Skynet Architect

Chapter 169 Harman's forwarding

"I didn't expect such a beautiful scenery. As a prince, I was shocked!" Ahmed sent such a message on his K account that night.

There are only nine pictures and an accompanying audio, all of which were temporarily recorded by Prince Ahmed! The ethereal, heavenly hymn-like voice lacked a bit of charm after it was recorded into audio.

However, there is still no instrument that can match it!

This heavenly voice has just been uploaded, and there is no disturbance. He is a prince of a small country in Ajman, and no one pays attention to him even if he is a handsome guy.

However, he has a group of quality friends, and among them there is a handsome guy who is followed by rotten girls all over the world, and this person is Harman.

Since they became friends with each other a few months ago, the two local tyrants who are also princes are almost like-minded, have endless common topics, and have become close friends in a short period of time.

What's more, they still have common project cooperation! Common pursuit!

A completely Chinese-style mansion! This is not only pursued by Ahmed, but also pursued by Haman!


At around 2:30 in the afternoon, Harman was yawning in his palace, with his little daughter watching a movie on a tablet beside him.

And he flipped through the website casually in boredom.

I don't know whether it is the blessing of the soul or the real existence of Allah, which made him click on a person's homepage by accident! This man is Ahmed.

This is a new friend he met recently, and he has become an inseparable friend. The highway between Ajman and Dubai has become a highway that integrates the friendship between the two of them, not to mention that each of them has a manor waiting to be built.

His is also slightly later than that of Ahmed.

It made him almost itch.

Every day I want to see what Ahmed's manor looks like. In this way, Ahmed's K homepage is naturally followed frequently.

The whole time it was this guy who kept whining and saying that magic name.

Si Fan.

Then the complaints made Haman find it funny.

He wanted to see a joke today! The cooperation between Si Fan and the others has just begun.

The Solar Highway has been officially operational for several months. The efficiency of the energy conversion rate in the private data makes him feel horrible! But it's good horror!

Because the shock is too strong and terrifying.

The data shows that as long as he replaces the roads within a certain range, Dubai will not need to waste power plants in the future! As long as there are roads, there are countless energy sources that can be used.

Killing two birds with one stone, what made him even more crazy was the waste treatment plant, which seemed to have magical powers. Some of Dubai's waste had already started to operate here and decomposed countless materials.

These data are well documented in Dubai.

Don't think they're all idiots, they do data analysis too, and it's shipping at their port in Dubai! Not to mention only part of it.

According to his calculations, one-third of the garbage has been turned into usable resources.

What a huge amount of data.

But today, with some curiosity, he casually opened Ahmed's personal homepage.

As soon as he opened it, he exclaimed in surprise!

"My God! Where is this place?" Haman's exclaimed voice made the cute little princess beside him frown, watching his father finally sigh, and turned to continue watching the movie.

The reason why I am not in the theater at home...lazy...

And Prince Haman couldn't help himself when he looked at the picture in front of him. What a charm it was. He had also been to Suzhou gardens and seen the spring scenery on the lake. He still remembered the beautiful scenery. There was another spring in the turn.

He has experienced this scenery before, and it is with a little admiration for those Chinese designers. Coupled with the similar aesthetics formed by the two countries having trade since ancient times, he chose Si Fan to build his new resort.

But it was different now, the lake and mountains he saw were not too magnificent.

But he couldn't help but look at the beautiful scenery carefully! Red koi swim in the water and play with each other. The vermilion lacquer railings depict the scenery of lakes and mountains, and there is no shortage of pavilions, terraces and pavilions, just built in the pool.

This pool is not big! Every step is a view! It wasn't these things that surprised him the most. If it was any other place, it wouldn't be surprising to have these beautiful mountains and rivers, but this place was enough to surprise him.

There are freshwater pools in Dubai with not much sea water. The scenery of lakes and mountains is incompatible with this place. However, where is this beautiful scene now? That impoverished Ajman.

The place that looks like a small village already has such a beautiful scenery, and even more surprisingly beautiful mountain scenery.

This had to surprise him. Just looking at it made him intoxicated.

"There is such a beautiful scene in the desert. It is a gift from Allah." Nine pictures, showing off more than appreciating, Ahmed is just for showing off. I also said a lot of bragging and unnutritious words later.

But the audio below made him want to click on it.

As if by accident, he clicked the audio lightly.

After a buffer of 0.5 seconds, the sound of spring water suddenly came.

This is the sound of the fountain, but this is not the most important thing. When the sound of the spring water gradually got used to it, suddenly the light and quiet sound like the singing of heaven reached his ears.

Music never heard before.

Because today's musical instruments have a fixed sound, so the appreciation is the same. However, the voice he heard broke his common sense! There is a very sacred feeling that makes him want to rush over to worship this great voice! See how powerful it is to create such a beautiful sound.

The sound of gold knocking on jade spreads to the bottom of my heart, and the spring rain drips in the depths of my heart. I only feel that my mind is ethereal, and inspiration is like a spring. The development strategy of Dubai, which troubled him just now, now feels so easy, and it can be solved easily! Such a dream-like inspiration made him almost unbelievable!

"Notify the think tank! I want to hold a meeting! Today we will set the development strategy for the next five years, no! Ten years!" Harman yelled like crazy! The inspiration rushing to the depths of his mind let out all the depression in his heart for a long time!

The little princess next to her looked at her father with cute eyes, staring at his tablet computer, and when the call ended, she flew into her father's arms like flying, and her happy mouth mumbled: "Dad! I If you want to listen to the song just now, why don't you sing it for me, and invite the band to be our royal band?"

I saw Harman gently patted his daughter!

"Don't talk nonsense! This is a gift from Allah! It is not a melody that humans can compose."

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