Space Doctor: The National Hero is a Girl

Chapter 1636: How dare you kill her

  Chapter 1636 Dare to kill her

  Cola's eyes fixed on the window next to her, and then she quickly saw the handle under the window. Obviously, this window can be opened.

  She hesitated for a moment, glanced at Liang Feifan who was walking to the top of the stairs, quickly opened the window next to him, and said to Liang Feifan, "Liang Feifan, you are dead!"

  After she finished speaking, she immediately shouted out of the window, "Help, help..."

  Liang Feifan had already reached the top of the stairs, and when he saw this, he immediately jumped down the stairs a few times, and was about to rush forward to stop Coke.

  Seeing this, Cole immediately crawled out of the window without hesitation.

  When Liang Feifan walked to the window, most of Coke's body was already outside the window.

   "Help, help" Coke was still yelling loudly, but the sea breeze was too strong, I don't know if anyone could hear it.

  When Liang Feifei saw this, his expression turned cold. In just a few seconds, he immediately made a decision, and he stretched out his hand and threw Coke off.

  Coke's expression changed drastically. She just wanted to ask for help, but she didn't expect Liang Feifan to dare to kill her. She let out a cry of surprise, and then quickly fell silent.

  This cabin is near the edge of the ship, with the sea below, and Coke immediately fell down.

  Liang Feifan stood by the window, looking at the dark night outside, he felt a shadow falling rapidly, and then with a bang, he knew that Coke had fallen into the sea.

   This stupid woman has since disappeared from this world.

Liang Feifei stood at the window and took a few breaths. The slightly cold sea breeze brought him back to his senses quickly. He understood that he had killed someone again. This was not the first time, but this time he actually hesitated a little. He wanted to keep Coke, but this woman really didn't know what to do, she was damned, she had no choice but to act.

  Liang Feifan took a few deep breaths, and then closed the window. He had to find a way to solve this matter. The death of Coke would never hurt him, nor could it destroy him. Fortunately, he was well prepared.

  He tidied up his attire again, then stepped on the stairs and returned to his room above. He looked in the mirror carefully and left the room when he made sure that there was nothing unusual about him.

  He went to Coke's room next door, and about ten minutes later, he came out of Coke's room again. Seeing that no one noticed him, he was immediately relieved.

  After hearing a voice from the other side of the corridor, he immediately pretended that he had just come out of the room, and then saw a staff member approaching, and Liang Feifei stepped forward to stop the staff member.

   This staff member belonged to him. He lowered his voice and said a few words to the staff member before returning to his room.

  The staff immediately went to the ballroom and walked. After passing, he went straight to Lu Xingchen, and then told Lu Xingchen that Coke was waiting for him in her room.

  Lu Xingchen felt a little strange at first, but when he realized that there was no misunderstanding between himself and Coke, he calmly followed the staff to Coke's room.

But after entering Coke's room, she found that there was no one in the room, but the window was open, and the cold wind poured in. Lu Xingchen sat in the room for a while, then got up and closed the window. She continued to wait for Coke to come back .

  However, after waiting for a long time, instead of waiting for Coke, Liang Feifan came instead.

  (end of this chapter)

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