Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 48

"Is it necessary to fight like this...?"

Qianyi's mumbled words didn't seem to be noticed.

"Hey, Shiyu."

She didn't respond.

Pushed her shoulders.


As a result, she fell to the side immediately.


Qianichi hurriedly rushed over and hugged her, but her whole body was wrapped as thick as rice dumplings, and she didn't have much real feeling.

"Tsk! It's hot!"

She fainted, and through the quilt, Kanichi could easily feel the astonishing heat from her body in this air-conditioned room.

Pull the thermometer out of your mouth.

Body temperature is 40 degrees.


There is always such a situation: when you really want something to appear, it will never appear, even if it can be seen everywhere, Qianyi can’t wait for a taxi to come tonight, although it is here. Residential areas far away from business districts, but all kinds of car-hailing software phones are useless. Is everything malfunctioning?

After spending half an hour with Qianyi finally chose another method-to drive her own little sheep to carry Shiyu to the nearest clinic. This process takes 20 minutes, which is already at full speed.

There are still people on the streets at 10 o'clock in the evening, and there is a strange little motorcycle on the road tonight besides the passing vehicles.

A burly young man wearing a voyeuristic suit and school uniform in Toyosaki carries a girl who is wrapped in a quilt and wearing a voyeur, and there is something like a fixed belt on the girl’s body to tie the two together .

This level of visibility has reached the point of ridicule.

"Never meet the police, never meet the police."

Qianyi has tried his best to pick a place with few people, and is already driving fast. Fever can be big or small, and it can't be delayed. Shiyu has a mild fever yesterday, and now it must be one day before she has developed a high fever. , It won’t work if you don’t get medical treatment quickly.

Even though his heart is very anxious, he also knows that the more this is the time, the less he can panic. If even he is confused, Shi Yu will only work for a long time.

If you were stopped by the police at such a time, it would be troublesome, Qianyi had no other thoughts in his mind now.


Qianyi’s helmet is the latest release. The two helmets are bound. There is a simple walkie-talkie between the two helmets. Although the radio wave reception distance is short, it is better than clarity. Now, a faint groan is coming from the helmet. sound.

"Well, I am here."

Qian Yi slowed down and tried to suppress his impulse to preach.

"Where are we going now?"

"The clinic, idiot, you are sick, I want to take you to see it."

It's not that simple.

"You... are an idiot," her voice was weak and dry, "the throat is so dry... I want to drink water."

"Patience! We are ready to arrive."

About 10 minutes left.

"It's cold..."

She didn't take the next sentence. She probably didn't know what the situation is now.

Qian Yi's body was straight and fatter as much as possible to block the wind. Shiyu on her back was wearing a down jacket. She was originally dressed like this, but she was already uncomfortable to this point, why didn't she take the initiative to speak out It.

A rustling clothes rubbing sound came from behind, and Shiyu was moving her body.

"what happened?"

Qian slowed down again and again, and the street lamp kept pulling by, and the light stretched the shadow of the little sheep. Suddenly, the body lost its balance and hurriedly swayed to get the balance back. He turned his head to look, but saw Shiyu pull the quilt. It was untied, but it didn't fall because the rope was tied up.


Qian Yi also took it, this is the case at this time.


Suddenly, her hot hand was placed on Qian Yi's waist, and Qian Yi shook with fright. Then a warm weight pressed Qian Yi's left shoulder, she wanted to lean on Qian Yi's shoulder.

There was a bang.

Shiyu's helmet collided with Qianichi's helmet.

"This is really annoying..."

"Should I take it off?"

"No, then I won't hear you."


Do you like talking nonsense when you are sick?

Shi Yu reluctantly leaned on Qian Yi's shoulders, her hands on Qian Yi's waist as soft as boneless.

"Isn't it cold like this..."

"Others often say that fat people's role is to keep warm in winter."

I'm already in this state and I still want to ridicule, is this really instinct...

"So warm~"

Qianyi, who focuses most of his attention on driving, is a little curious, is he really so useful?I always feel like my spirit has recovered.

"Shan Yijun."

Her voice sounded dim and dreamy.


Qianichi asked back with a nasal sound.

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