
I’m back! I had a lot of things to do during my break but I think it’s about time I return to this series. Anywaaay~ It’s the start of Volume 3! Time to start a new adventure! I hope you’re all ready! Please enjoy!

To the supporters on Patreon, please make sure you choose a tier because there are now actual rewards set up ^^ I can’t implement the same for Ko-Fi though, because it’s considered one of their premium services. As always, thank you for your support! I appreciate it!

IGNORE the read chapter link. Click on TAKUMI.

Click picture

If you happen upon a chapter that comes across too short, then you are in the bot bait chapter. Please read my post properly or look at so you will be lead to the REAL chapter.

Old bot distraction links will eventually disappear.l So, if you’re reading this far from when I had initially posted and see a lot of dead links, please just don’t mind them and just keep following the instructions. (r^^’) I don’t think I’ll come back to these to fix the links.


I’m back! I had a lot of things to do during my break but I think it’s about time I return to this series. Anywaaay~ It’s the start of Volume 3! Time to start a new adventure! I hope you’re all ready! Please enjoy!

To the supporters on Patreon, please make sure you choose a tier because there are now actual rewards set up ^^ I can’t implement the same for Ko-Fi though, because it’s considered one of their premium services. As always, thank you for your support! I appreciate it!

IGNORE the read chapter link. Click on TAKUMI.

Click picture

If you happen upon a chapter that comes across too short, then you are in the bot bait chapter. Please read my post properly or look at so you will be lead to the REAL chapter.

Old bot distraction links will eventually disappear.l So, if you’re reading this far from when I had initially posted and see a lot of dead links, please just don’t mind them and just keep following the instructions. (r^^’) I don’t think I’ll come back to these to fix the links.

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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