Heya xD


You all know whats up by now. Just writing some weird stuff to fill this up a little so you can Read Chapter. I really have nothing creative to say. Thanks for reading ^^

To Read the Chapter, ignore the links and click on TAKUMI.

[hint: it’s the second picture]

Old bot distraction links will eventually disappear, not that they were ever interesting… unless of course you like multilingual-machine-translated-turned-old-english chapters, then I’m sorry xD lol  So, if you’re reading this far from when I had initially posted and see a lot of dead links, please just don’t mind them and just keep following the instructions. (r^^’) I don’t think I’ll come back to these to fix the links.

Heya xD


You all know whats up by now. Just writing some weird stuff to fill this up a little so you can Read Chapter. I really have nothing creative to say. Thanks for reading ^^

To Read the Chapter, ignore the links and click on TAKUMI.

[hint: it’s the second picture]

Old bot distraction links will eventually disappear, not that they were ever interesting… unless of course you like multilingual-machine-translated-turned-old-english chapters, then I’m sorry xD lol  So, if you’re reading this far from when I had initially posted and see a lot of dead links, please just don’t mind them and just keep following the instructions. (r^^’) I don’t think I’ll come back to these to fix the links.

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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