Song Tan Jishi

Chapter 400: you can't eat this

   Regrettably, pickled green peaches failed miserably in this marketing campaign.

   This is not because it is not beautiful or delicious enough, it is because everyone is really full!

  Men, women, young and old all have their bellies puffed out. Except for a few dolls who can't eat too much food, their bibs are dripping with saliva, which one is not like being pregnant for several months?

  The old aunt who pays the most attention to health preservation and only eats seven or eight cents full is holding the table with her legs spread apart, swaying slowly, and when she sees Song Tan opening the jar, she turns her head fiercely:

   "Don't eat, don't eat! I really can't eat anymore."

   "I can't even sit down now, it's up to my throat..."

  Song Tan: …

   Ah this.

  She didn't expect this situation either.

   That is to say, the resistance ability of city people to country food is too weak these days!

   She regretfully takes back the jar.

  I saw that there were only some residual soup left on the plates on the table, and several saucepans were cleaned up. The students sat on the stools crookedly, obviously unable to walk...

   This is not going to work!

  Song Tan felt a sense of crisis in his heart: There is no physical work in the afternoon, and if you are not hungry, how can you sell things? It's all here... isn't it?

After thinking about it for a while, she pointed to the big mansion where the students were amazed: "I didn't expect that everyone's appetite is quite good, so don't be overwhelmed... Come on, take two Jianwei Xiaoshi tablets each, and I will take you upstairs for a walk." Turn around and show everyone the new house.”

   "You have to take Jianweixiaoshi tablets."

The squad leader saw that Song Tan had tossed out two more boxes of medicines, took them over and picked the pills on top, and sighed: "When I think about taking this medicine, the good food I ate today will speed up my digestion. Willing to..."


   Everyone also nodded.

   But the feeling of holding on is really too satisfying, so in the end, one person ate two slices.

   After everyone swallowed the Jianwei Xiaoshi tablet, Song Tan took the lead:

   "Come on, let's take it slow, walk and watch, and take a walk to digest and digest."

  She walked in front, followed by a group of old classmates who walked slowly and hobbled with their legs crossed.

   Zhang Yanping heard the movement, curiously leaned on the railing on the third floor and looked down—


  He pulled his head back with great difficulty to reveal a laugh, and then suppressed his voice and shouted: "Xin Jun! Xin Jun! Come and see downstairs—look, does Tan Tan bring a group of penguins?"

   Not really.

  Xin Jun rushed out to take a look—the way penguins walk, that’s how Song Tan’s old classmate walks, not to mention, it’s silly and cute hahaha!

   "Where are the penguins?"

Qiao Qiao had already rushed over with the bowl in his hand, but both Zhang Yanping and Xin Jun were afraid that he would laugh out loud on the spot, embarrassing the group of customers, so each of them held his bowl with one arm, and handed him over to the customer. She set it up and went back.

  Jojo is easy to pass.

While holding the bowl, he quickly forgot about it, just looked at the study room where he was in class, and suddenly asked: "Mr. Xin, now that I have my own desk, will my sister buy me an Ultraman?" Let me stick the card on the table?"

  Xin Jun: …

  This question is difficult to answer.

  He could only smile perfunctorily: "Then what... you eat first."

  Jojo: "Oh."


  Everyone was bustling, only Wu Lei was eating alone in his room.

  He is sent here now, he is still bitter and tired in the morning, and he has not received much attention when he comes back...

  Honestly speaking, it is difficult for Wu Lei to accept this gap, and he is naturally ashamed at the moment, so he uses the excuse of wanting to eat alone...

  No, Aunt Lianhua served him lunch alone.

  Dried radish stew stewed pot meat, stewed chicken feet, stewed beef, stir-fried shredded bamboo shoots, roasted crucian carp...

   There is a big plate full, so I am not afraid that he will not be full.

  Wu Lei was relieved at first—the food is so good, my sister-in-law must still feel sorry for him, it is estimated that the first two days will arrange heavy work for parents to see, and it will be fine in two days...

   In short, boil it!

   After one year, he and Lili can live in peace of mind! He must buy the house!

  However, one person is too quiet after all, and the other three are still making noise in the living room! Wu Lei was also eager to move...

  Something seemed to happen downstairs, there was no movement in the living room for a while, Wu Lei rushed out of his small room like a thief—

   Huh Huh Huh Huh?

  Why does it feel like the three of them eat differently from themselves?

  Scrambled eggs with tomatoes, stir-fried cabbage, fried bacon with garlic sprouts, fried minced meat with sour cowpea—and a large pot of loofah egg drop soup.

   It stands to reason that what he got was meat, which must be better than the vegetables over there. But the fragrance in the air is different, right? This is too tempting, right? !

   Moreover, why are the two dishes not overlapping?

   Wu Lei sniffled, not wanting to understand.

  The next moment, I heard a sound from the stairs next to me—Aunt Lianhua came over with a pot of cucumbers turned into eggs.

   "Come on, I just made it, and the chili is not heavy. This classmate Tan Tan has a really good appetite, and I ate CDs from the first floor..."

  While chatting, she put the cold dishes on the table again.

   Qiao Qiao also shouted loudly: "Brother Wu Lei, come and eat cucumbers!"

  Wu Lei wanted to say not to eat it, but the taste of cucumber...

   So he hesitated for a moment, but followed out.

  Everyone had almost eaten their meals, there was not much left on the table, only two bites left, and Qiao Qiao pulled the leftovers over to bibimbap.

  He is an older brother, so it's not easy to compete with Qiao Qiao, so he held a piece of cucumber reservedly right now.

   Then a bite—


  The fragrance of crisp and tender cucumber bursts in the mouth, the taste of minced garlic and juice, mixed with this juicy cucumber...

   That fresh and juicy feeling made his spirit cap almost fly off!

  This is too delicious!

  He looked suspiciously at his large bowl of food, then at the food of the three people opposite him, hesitated for a moment, and picked up the last piece of roasted eggplant on the plate.

   The eggplant soaked in the sauce is soft and has a strong taste, more fragrant than meat. After just one bite, Wu Lei’s tears will fall—

   No wonder they don't eat much meat! With such a dish, who wants that meat?

  He quickly stretched out his chopsticks, wanting to pick some more cucumbers, but the next moment, Zhang Yanping directly picked them up from the basin:

   "Wu Lei, you can't eat this."

   "Why?" Wu Lei stared at him.

   "What can there be?"

  Zhang Yanping sighed sighingly, with a vicissitudes on his face: "This is the treatment for coming to the labor camp."

   "I think when I first came here, I was not active in my work, so I could eat whatever else I wanted for a meal, but the vegetables I grew at home were only willing to give me a little bit of wild vegetables..."

  He suffered a lot, he got wet in the rain, and now he wants to tear Wu Lei's umbrella into pieces hahaha!

   "So," Zhang Yanping said with joy, "If you want to eat decent food from Tan Tan's family, you'd better practice your quick work!"

   "Why do you?!" Wu Lei stared at him:

   "This is my sister-in-law's food, not yours!"

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