Song Tan Jishi

Chapter 437: So much attention

  Ulan's original intention of saying this was to prepare the girl in front of her. Their family's golden cherry seeds must not be lower than this price.

  However, Guo Dong was stunned for a moment, but then laughed:

   "Auntie, 30 yuan a catty is probably just a gimmick, you can't get it easily."

She also told the truth: "For example, we follow the medicinal materials dealer to the production area of ​​traditional Chinese medicine. The price of processed golden cherry seeds is only 30 to 80 yuan per kilogram according to the quality. 70 yuan is the price of top-grade dried fruit. gone."

   "Kilograms? Late fruit?"

   Ulan's dream was shattered in an instant.

"Well." Guo Dong explained seriously: "The harvest of golden cherry seeds is divided into early fruit, middle fruit and late fruit. Early fruit is a small fruit that is not ripe yet, and the quality is the worst. Late fruit is natural ripeness. The big golden-red fruit is sold like this after being processed."

   "And now many of them are cultivated thornless varieties, so the cost of picking is even lower."

   But the price gap is too big.

  It is not enough to go from fresh fruit to dried fruit, and even from catty to kilogram-then what is the money for hard work.

   Now that Ulan is used to the expensive things at home, it is difficult to accept this gap.

  Her depression is also visible to the naked eye.

"no way."

  Guo Dong smiled very considerately: "Now everyone pays attention to large-scale planting, which can not only ensure balanced quality, but also make harvesting easier. The price of things will come down."

  Large-scale planting is all about mass production. Centralized harvesting, and then sifting according to the quality, although the price varies, but overall you can still make a lot of money.

   "However, your family also has an advantage. I see that the golden cherry in the video is far better than the others. If it is really of that level, I can give you 50 yuan a catty for what you do."

   "If you don't believe it, let's not talk about it today. Later, you can ask the medicinal material manufacturers you know and see what prices they offer."

   "I dare say, my price is definitely the most fair."

   After all, most of the purchases by others are resold and sold, and the price cannot be given to the top.

  The reason why Guo Dong was able to save a lot of money was because she had a good prescription, which happened to be able to use this golden cherry seed.

  Receive the high price, go back and deal with the compatibility, and sell the finished pills... This is the best way to increase the price.

   She is very confident about this.

  After all, it is 50 per kilogram, which is really a high price compared to the previous maximum of 80 per kilogram.

  For ordinary farmers, golden cherry seeds can pack a hundred and eighty catties a day, even if the scale will drop after processing, it is still a lot of extra money.

  According to Guo Dong's past experience, everyone must be extremely happy.

   But now…

  She looked around, and always felt that things were not what she thought.

Even not only Ulan, but also everyone behind him lacked interest, and murmured in a low voice: "50 a catty, it has to be processed well - just go stab and dry it? It's very troublesome, it's better to keep it for ourselves Make wine."

  Guo Dong:…

  Although everyone's reaction was not quite right, she still tried to explain: "Drying is also possible."

   "The golden cherry seed has a high sugar content, so it can't be completely dried after drying in the sun. It can only be guaranteed to dry to 90%, which is not convenient for storage."

   "It's better to dry it, it can be dried thoroughly, and the sugar content is excellent, it will look very good, and it will not affect the efficacy of the medicine."

   "Fructus japonica is also very effective. It can prevent collapse, diarrhea for a long time due to deficiency and cold, and strengthen essence—"

   Qiao Qiao also nodded, and said loudly: "Aphrodisiac!"

  Guo Dong:…

  She burst out laughing with a "puchi".

"Everyone, don't listen to this folk prescription. Golden cherry fruit is not used in this way—it has the effect of consolidating **** and shrinking urine, but it can't be used as an aphrodisiac. It must be combined with other medicines...and it can only treat deficiency symptoms. Symptoms cannot be used."


  What deficiency syndrome and actual syndrome? And it can't be aphrodisiac?

   Everyone was stunned.


  Looked in a daze, everyone finally came to the mountain.

  When he walked around the hillside, what Guo Dong saw was a huge wall of flowers.

  The flower wall is emerald green, winding along the high fence to both sides, and the branches spread and climb more than two meters high! Emerald green leaves, golden-red fruits, and white flowers and yellow pistils sway tremblingly like butterfly wings in the wind...

  Bees are buzzing among the dense flowers, and there are beautiful black butterflies stopping on the branches. When the wind blows, the whole flower wall is like a dream.

   Rao is that Guo Dong has already seen the dreamy scene with music in the video, but when she saw it with her own eyes, she couldn't help but stand in place at this moment, her eyes full of shock.

   But the shock didn't last long.

  Because Ulan has to take a look at it every day when he goes up the mountain to pick tea, and he has long been used to it. Now he can't wait to walk in front of the densely thorny golden cherry, and asked expectantly:

   "Look at this, how much can I give?"

   If there is less, just don't sell it. She thought so.

   After all, 50 catties of dried fruit should be at least three catties, right? With so many thorns, the money is not enough for labor.

   Before Guo Dong could speak, he heard the sound of panting from behind the flower wall.

  Song Tan opened the iron gate, and Dabao and Erbao happily surrounded them, sniffing one by one, wagging their tails very enthusiastically.

   "Dabao and Erbao!" Jojo squatted down joyfully, and began to rub the two dogs' heads:

   "You must have heard my footsteps, right? You are so smart! What do you want to eat tonight? Do you still have water? There are a lot of melon skins to eat today..."

  He was eloquent and kept asking questions, Dabao and Erbao couldn't answer, and they had already started to lick Dafa crazily.

   Until then, Guo Dong realized that the big boy who had been following him with clear eyes seemed to be...

  However, she quickly looked away again, and then seriously looked at the golden cherry blossoms:

   "You look so good..."

   she murmured.

   "Such a scale, without seven or eight years of careful pruning, will definitely not grow."

"That is!"

  Ulan became proud: "This is the big seedling that our family specially found. They are all 3 to 5 years old, and there is a female parent—look, this is the tallest and largest one."


   Guo Dong was stunned.

  Her eyes turned around in front of this lush and excessive golden cherry: "You guys... have been planting it for how many years?"

  The branches are thick, the flowers are numerous, the leaves are shiny, and there are many dense thorns... It is obviously not the full fruit period, so many fruits are already ripe...

  The standardized management in the base is not as good as the thornless golden cherry!

   "This year."

  Ulan is frank and frank.

  In her impression, this thing can grow long even in the wild. Isn't it natural that you get some fertilizer in your own land and grow to a large scale?

   But in fact, this scale has been particularly shocking.

   At least, Guo Dong has never seen such a product in those famous planting bases suitable for the growth of medicinal materials.

  Well, this is to make up for yesterday.

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