Sky Dungeon

Chapter 91: Legend L grade and God G grade

   But... what if Jing Tian agrees to this request? No, no, there is Yiyi, how can I abandon Yiyi, I am the most loyal, no, as the saying goes, bunny girls don’t live with men! If it is really Ziwu, let Jingtian, the dead house, take me and Yiyi to the playground for a day and night!

   Secretly made up his mind, Zhao Jiaxue operated this Zhao Yunxue's step by step towards the corpse of the Dark Monkey King, choose to pick it up, and the system prompt popped up immediately.

   Jingle! System reminder: Teammate Zhao Yunxueer picked up [Purple Golden Crown], please choose roll point or give up!

Let’s not talk about the rank. From the name alone, I know that it is a headdress. Naturally, it is not related to Ziwu. Zhao Jiaxue is the first to give up because she already has a blue head gear, this [Zijinguan ] It's just a green rank, so naturally she doesn't earn anymore.

   But in the next second Yun Yiyi also chose to give up. Just like Yun Yiyi thought, Jing Tian and Luo Xia also chose to give up. As a result, this purple gold crown fell into a rat-free package without a roll point.

   Yang Meow is unknown, so he asked: "Why don't you guys?"

  Of course everyone doesn’t want the green hat!

"Mouse, your kid is lucky, you know that the four of us are living together under one roof, and the group was disconnected just now. The disconnected system will judge the operation as giving up, okay?" Luo Xia's white lie came out casually. It is rare that he can say so considerately.

   Actually, it is Yang Miaomiao's face that is considerate. After these three copies, if you roll a little bit earlier, he might not get a piece of equipment, so everyone tacitly chose to give up.

   "What did you break the network, it flashed up. It's not right, this game is not a dedicated line network?" Yang Miaomiao even sniffed out a hint.

   " don't understand this. Dedicated lines are also divided into cities and regions, just like mobile phone signals. Can you guarantee that every corner of the country can be full?"

   "Also, it seems that my luck hindered your signal. Sorry, meow." Yang Miaomiao said in an extremely confident tone, not knowing where the confidence came from.

   Jing Tian really wanted to read his own voice aloud: "The Jiangshan generation has brain damage, and each receives hundreds of bottles of pills. The medicine must not be stopped!"

   After watching the final cutscenes, a copy was sent out, and the score of the copy was also revealed. Everyone had a strong hunch, yes, a big S stood proudly on the VR display screen!

I saw the world channel, system channel, and dungeon channel at the same time headline announcements: Players [Sit in the well to view the sky] [Luo Jing Xia Shi] [Yun Xue Yi Yi] [Zhao Yun Xueer] [Do not eat mice] Complete the 25-30 level copy of "Dry Water Curtain Hole" "S-rated first kill!

  World Channel suddenly exploded!

   "Is there anything wrong, the first kill is so fast, it's too exciting, buddy haven't touched the door of the instance yet." ID [Nuoyan] sighed.

"Hurry up! It's been two and a half hours for the first announcement, and it's just getting through the copy. It's normal." ID [Jian Zhuxi Window Rain] disdainfully, it seems that this person has been online, and even noted the time of the first announcement .

"I infer that they are not clearing the level for the first time. Pay attention to the first kill announcement just now. What is the score of S grade? If a low-level copy takes two and a half hours to clear the level, it is better to give up the tour." There are no shortage of people with sharp eyes, ID [Xiao Yu] raised doubts and boldly speculated.

   "What is the rating based on? Is the clearance time?" [Desert Feiying] speculated based on the experience of traditional online games.

   "S is the highest score, right? I think only the local tyrants can win the first kill so quickly, maybe it's all thanks!" The female player [little Lina] also gathered up the excitement.

   "Beauty, why don't you join our team and bring you a copy to make you cool?" [Moonlight Shura] turned the building crooked.

   "The same people who fell on the bed, why do you know each other before?" [Feng Shao] completely destroyed the building.


   They definitely don't know that Luo Xia also has SS, SSS, and legendary L-level and God G-level ratings on top of this S-level score.

  Of course, the legendary level needs zero damage from the mobs, and the time to clear the BOSS is extremely low. Only a team of players with top equipment and excellent cooperation skills can be played. The **** level is only the level that Luoxia believes exists in the theory, and requires that on the basis of the legend level, the mobs and BOSS cause zero damage to the team players! That is, the real zero-injury clearance.

   Jingtian actually does not agree with this idea. He believes that if the player team's occupational mix is ​​reasonable, the operation skills are proficient, the equipment and attributes are appropriate, and then they can learn special comprehension skills, they can reach the **** level. Of course, so many assumptions were naturally slandered by Luo Xia's belly, mocking Jing Tian as the emperor of theory, and it was impossible to realize it.

   More and more people are adding friends to the five people, so that the five people want to be low-key and can't be low-key. However, fortunately, all five of them adjusted the settings to silent friend requests, and watched the friend channel one after another to apply for friend tips, a sense of pride was added to their hearts.

   Yeah, that’s how it feels to be watched and loved by thousands of people! Several people thought so in their hearts, and they also had an illusion in their hearts: this game may belong to them again from this moment!

   Dialogue with the NPC, there is indeed an S-level first kill reward, and the reward turned out to be a 25-level orange weapon! You can choose by yourself. The five people are overjoyed. It seems that Tengyi Company has adopted the original Luoxia's rating setting for the copy, and the first kill reward of S-level or above, which means that it has won the S-level or above. For the first kill, there may be several pieces of equipment available!

   "Old Xia, do you think we can win the SSS at level 30?" Jing Tian's words aroused everyone's interest. He didn't ask SS, but directly asked SSS. It can be seen that in Jing Tian's heart, it seems that the first kill of SS is already in his pocket.

   Luoxia deliberately pretended to be solemn and serious and said: "Then see if our beautiful lady Zhao can issue you a Ziwu in the next few days!"

   Feelings. He is still waiting to see Zhao Jiaxue's good show to call Jingtian!

   "Uh...seriously." Jing Tian didn't have a good airway.

"You are too shameless. You just took an S-level first kill, and you don’t ask the SS-level, you just started the idea of ​​SSS. Why don’t you want FACE? Can you give those professional players a chance to make headlines? It's a bandit who occupies the mountain as the king." Luo Xia sneered at her nose, then her tone changed and continued: "However, I admire you for being so shameless. You are not shameless and I am not used to it. It really depends on the beauty of Zhao. If there are more orange outfits or even Ziwu in these two days, it will be no problem to win SS. SSS will probably be useless."

   "There are new skills at level 30, have you considered it?" Jing Tian reminded.

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