Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passingby Mistress Chapter 60

"You...Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, you are not looking for an existence like me."

"Up to now, what are you still talking about, can't I judge my feelings myself?"

Shiyu thought Qianichi was ridiculous.

"Of course not! The evidence is your current state of spirit!"

Qianichi raised her volume suddenly, and Shiyu was stunned. She subconsciously stretched out her hand and touched her face. Her mental state after Lun also came just now was completely different from the subtle mental state of the whole day today.

"What you need is a soulmate who can understand your inner world, not a fool like me who just blindly revolves around you."

She seems to have not noticed it yet.

"Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is such a girl, you are the innocent girl who is passionate, clinging to the past, and has a serious girlish feeling."

"I am true to Ethics now--"

"Then you go with me now."


Shiyu was strangled to death at once.

"Look, it can't be done."

Qian Yi squinted and grinned.

"Perhaps you didn't find out by yourself, but, today, all day, you have been talking about Ren Ye in front of me? I was thinking of you. I came out today to let me know that there was a relationship between you and Ren Ye. What sweet memories have happened, I was still complaining about your bad taste, but... I really didn’t find out."

He took a deep breath.

"It turns out that you don't want to relive with me memories that only you know, but you want me to take over his place in your memories."


Shiyu's eyes widened.

"No matter how you put it, I am not strong enough to be a substitute at will?"

"Now, Shiyu, you are the girl I know who has the most expectations and fantasies about feelings. Your love is beautiful, and I don’t doubt your sense of responsibility for a feeling, but I don’t want to Let your sense of responsibility to me undermine your vision."

"I have tried my best. You still used this method to tell me such a cruel ruling. After all, you have not changed your mind. You are still looking for it like a castle in the sky. The same love, the detective wants to get you out of the memory, but there is still no way to make you look back."

Before she knew it, she had stood up straight, and her face became a little pale.

"You... didn't say that you chose because you knew I wouldn't treat you--"

"Of course I lied to you."


"There is no man who can do this to such a degree. Without thinking about it, what I said that day is not a lie to you. I think you really fall in love with me, not because The natural mechanical sense speaks such words, but it seems a bit difficult to do."

Qianyi was smiling clearly, but Shiyu felt as if there was a rock in her heart when she looked at it.

"My frequency and yours are never on the same channel. I have tried to understand your thoughts in the past. I don't like to read novels lightly, but I still rotten your novels and even read it as a comprehension. But I still can’t do the same as Lun can inspire you; I also try to run for your work, I can do my best regardless of size, I will do my best; I will still think Take care of you..."


"It's, it doesn't seem to be what you really need."

"Really, if it's not for Lun Ye, it won't work, I finally can't lie to myself anymore."

"It's nothing like that!"

Shi Yu's retorted words were so pale.

"The right person did the right thing at the right time. Lun also met you when you were close to despair. I guess I would have lost at that time. Lun can also understand your heart and find you. The feelings hidden in the work can resonate with you. He can ignite you with the greatest enthusiasm, and he can do everything I can't do."

The words Qianichi has been buried in his heart, just say it at this time.

"I don't understand your novels, I don't understand your inner world, so I can only do some ordinary and vulgar things that you think are commonplace, and only run around trivial things at the end of the twigs. I still can't really pull your heart inside. "

"All you want is someone who can understand you, not someone who can take care of you."

I really don't want to hear the contrast between myself and Ren Ye from her mouth anymore.


Shiyu was completely silent, Qian Yi's view, it turned out to be this way, what mentality did he use to face all this all the time?

"Actually, I didn't say things too well, did I?"

Qianichi really didn't want to say these things in this atmosphere, so he decided not to say it anymore, he had already said it transparently enough.

Shi Yu chose the wrong option, BE.

"Your performance just now was a severe literary illness."

"Hahaha, doesn't that suit your taste."

"I gave 30 points, which is terrible, not handsome at all."

"It's really regrettable. I didn't expect that at this time I was still not free and easy."

Qianichi really appreciates Shiyu's cooperation at this time.

"Almost, this trick of deceiving children can be ended, right?"


Shiyu responded twice. This kind of camouflage relationship clearly couldn't be deceived by anyone, and his ethics had been noticed a long time ago, but they were the ones who were kept in the dark.

"Then...bye, I'll be back tomorrow morning,'Girlfriend'."

Probably, this is the last time I shouted like this.

"Wait! Where are you going!"

"It's okay to find any place! Do you want me to watch you here! I don't want to see you tonight! Stupid woman!"

Why has it been so long? I don't even understand such a simple thing.

"Aren't you afraid of me being alone with him?"

"Do whatever you like!"

Mingmingying Lili is still there, how could it be possible.

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