Chapter 383 analyzes Luoshan

“Okay, everyone.”

Reiko Aida clapped her hands and signaled that everyone had come to her side.

“It seems that everyone has arrived, let’s take a look at the video of Luoshan and Tonghuang first, and then practice, when you are watching, you must pay attention, do you know?”


All the players of the Chengjing team shouted loudly.

And Sakuragi nodded too.

If you want to beat your opponent, you have to know them.

Although they had already seen it when they were playing, they didn’t pay much attention at the time, and at the moment, if there is a video, it would be better.

The video can clearly see everyone’s movements.

Dozens of minutes later, they finished watching the video of Cai Luoshan and Tonghuang.


Reiko Aida looked very serious at the moment, and she slowly said to everyone in the Makoto team.

“Very strong!”

“Although it’s not the first time I’ve seen it, I still feel that they are very strong on the video.”

Hinata Shunpei said with a frown.

“Also, in addition to Chiji, several other people in Luosan are also very strong.”

“Hinata is right, Seijuro Akaji, he couldn’t stop him when he entered ZONE, and so did Aomine.”

Muji Teppei continued.

“The advantage of our Makoto team is in the attack and joint defense, maybe Kuroko has a way to limit them.”

“Well, good.”

Reiko Aida nodded.

However, at this time, Sakuragi suddenly said.

“You can underestimate Naksan, underestimate Seijuro Akaji, he still has a secret weapon that has not appeared.”


Everyone in the Chengjing team was shocked.

None of them knew that Luoshan still had a secret weapon.

Now they must be surprised to hear Sakuragi say this.

After all, Sakuragi has watched anime before.

He knew that there was another very important player in Naksan who had not yet appeared, and that player was someone like Tetsuya Kuroko.

“Sakuragi, can you be more specific?”

Reiko Aida asked, frowning Sakuragi.

“Of course.”

“Actually, Luoshan also has a player, the same type as Kuroko Tetsuya, then their team has a second generation called Phantom Sixth.”

“Wouldn’t you?”

“The Phantom Sixth Man of the second generation?”

Everyone was shocked, they didn’t expect that they also had a player like Kuroko, which was not very good news for the Makoto team.

“Don’t be so surprised, in fact, they still have weaknesses.”

Sakuragi said helplessly.

“What weakness?”

Sakuragi didn’t finish speaking, but turned his head to look at Tetsuya Kuroko, but Kuroko didn’t know what he meant, looking at himself like this.

“Kuroko, have you heard about the Eye of the Quasi-Heavenly Emperor?”

“What? Eye of the Heavenly Emperor? ”

Everyone doesn’t know what this means, maybe it has something to do with the real Heavenly Emperor’s Eye.


Sakuragi thought for a moment, he thought about it, and said anyway.

“We all know that the ability of the Eye of the Heavenly Emperor is too strong, he can predict all the actions of his opponent, but the Eye of the Heavenly Emperor predicts the actions of his teammates.”

The players of the Chengjing team still don’t understand.

One by one, they all looked at Sakuragi fixedly, wanting him to explain.

“I’ll give you an example!”

Sakuragi said helplessly.

After all, explaining this thing is very troublesome.

“My Vulcan and Kuroko!”

“Vulcan and Kuroko can’t stand in parallel positions, they must be one in front and one in the back. When Akaji wants to break through from the Vulcan’s side, Akaji and he will definitely use the Eye of the Heavenly Emperor to predict, so that he can quickly pass the Vulcan. ”

And after that?

“After that, it is Kuroko who does not need to pay attention to Akaji’s movements at all, but can just notice the movements of the Vulcan, and the two of them sit in opposite movements.”

“One left, one right, so that you can limit Akaji as much as possible.”

“So it is.”

After Sakuragi said this, they all understood a little.

“But, Kuroko, can he really do it?”

Muji Teppei was puzzled for a moment.

After all, he knows that Kuroko’s defense is not very good, and his height and weight do not stand at an advantage.

“Of course, Kuroko feels too thin, he is more suitable than anyone to cut off Seijuro Akaji’s ball, but maybe he can only succeed once.”

“Next time, Akaji will definitely be on guard, but this is fine, he has a burden in his heart, and he will not break through so easily.”

“Can I really?”

Kuroko Tetsuya also didn’t believe that he could do it at the moment.

“Don’t worry!”

Sakuragi said lightly.

“After all, we have all played basketball for so long, we should all be familiar with it, so, Kuroko, you have to believe in yourself, there is no problem.”

“Okay, I see.”

After saying that, let’s discuss a few guys who are one of the other three uncrowned five.

Sakuragi has a clear understanding of their strength.

Therefore, he told them everything he knew.

Everyone in the Chengjing team listened carefully, without a trace of slack, which was related to their fate.

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