a typo?"

"Yes, it's the idiom sitting on the well to watch the sky, the four words are exactly the same."

"Then why did you let this profiteer add your friend, but you didn't respond at all? Didn't you deliberately hide from the profiteer?" Nan Lingxi asked.

"Uh... I'm sorry, I blocked the friend application message, what is your nickname, I will apply through your friend." Jing Tian patted his forehead in his heart, and asked Nan Lingxi to add his friend. It's really a big crime to forget this completely when I enter the game. After Jing Tian finished speaking, he had already maximized his friend's application record information list.

"My nickname is my name." After speaking, Nan Lingxi immediately hung up, as if she was afraid that Jing Tian would laugh at herself.

your name? South Lingxi? Jing Tian was dumbfounded for a few seconds when he heard the voice of the other party hanging up from the VR headset. However, in just a few seconds, Jing Tian came to understand: Nanlingxi is not the game that the characters established today entered. Maybe when the server was opened, the characters were created to come in and stroll around at random. The first time I played the game, I was holding the scenery. The concept of the party, then what will ID nickname become?

Naturally, I write my name in the nickname column. This is a common phenomenon in blind games for novices. Many novices like to create the first character with their own name, just like establishing a monarch with their own name in a stand-alone game to dominate the world. , I want to leave my mark in the game. Not only games, many social apps guide users to use their real names when registering, so that they can get to know more real friends. Many people like to use their real names as nicknames for work or convenience reasons. Although it is not clear which person Nan Lingxi is from, she just used her real name in such a vague However, when these novice players who used their real names entered the game, they found that most people would not use it. Once they have their real names, they will suddenly understand how naive it is to use their own names as game ID nicknames, and they might be recognized by others, especially if their own operations and awareness are relatively poor. Real name, invisibly gave himself a shameful illusion. And the game itself is also a product derived from reality and higher than reality. If you bring your name into the game, you will feel less of being in the game world, but this feeling is often accompanied by the death of the character again and again. Become bleak. After all, every time, the system will prompt "xxx is dead." Isn't this cursing oneself to die every day? What kind of medicine did I take wrong in the first place?

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that some people like to use their own names to be popular, and even have the idea of ​​wanting to be famous in the game. We cannot say that there is anything wrong with this very few people, but Nanlingxi is definitely not of this kind. people.

Jing Tian returned to his mind and took a look at the friend application list. As expected, there was Nan Lingxi's name. After Jing Tian passed the friend application, he saw a voice message sent by Nan Lingxi. Jing Tian opened it and looked at it. The message has been translated into text: "The game you designed is so mysterious. The profiteer hasn't found his way yet. I don't know when he can take up his job?" Sky Dungeon

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