Sky Dungeon

Chapter 623: Come for a private meeting in 0 li if you are destined, but never meet

   Until one day, my father told me about my father’s past and family background, or in other words, my own family background, and because of special reasons, I now take myself back to the family!

   At that moment, my world has undergone earth-shaking changes, as if my father suddenly told me that I was a terrifying princess!

   However, at that moment, what I thought of was not money or power, but realized: I have the ability to find the hero in my heart again!

   At that time, I made up my mind in my heart: I will find him.

   However, returning to the family's family is far from smooth as expected. My father was recalled this time and was confined at the beginning. It took several years to gradually gain a foothold in the family, and then gradually enjoy the convenience of the family...

After I had some privileges, I solemnly raised the idea of ​​finding my benefactor and pampering my father. Not to mention that I would accompany myself to the crossroads when I didn’t return to the family home. At that time, the wealth and power gradually became rich, and he immediately He agreed to my request and mobilized all the power that could be mobilized.

   However, the development of things still disappoints me. After all, there is no name and appearance of the little boy. Just relying on that unknown deed of righteousness and courage, I want to find him in the vast crowd like tearing the sky.

   Even afterwards, I started to gain some favor from the family, and gained many rights as an adult, but I could not do everything I could.

   Later, I gradually forgot about looking for a little hero. It can be said that I gave up helplessly. I said that I gave up. It is more reckless. It is the so-called destiny for a long-term private meeting, but no blind date.

   This time, entering the Sky Dungeon game was arranged by the family. Although I didn't have much interest, I understood the future of the game, so I decided to develop it in the game for a long time.

   And, with the help of the game, I discovered the Internet celebrity, a very promising career. As long as I become an Internet celebrity, maybe the hero can come to him!

   However, what I never expected was that he would unexpectedly meet him in the game at this moment. Sure enough, destiny had been woven invisibly, and I couldn't force it.

   No, it's not right, it must be the power of Internet celebrities!

   If you are not an Internet celebrity, I am afraid that the hero will not video with him at all!

   "Uh... are you stuck? Can you still hear me? Operators are still so unreliable!"

   Jing Tian didn't understand that the communication signal was normal, but after he said, why the female local tyrant didn't react at all, so she raised her voice.

   "Excuse me, I seemed to be disconnected just now, can you repeat what you just said?"

Only then did Feng Ji withdraw her thoughts from her memories and told Zuo Jing Guan Tian that she was distracted, which would naturally damage her image, so she casually fabricated a small lie, saying that it was a lie is not counted, after all, she was indeed disconnected, but It's the thought that is dropped, not the APP itself.

   dropped? Although Jing Tian has never used the Sky Dungeon APP, will the video be disconnected when the connection is dropped, and can he directly access the video as soon as the other party is online? Jing Tian asked indifferently with a skeptical attitude: "Then what did you hear, I'll say it again."

   "Sorry, it was dropped from the beginning, I didn't hear a word." Feng Ji said as much as possible to keep calm.

   Was it disconnected from the beginning?

   You are playing with me. How could it be possible that the connection was dropped in the first place, and the tyrant girl is giving her power again, trying to smooth her momentum?

   I don’t agree, I don’t agree, I didn’t have any hope at first, you can say clearly, there is no need to play with people like this, right?

   Do you think you are a fool?

   Jing Tian couldn't help but think about this, the corners of his mouth were a little twisted, and his expression unconsciously exuded an aura of disgust.

But this time, he was indeed wrong. However, without knowing it at all, he had to simplify what he said before. It was not salty or indifferent, and there was no interest in it: "Then I will say it again. In fact, it is our two guilds cooperating with you. Funding us to ride the clouds and fall snow, our guild can give you some help, especially in expelling the demon players, that is, our form of mercenaries, we can do our best to help your guild. The specific funding amount and method we can Negotiation, are you interested in this cooperation proposal?"

Jing Tian’s heart naturally resembles a bright mirror. Riding the clouds and falling snow is only a guild of elite routes. It requires no manpower, and even the most powerful individuals invaded by the demons must be buried in the human sea battle. Now the dungeon has a random teleportation array. The clan was looking for trouble with the Scenery Party, and the people in his own guild could not rush away.

   is only able to give the Scenery Party help within its capacity within the Aiyinsi Continent. This little help is minimal, and Jing Tian feels uncomfortable to talk about money.

   But things have developed to where they are now, and it’s all the fault of the beauty...

Not only did I lie in a circle, but in the end, although I saw the true face of the female tyrant, he became the other's benefactor inexplicably. Maybe the female tyrant sang the blood to repay the gratitude with her body. After the show, I really caught fire.

   is really: the rotten demon of the heavenly beauty, the beauty is crying!

  Don't say it is Tian has already thought of the legendary story that was talked about by the previous generation: The Legend of the White Snake. A white snake knows how to use body and mind to repay life-saving grace, let alone people?

   This kind of **** plot development is really trembling!

However, Feng Ji did not categorically refuse as Jing Tian imagined, but gave a deliberate answer: "I can fund your guild, but this is not my kindness to repay you. If you let me contribute, your guild You must agree to my terms."


   actually agreed?

   also keeps saying that it is not to repay the kindness, unless your forehead is squeezed by the door!

   Isn't right? She is conditional... What condition, is it the key to the condition?

  The female local tyrant is really shrewd, and she can think about the content of the sales contract so quickly, Jing Tian has to admire, so Jing Tian asked lightly: "What are the conditions?"

Before the female local tyrant could answer, Zhao Jiaxue was unhappy. This was obviously a fulfilment of her previous guess. This female local tyrant must have drawn out a treaty of bereavement and humiliation for Jing Tian, ​​leaving the frogs without bones. Sure enough, if you are nurtured, Happy Fire and Happy Ball are indispensable!

   So, Zhao Jiaxue has already begun to use her white tender and slender hand to make a gesture of cutting her throat on her neck, signaling Jing Tian to reject the other party's request.

   However, to everyone's surprise, Feng Ji turned up Liu Mei very casually and said, "Take me to level up."

   takes you to upgrade?

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