Sky Dungeon

Chapter 96: Jiangshan generation has BOSS

Fortunately, Luojing Xia Shi did not use a spare weapon in the previous match. At this time, he drew out a double crossbow, and shot it at Bell a few meters away. Although the bloodline fell sharply when he beat Bell, it was a pity that this hurt. He couldn't kill him at all, and watched his skills empty, and Zappibel's figure shook, it was a crazy song!

   Crazy Song: It is the basic skill of Crazy Song.

Zappi Bell lifted the mad song halberd and sent it into Luojing Xia Shi's chest. This was not over, and then the mad song halberd drew an exaggerated arc on Luojing Xia Shi, and two exaggerated mosaic data wounds appeared instantly. , The panda seems to be torn apart. Fortunately, the game does not have the effect of splashing flesh and blood, but a pink mosaic falls, like a falling cherry blossom.

Seeing that the blood line of Luojing Xia Shi dropped to 15% of the total qi and blood, Zhao Jiaxue was a little anxious. Pulling out the magic sword behind it was a magic shadow cut, which turned into three phantom shadows, and Bell also struck. I don't know which one is the real offensive. I just dodged it, but I was still hit by the move. The next second was interrupted by the action, and the bloodline dropped.

   Zha Pibel had not had time to launch an offensive again, Luo Jing Xia Shi had already exchanged double swords, and rushed towards the back of Zhao Yunxue'er, Zhao Jiaxue was shocked: someone behind!

   Of course there are people. The Berserker Scumpie Apple who was trapped by her just now has already been killed, and a charge came towards Zhao Yunxue'er behind.

   Tier 1 Charge: Swing the weapon to clear the way, rush towards the target, cause action interruption and double damage to the enemy target along the way, and cause triple damage to the final target. The charge cannot hit the key and the critical strike effect. Compared with the dark knight's shadow, the berserker's charge pays more attention to destructive power.

   Luoxia felt thankful in her heart: Fortunately, we caught up! I saw that the double swords in the hands of the Pandaren firmly blocked the charge of the Slag Pie Apple. This is exactly the skill he has not had time to use: parry!

   "Cross cut!"

   blocked this blow, Luo Xia did not hesitate about the little remaining HP, and the two swords in Luo Jing Xia Shi's hand crossed and slashed heavily on the helmet of the **** Pie Apple. The scum pie apple of the Demon King clan is no less inferior to the pandaman's Xia Shi in terms of height, although this blow inspired the pandaman's hidden setting.

   Hidden settings: A simple blow: After successfully parrying or dissolving an enemy offensive, the damage of the next attack is greatly increased, and the critical strike rate is greatly increased.

   Cross Slash directly caused three times the damage to the Demon King, but the blood line of the Demon King only dropped by a small gap that is not exaggerated.

   Luoxia then came to understand: This guy turned out to be a meat shield for everyone! A berserker can add points to the whole game. Although Luo Xia can understand this genre based on his own development trend of the game, this novice player who knows nothing about the latter part of the game will choose this additional genre, which is unexpected. And, after all, few players will step into the unpopular genre as soon as they come up, and most of the berserkers should add attribute points to strength.

   Before Luoxia had time to think about how to deal with it, a white light flashed on the Berserker, and it turned out that the pastor scum noodles caught up with him. A blood treatment technique directly pulled the Berserker's blood line back to 100%! This made Luo Xia feel more powerless: You girl, if you don't bother to sit on the well and watch the sky, and avenge your dead ghosts and Buddhas, but you run over to ask me for trouble. How much is it against yourself?

   If you can't focus on the priest, use their current attack power to kill the rogues and berserkers who have the priest's blood, the output is obviously not enough.

Even Jing Tian didn't expect such a result. At first, he wanted to break into and kill the enemy priest with Luo Xia, but he didn't expect that there was a ghost and Buddha in the opposing team. He had no choice but to change the first goal. The scum family didn’t go to besiege their team’s shaman. They actually stopped the output point of Luojing Xiashi, and lost the output of Luojing Xiashi. Because of killing the ghost Buddha, he lost the skill, and now he uses the opponent’s priest. There is no way, but to retreat first and wait for the skill cooling to end, but the enemy also bites Luojing Xia Shi. If this goes on, the fat man can't keep it, and can only lose his car to keep his handsome?

   At this moment, I just listened to a deep neigh from the swamp around me, and then a cloud of desperate black smoke rose, and it turned out that the wild BOSS ancient giant crocodile king appeared!

   Why did a wild BOSS pop out suddenly? The five members of the Scum family were dumbfounded.

Jing Tian took a look and understood that the **** faction family had just killed the ancient bone crocodiles here enough for the number of BOSS to appear, but the appearance of BOSS still needs 3 minutes to delay the appearance. This is the preparation time for the player to challenge the BOSS. , It happened that they came down from the mountain 3 minutes ago. Now that the preparation time is over, the BOSS naturally came out of the swamp!

Originally thought that they deliberately let the BOSS be refreshed in a far place, it seems that they are too overestimating the scum family, they did not know that the BOSS would be refreshed in the coordinate circle where the mobs died the Jiangshan There are bosses on the generation, and hundreds of abusers have been abused! "Jing Tian chanted poems in his heart, because he knew: After the wild BOSS came out, someone must be out of luck. At this moment, the corner of Jing Tian's mouth under the VR suit in reality has already raised a strange arc. This smile is really horrible.

The closest to the BOSS is Pastor Shennong’s scum-pie noodles. Before she could understand what was happening, the ancient giant crocodile king bit her in one bite. The BOSS’s biting skill can be interrupted, but now the scum-pie Where did the three members of the family have seen the scene where the BOSS swallowed people into their mouths and chewed continuously? This is a real cannibalism! After all, according to the experience of traditional online games, BOSS’s ability to cast naturally has a beginning and a tail. They never thought that the BOSS attack would be continuous and unending, and they never thought that such a vigorous skill could be interrupted. They were all stupid. Watching the BOSS gnaw [Slag Pie Noodles] as bones through a series of chewing, the blood line was quickly consumed.

  【Slag Pie Noodle】Dead in action!

"Run to the waterfall mountain!" Jing Tian didn't stop to watch the scene of the adjudicator. Although he was willing to be a bystander to record the whole process of this delightful heart, he had to go for the first time. After all, it might not be the next one. The unfortunate one is one of his team.

The    scum pie family naturally noticed Jing Tian's five escaping movements, but they didn't have time to pay attention to it, because their priest was bitten to death under their noses. And the BOSS won't feel any satisfaction because of killing a little priest. It rushed to the scum pie tomato that had just returned not far away. This time it was not a bite, but a tail whip!


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