Skynet Architect

Chapter 4 Tongque Terrace Project

With the foundation of Tongque Terrace, Si Fan's heart became active.

Because he has a complete set of drawings of Tongque Terrace, which he found in the old house in his hometown. The complete set of drawings handed down by the ancestors of the Si Fan family made Si Fan very excited, and never again Don't think too much about it

After all, it is still very difficult to rebuild Tongque Terrace, and it is definitely not something that can be done overnight, and the branch line of his epic mission will not be obtained until Ancheng truly becomes a sanctuary for the elderly.

What Si Fan wants now is nothing else but this Tongque Terrace, because the foundation of this Tongque Terrace is too domineering.

The foundation of Tongque Terrace: The ancient Cao Wei once built a luxurious miraculous building, but it was damaged due to the war, but its foundation is still passed on, and a tile is worth millions. Its foundation has huge power, which can make the Tongque Terrace after construction have extraordinary influence to reproduce the ancient luxury, wine pool and meat forest.

Tip: Use the foundation of Tongque Terrace to build buildings, the higher the fit, the better the effect.

Undoubtedly, this is called the base of Tongque Terrace. Of course, it is the best place to build Tongque Terrace. Besides, this is a place where luxury and luxury are rampant, and this place is most suitable for entertainment. It is the legendary capital city and its supporting facilities.

For example, hotels and various entertainment venues, this is really suitable here.

Therefore, Si Fan scanned all the drawings of the entire Tongque Terrace into the computer, and finally performed a second processing, changing the materials in it, so that the current drawings of the Tongque Terrace came into being.

It is not feasible to be exactly the same as ancient times. The main materials of buildings thousands of years ago are different from those of today, and this Tongque Terrace is different from other buildings. The main symbol of this Tongque Terrace is not its architecture.

But this station.

The so-called Tongque Terrace is a huge man-made hill like a city wall, and the pavilions on the mountain are the places of enjoyment in Tongque Terrace. And the construction of this platform is also very difficult, just like building a few hills from the desert. It seems that there is no problem, but in fact it is still very difficult.

The most basic construction of Si Fan is these four huge platforms.

That's right, although there are not four Tongque Terraces on the design drawings, there were so many during the design, but funding and some other factors led to the construction of only two in the end, and the two Tongque Terraces were at the time I tried various ways to connect.

But now, modern technology can be completed long ago, and in the ancient city of Loulan, what Si Fan wants is a pure classical style, and the high Tongque Terrace is incompatible with the Han cultural style of the Three Kingdoms at that time. Two different styles are intertwined Together, it must have been a spectacle.

Si Fan looked at the design drawing, and then compared it with the surrounding situation. At this time, the hotel they built was using a very vulgar name.

It is called the room, and his responsibility is to connect the four Tongque Towers, so it is also the first building he built.

Looking at the construction site, Si Fan even wanted to quickly see the real Tongque Terrace.

However, there are still many real expectations. For example, one of Si Fan's most hopeful things is to quickly complete the infrastructure construction. In the future, the entertainment will be in the sky, and the commercial street will be below.

This is Si Fan's plan. The top is rich and rich, but the bottom is the pure Loulan city. Coming to Loulan is not necessarily for gambling, but pure tourism. You can easily go shopping here. Si Fan asked the country for them. There are considerable discounts, discounts for shopping here, discounts for living here, and the lowest tax rate for doing business here, and there are a series of subsidies and policies here.

This is to revitalize a city in the desert and become a seed buried in the desert.

That's the whole plan. If successful, it must be a typical example.

It's just that they don't know that there is only one soul of Si Fan's ancient country of Loulan, and he is the kind of stubborn person who can only be here if he can't be shaken.

The whole plan still takes a long time, and after the construction of the city, there will still be other cooperative companies to move in. What Si Fan needs to build now is the foundation. After the foundation is completed and profits are generated, of course there is a smell of blood Shark-like businessmen fill it up. What Si Fan guaranteed was the first batch of construction.

The night was already deep, and the wind and sand outside swept across the world, turning the desert into a dead land, without the barrier of mountains, without the entanglement of plants, the yellow sand deprived all the lives of all living things in the desert like the god of death, and being able to live in the desert Survival must be the most tenacious creatures and plants.

Humans are not tenacious enough, but they have the most advanced equipment. When night falls, everyone hides in their tents, and only those workers are still working. This working attitude regardless of day and night is what these other ordinary people do. I know, because the first step of the entire work plan must be completed as soon as possible. This is the goal they have set in the first place, and they will work hard for this goal.

The terminators are working against the wind and sand, relying on the faint lights in the desert. Various materials are unloaded from the car and assembled quickly. After the driver unloads the goods, he will change the car and return directly to the city without a load. The warehouse continues to pull goods.

Each car is equipped with two drivers, and the back and forth is guaranteed to be non-stop. After arriving here, unload the things, carry out the most basic supplies, and then mix in the canteen built by the tent to get a bite of food. After unloading, I ran straight to the city and left.

Wang Ermao is one of the drivers. He is not yet thirty years old, but he already has the ability to drive a tractor with an A2 driver's license. The goods were loaded on the truck and pulled into this desert where birds don't shit.

"Brother Zhao, if it weren't for the high salary this time, the other party also provided vehicles, and I wouldn't come to this place if I was killed without charging any fees. It's too desolate, and it's still in the desert. Kill me." He munched on the chicken curry served in the huge tent and ate freshly made rice.

Chicken curry is a ready-to-eat finished product that can be eaten directly after heating, all of which are packaged in large cans, and the rice is freshly made, using the purified water brought.

But Wang Ermao's mind is not on this.

Brother Zhao is a man in his forties who has been driving all year round. When he heard Wang Ermao's words, he gave him a shudder on the spot.

"Boy, 40,000 a month is still two people driving, what else do you want? This price is enough to work hard, you brat, don't be dissatisfied, save the money for two years to buy a car together. Wait. After this project is completed, we can do it alone." Old Zhao had a happy expression on his face.

After hearing this, Wang Ermao stopped talking nonsense.

He knows very well that this is a big project, and it can last at least a year or so. He doesn't know how long it will be, but it is still a small half a million. What's more, they are now two people on shifts, and they drive normally by themselves. A few hours of sleep a day is good. It's all fatigue driving and overloading. It's not like overloading is absolutely not allowed now.

This is luck, opportunity, they are lucky to be here, I don't know how many people envy them.

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