Sky Dungeon

Chapter 60: 1 Sealed Heroic Summon

In the next second, the ancient book turned on its own. In the surprised eyes of the two, the history book seemed to be possessed by a photocopier. The pages in the book flee desperately and flew out, suddenly all over the sky. White paper.

In the next moment an even more amazing thing happened. The paper in mid-air was automatically folded in half at the same time, and gradually folded itself into a paper crane. The paper with wings became more active, as if a group of white cranes were flying in the air. Dance.

   In the end, these papers seemed to be attracted by something powerful and quickly condensed into a vague human form. At the same time, the golden light masterpiece, finally, a real figure suspended in the air!

   Jingtian sighed secretly in his heart: Is it the book's spirit? Everything has a soul, of course it can only be seen in the game.

   The next moment, the person floating in the air has already fallen, and his face has gradually become clear. This is a simple, pure-looking man, with a sense of righteousness exuding between his brows. Before the two of them could react, he already said, "Young man, why are you awakening my soul?"

  Jingtian’s forehead is a pain. I never thought that this history book turned out to be a sealed heroic summoning technique. Under normal circumstances, only the profession of heroic summoner is good? [Raelfa] Is that guy still a paladin, and even summoned a legendary hero [_莲_] to give us a history lesson? More importantly, is the way the book appears based on the name of the heroic spirit, because it is because the lotus flower is not stained by the mud?

   Jingle! The system prompts, please choose one of the following answers: 1. To understand the history of knights. 2. To become stronger. 3. I didn't know you were in this history book.

As expected, Yu Yan chose the third answer, only to hear the heroic spirit [Lian] laughed loudly: "It seems that you and I have a lot of fate, since you got this book, then I will tell you the origin of the knight. "

   Jingtian naturally wanted to skip this link directly. After all, this kind of story setting was made by him, presumably the people of Tenyi Company would not be boring to tamper with.

Sure enough, the heroic spirit [Lian] said with a heavy tone: "Actually, there is no real evil and justice in Aiyinsi Continent. In the eyes of any race, one's own existence is justice, and anything that threatens one's own existence is evil. After a period of ignorance and chaos, some real powerhouses appeared in each race one after another. They represented the justice of the race and led the tribe to punish the evil of other races. Then these leaders were called knights. Some are even respected as kings. They are often not afraid of life and death, fail to achieve their goals, and never give up lightly. Even if they sacrifice themselves, they must increase their chances of victory..."

   Heroic Spirit [Lian] mainly explains the origin and changes of knights. The content behind Jingtian means that the left ear goes in and the right ear goes out.

   "However, boy, I have another version of the history of knights here. I wonder if you are interested in listening?" Suddenly, the heroic spirit [Lian] showed a mysterious and ancient smile on his face.

   This is a bit unexpected, another version of the history of knights? Jing Tian never remembered that he had written such a long space for the background history of a profession, after all, most gamers don't care about this. Needless to say, Yu Yan chose yes.

"Haha, this is a secret that has been in the dust for a long time, you want to hear it, I don't want to tell it, unless you defeat the phantom of the old man!" After the words, an iron gate in the ancient Roman arena slowly rises, from it A person who was exactly the same as the heroic spirit [Lian] came out. No wonder the dungeon is an arena, and a battle has already been arranged. The key is, it is obviously a phantom, why do you want to go through the iron gate? Shouldn't it be time to show off the skills of programmers?

   Needless to say, the two rushed up together. The phantom of this hero was level 30, and it was a leapfrog task again! Jing Tian was overjoyed, so soon he can verify whether there are extra rewards for leapfrog tasks.

Looking at the phantom of this heroic spirit [Lotus], he holds a light buckler in his left hand and a one-handed axe in his right. According to common sense, it should not be a Glory Paladin, more like a warrior class, but after all, the opposite is an NPC. Looking at it, the biggest difficulty of PVE is that the skills of NPCs are often inconsistent with the player's settings, so don't be careless. Sure enough, Jing Tian tentatively used a crossbow to make two bursts, and the phantom of the heroic spirit unexpectedly used the shield technique of the Glory Knight. Two crossbow arrows were forcibly attached to the shield, and then they fell weakly to the ground. This is the professional skill of the Honor Knight: Victory Shield!

   Victory Shield: Open a powerful defensive enchantment within 3 seconds, any frontal attack will be absorbed and resolved, and it will not be able to cause damage or affect the character.

   "After you walk around, I will pretend to attack." Jing Tian commanded faintly. He knew in his heart that the cooling time of this NPC's skill might be much faster than that of the player. If you only attack from the front, they might suffer a big loss.

   Sit Jing Guantian's attack did not stop, after Jing Tian issued a "hundred piercing" command, the crossbow issued a basic single attack skill: Hundred steps pierced Yang! But when the arrow blasted in front of the heroic phantom with the sound of breaking through the something that Jingtian hadn't expected happened, the heroic phantom used a skill of a swordsman. : Parry!

   really capricious enough, shameless enough, enough to hang up!

  Jingtian only felt at this moment: If he was alone, he would really be vomiting blood from the phantom in front of him, or maybe he would end up being played to death by a phantom. Fortunately, there are two people now, and they seem to be free and sure. I decided to make a woolen yarn! Isn't this the relative difficulty of the task planned by yourself? Some specific tasks will automatically adjust the difficulty according to the number of people participating in the task. If the difficulty factor remains the same and a large number of people on the task team crush it, then what's the point? The direct judgment must be defeated by experience.

  Parry and Shield of Victory are only effective for the front of the character, while the back of the Phantom is the biggest Achilles heel. In order to give Yu Yan more time to circumvent her back, Sitting Jing Guantian continued to shoot three consecutive shots. Not surprisingly, all these three arrows were also blocked by the Victory Shield skill!

   Heaven, earth, NPC has magic skills! The cooling time of this victory shield actually only took 6 seconds on the NPC? You know, this skill originally lasts for 3 seconds, and it can be released again after an interval of 3 seconds. If it is heads-up, without the rapid displacement skills, it means that half of the attacks will be blocked. Of course, what I'm talking about here is just the shield of victory, don't forget the parry skills of the Phantom Swordsman! Jing Tian even suspected that as long as it was a frontal attack, he would be completely resisted by this heroic phantom!

Just when the Heroic Phantom used the shield of victory for the second time, the King of Sword Cavalry finally rushed in from the side and circled behind him. Only when Yu Yan yelled gracefully, the magic sword was wrapped around her body. The black cyclone, the next instant, Jian Feng directly inserted the Phantom's vest diagonally.

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