Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 36

Where are you from the chief!

"Over there! Don't turn on the blower!"

Feeling that the skirt floats higher and higher, even Shiyu wearing a long skirt already feels uncomfortable, and if she continues to increase her strength, even she has to perform Marilyn Monroe's classic moves, let alone wearing a knee-length short Kato of the skirt.

"Updraft! Updraft! Hey! Hey!"

"Don't play tricks on me!!!"


Projectiles, table books, accurate hits.

"Ahhhhh! A man's lifelong dream!"

On the second day after Qianyi perfectly fell asleep, they started rehearsal based on Shiyu’s opinion. Although it was a rehearsal, there were only a dozen hours left before the official appearance. According to the plan, if it goes well, it should be tomorrow. Here, Kato once again staged the encounter across the screen that lived in Renya's heart.

"Couldn't be so boring! One morning! All morning! Look at what you have done!"

Shi Yu was very angry.

"No, I'm just a messenger."

At least there is nothing to be done by the shallow one.

"Then don't make trouble here!!"

"Obviously you forced me out of the house..."

Qian Yi muttered. Although she planned to come over, Shiba wakes Qian Yi from the bed early in the morning. You must know that he is not used to getting up so early, and his nerves seem to be tense to see Shiba and Kato. , So I want to relax the two of them like this.

It's definitely not something else.

"But Shiyu-senpai needs to be precise even if she steps out... This is too difficult for anyone to see, besides, these are things An Yunjun can't see..."

Kato took the hat that Kanichi picked up and thanked him in a low voice.

"En? Are you questioning the director's instructions?"

Shi Yu just raised his eyebrows and smashed the notebook in his hand.


Kato immediately remained silent.

Qianichi finally knows why there are so many unspoken rules scandals, which is really...too enviable.

With Shiyu's temperament, it is simply perfect.

"That, Shiyu, why did you take the initiative to do this kind of thing."

"What are you still asking now?"

"...So too."

Qian smiled.

Indeed, it’s just a little bit of envy. Maybe that’s why I got involved this time, but I can’t mobilize that excitement. I don’t know why. I have always felt more and more in my heart these days. The latent restlessness.

"Why, Senichi-senpai wants to play with An Yunjun, Sawamura-san, and Kasumigaoka-senpai."

Suddenly, what Kato had said appeared in Kanichi's mind again.

Very abrupt and suddenly overwhelming.

Kato next to him looked back and forth between the two people's faces with intriguing eyes.

"What's wrong? Is there something weird sticking to my face?"

"No, Qianyi senior."

"That's good, by the way, Kato, thank you for your porridge yesterday. To be honest, I was a great help. When I woke up in the middle of the night, I was so hungry that I was saved by you. If you need my help in the future, please Just leave it to me!"

As soon as Qian remembered what he woke up in the middle of the night, it really saved his life.

"How can it be such an exaggeration, Senichi Senpai, you are too exaggerated."

"No, no! Please believe me!"

"Then I would be more respectful than fate."

"Eh...? What?"

"You can ask the senior to help me in return, can it be said that this is fake?"

"Ah, it turns out to be this. Of course it is true. Also, if it was Kato's request, I don't think I would refuse it."

Qianyi smiled a little silly, but none of the people present had doubted the truthfulness of this sentence, because he had proven his ability in this regard with countless actions.

Shi Yu suddenly remembered that smile. The huge conference hall was filled with cartons and plastic bags. He was standing on the stage and working alone, with the silly smile on his face.

Suddenly, the irritability that came from nowhere swept across Shiyu's body again. She hugged her elbows, her index finger kept beating her elbow, and her right toe kept hitting the ground.

Qianyi, what is this guy doing in front of him?

"You two! It's not time to rest now! Get moving! And put away that blower! Kato-san, if you learn how to throw your hat, it almost feels good, don't worry too much!"

"Wow~ The Devil Director has appeared again!"



Lunch was settled in a nearby family restaurant. Fortunately, the season is still spring, and there is no hot summer sun, so the afternoon rehearsal is not that painful.

For the time being, the progress has reached the place to practice lines, but this is also the place where Shi Yu requires the most stringent, and this is also where Qian Yi needs to cooperate with the exercise.

Even if all he has to do is stand, move, and pick his hat, repeating these three actions is as simple as that.

It is worth mentioning that when the afternoon practice was nearing the end, Ying Lili came over with the modified clothes. Taking this opportunity, Shi Yu also let go of the two people who had been training. This also explained the degree of completion from the side. It is indeed close to the effect expected by the director of the devil.

"It always feels amazing."

Kato took out the clothes in the bag. The one-piece dress that was originally pure white was changed into a cake skirt. There were also some small areas on the chest with small ribbon-like decorations. The overall look became light and fluttering. With a red coat, the simple dress can highlight the owner’s liveliness and sweetness. Of course, this simplicity is for the clothing of that store.

"I said you don't make a fuss about everything, please."

Ying Lili had an expression of "come to praise" me.

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