Skynet Architect

Chapter 18 The Warning from the Magic City

The battlefield in South Vietnam was settled within five minutes. This was a real battle with real swords and guns, and people's lives were often killed. There may be calculations behind it, but it was always a real side-to-side fight, and the final result Either lose or win.

Winners and losers, life and death are all in the middle of a war.

And more than 2,500 kilometers away, in the magic city full of lights, feasting and neon lights, white-collar workers are still running around to make a living, local tyrants enjoy an unparalleled luxury life, and women may dedicate their youth for material things. Maybe the sacrifice of love, in exchange, is actually just a game for others.

In the game of life, many people are just other people's pawns, maybe playthings.

It is always the lowest level soldiers who fight to the death, and the upper level is always a game of compromise. Today you and I are enemies of life and death, but tomorrow we may just laugh at each other and join forces to do big business.

The servants who buried their bones in a foreign country may get better conditions in exchange. Their loyalty has never been valued by others. In order to show their appreciation for the loyalty of their subordinates, maybe they will give some thin income and treat their families well.

This is just an invitation to buy more hearts.

However, in Si Fan's place, he is sincere in protecting his subordinates. One of his subordinates always retaliates with violent storms in case of accidents. Skynet Security Company's protection is even stronger, so they have their current reputation. , so the probability of battle damage is so low.

It was all brought out by Si Fanhu. After the prisoners were captured on the battlefield, they had to be sent out honestly, but they were just disarmed. All of this was summed up because of several battles.

In several battles, Skynet lost no more than ten people, but for revenge, Skynet security company paid hundreds of people, and the result was the destruction of several legions. Si Fan found out and killed them one by one.

That's how they got their reputation. Only now is it easy and freehand. Skynet Corporation has barbed porcupines. If you don’t provoke me, I will stab you all over your body. Black forces all over the world are afraid.

This is also the reason why their business is getting better and better now.

Now, the most unbearable thing happened to Si Fan. One of his information investigation teams was ambushed and almost wiped out the whole army. Will!

That guy, Si Fan, has heard of it. He is famous for not being afraid of death and protecting the calf. He has always been at the front of the charge.

The company even recommended him to go to the Siberia training camp for a three-year special training, and after returning, he would lead a regiment alone.

Now... people are dead, everything is over, but Si Fan's anger has not calmed down yet.

After killing those gunmen, Si Fan didn't feel that his anger was calmed down at all, but it became even stronger.

"I didn't expect that this old guy actually did it. Old guy surnamed Wang, you are looking for death now! Maybe you are used to being domineering in Shanghai, and you still want to step on my head!" I kicked it." Si Fan had a fierce expression on his face, his right fist was clenched tightly, and a trace of bright red could be seen.

That was the bloodstain from Si Fan's clenched fist.

"Xishan Club, the name is quite resounding, but I don't know if you, an old fellow, can bear this name. The surname Wang, I have never heard of a good person."

He also hates it! That's why he made such a statement. In fact, not all people surnamed Wang are bad people, but there is a guy named Jingwei who really makes Si Fan hate him very much.

That's why I said this, it seems that two people have become one person, and this so-called modern Du Sheng, the boss of the magic city, is really coercing one side, owning half of the city.

On the way, Si Fan was looking at these materials. Today, it can be said that Si Fan went to the meeting alone, and it can also be said that it is safe, because the Terminator T800 was specially summoned by Si Fan,

And equipped with all the weapons, he can rush in to protect himself at the fastest time, and Si Fan didn't bring any bodyguards around him, because he knew that it was useless to bring bodyguards, he couldn't carry weapons, and a hundred bodyguards didn't have a T800 So brutal, and with bodyguards.

In his opinion, it seemed that the momentum was much worse.

The car slowly drove to the suburbs of Shanghai. In this area, there is a small hill on the great plain of Shanghai. It is almost a miracle in Shanghai to occupy a mountain. No one can do it. Some bigwigs want to do it. But dare not do it.

Only the old guy Wang Youfu not only wanted to do it, but actually did it. The whole hill was renamed Xishan at some point, and the Xishan clubhouse is on this hill, or this hill is within the Xishan clubhouse.

That's right, this hill is not as big as the entire Xishan clubhouse. When the car gradually approached, you can find the magnificence of this place, and you can also feel the majesty of this old guy.

From a long distance, one can see luxury cars driving here, the lights are on, and the night is coming is also the time for feasting and feasting here. There are real stars here, and they also want to find a backer.

Especially those girls who have just become famous but can't gain a foothold, they are even more urgent.

Therefore, there are always some boring guys who come here to have fun. Maybe a game is worth millions. Many ordinary people in small cities can’t earn it in their lifetime, but they don’t care. It’s more face-saving and happy to do such a game. This is enough.

The same people, but different lives. Today, however, it seems to be more lively than usual. When I approached the Xishan clubhouse, I could see a tall archway with many things and achievements written on it, but Si Fan never glanced at it. He just looked straight ahead. , waiting to enter the clubhouse.

The car gradually entered, and the people in the clubhouse had already seen it.

In one of the most exclusive rooms in the Xishan clubhouse, a mean-looking man with single eyelids and thin lips, who looked like a fair boy, asked in a low voice to an old man who looked about sixty years old.

"Asuo (uncle), that little red guy Si Fan has arrived in front of our clubhouse, let me mess with him and give him a good shot?"

His humble words and unrestrained expression fully expressed his heart.

The old man, who looked at all directions with a big horse, just lay on the sofa and smiled dismissively.

"A junior doll who wants to touch the tail of a tiger on Tai Sui, does he really feel that he has lived too long? Just give him a little embarrassment. You want to save a little face for Director Wang. Just be ashamed, don't kill anyone." After giving the order, his serious face turned into a rippling face.

Beside him, there are more than a dozen girls who are thin, thin, and fat. If you look carefully, you will definitely see the figures of a few of them on the big screen, but they are not the protagonists.

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