
The 33rd chapter hath been released. This weary soul shall slumber, it knew not that picking materials and colors for renovations actually take much more effort than it first seemed. Its final words for today are, “really got nothing to say but the hand shall pointeth you to the right direction… it’s the third one. really.”.


Old bot distraction links will eventually disappear, not that they were ever interesting.. unless of course you like multilingual-machine-translated-turned-badly-comedic-old-english chapters, then I’m sorry xD lol  So, if you’re reading this far from when I had initially posted and see a lot of dead links, please just don’t mind them and just keep following the instructions. (r^^’) I don’t think I’ll come back to these to fix the links.


The 33rd chapter hath been released. This weary soul shall slumber, it knew not that picking materials and colors for renovations actually take much more effort than it first seemed. Its final words for today are, “really got nothing to say but the hand shall pointeth you to the right direction… it’s the third one. really.”.


Old bot distraction links will eventually disappear, not that they were ever interesting.. unless of course you like multilingual-machine-translated-turned-badly-comedic-old-english chapters, then I’m sorry xD lol  So, if you’re reading this far from when I had initially posted and see a lot of dead links, please just don’t mind them and just keep following the instructions. (r^^’) I don’t think I’ll come back to these to fix the links.

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