Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 96

Somewhat suddenly.

"Shanichi, summer vacation, let's go back to your house together."


Qian Yi who was still in a messy state suddenly calmed down.

"Slightly, there is a place where I want to walk again."


He was silent, to be honest, it was not that he had never considered going back to his hometown, but it was unnecessary for him, and there was no such thing...

"Could it be that there are any other reservations for summer vacation?"

But, she wants to go, it must be the place where the memories of the past happened.

There must be memories that belong to'each other' buried, like other people's treasures.

As long as she wants.

"There is no special reservation, ah...!"

Qianyi glanced back and found that in the cabinet in the living room, next to the Xiaohui-like doll is the staff ID that was put up not long ago—he promised to help Sayuri with the sales of Ying Riri in the summer vacation.

How to speak.

How to do it.

Kiyama Asaichi, Kato Megumi's boyfriend, is in a dilemma.

"Huh? But didn't Qianichi have a reservation to participate in Xia CM?"

When he was embarrassed, she was always able to pull him out of this difficult place easily, just like a supernatural ability.

"Why... why did you know?"

"Because when school is over today, An Yun-jun mentioned it, by the way, at that time classmate Sawemura, Shiyu-senpai, and An Yun-jun's school sister were also there."

Xiao Hui's words attracted Qian Yi's attention.

"School girl...?"

That guy only showed up with a cousin before, but now he has another school girl?The childhood sweetheart Ying Lili, the black silk-senpai of the year, this guy is already a template for the protagonist of GALGAME!

"Yes, it does seem to be called Bodao going out to sea? A junior in junior high school, she is the ideal type perfect school girl An Yunjun imagined, and she always thinks she is the type you like."


Why did it suddenly get on me again.

"Her breasts... are so big? Although she is a bit unwilling to say it, she seems to be older than me. She is obviously younger than me. She looks like a child. This type of girl was previously small and thin. It often appears in this book? Is this something called'sexual addiction'?"

"Puff!! Xiaohui! Listen to me, please forget all the things you saw last time, they are all fake!!!"

However, is it childlike?I really want to see... No!Xiaohui is justice!

"Ah, that's it~"

Her voice is always so calm, but it also seems to be a bit cheerful.

"Wait, Xiaohui, what did you just say?"

Qianichi suddenly remembered her words.

"One thing about your sexual addiction?"

"Let's put that kind of thing aside! It's before! You... Did you say that Renya guy, in front of Shiba and Yinglili, said that I was going to participate in summer CM?"


"Did he say a reason for participating?"

Qianyi's voice was trembling, that guy shouldn't be in such a state of mindlessness.

"Hmm... For example, help classmate Zecun sell the same people?"

"Oh, wtf!!!"

That guy is so mindless to that point!

"And he has been forcibly pulling Shiyu-senpai to participate? Although Shiyu-senpai was very unwilling at first, she still couldn't bear An Yunjun's stalker."

Of course!How could Shi Yu refuse Lun Ye's invitation.

"Then, what about Yinglili's reaction?"

"Well, I don't know how to describe it. All in all, it is a reaction that fits the image of the current classmate Sawamura."

Hearing Xiaohui's description, Ying Lili suddenly realized that Ying Lili was very unacceptable at first, and was then persuaded by Ren Ye.

But the actual situation is that Ying Lili did not resist too much after hearing it. She just glanced at Xiaohui without a trace, and continued to pester the new schoolmate.

"It's also very hard."

"I think Kanichi is more difficult for you."

The two people's thoughts absolutely staggered at this moment.

"By the way, Xiaohui, after that day, I will be free."


Qianichi had been thinking about what she had just said, Xiaohui must have wanted to just go over it like this, because she must have caught the sense of resistance in the answer just now.

"So, after Xia CM, I will go back to my hometown with you."


"Wow wow wow!~!~! You can use this kind of stalk! It's changing the sky~!"

That's right, that's it.

It is correct to face it slowly.

Now, the future.

it's the same.

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