Su Haitang pulled off the measuring tape that was strangling her neck, turned around and kicked Zhang Yang, who was frozen for a moment, to the ground!

Su Haitang neatly removed the joints of Zhang Yang's hands and feet, and even his chin. Then he took out the rags and tied them into a long rope, tying him up tightly!

"It scared me to death! This kid is really a bad guy!"

Aunt Tian stayed silent and helped her tie the rope, then sat down on the edge of the kang in fear, reaching for a cup to drink water.

"Don't drink it, in case something gets inside."

Su Haitang reminded quickly while rummaging around the house to check.

"Daughter, you are so careful that you almost got into trouble again! We have been living in peace for too long, and we are not vigilant enough. Forty years ago, I fought against Japanese soldiers." Aunt Tian sighed, how could she dare to touch the water glass.

"Have you found anything? Do you want to call the police first?"

Aunt Tian kicked Zhang Yang twice angrily.

"Why have we been neighbors with such a wolf-hearted person for so many years? Unfortunately, I always wanted to introduce him to someone, and I almost killed this nice girl!"

With a complicated expression, Su Haitang came out of the east room carrying a leather mattress and placed it next to the kang.

"Auntie, look at this leather mattress. Is there anything familiar about it?"

"What leather mattress?"

Aunt Tian didn't follow her train of thought and subconsciously looked at the beautifully spliced ​​leather mattress.

"This, this is rhubarb? My rhubarb! Why are you like this? You died so miserably!"

Aunt Tian saw the familiar yellow fur, recognized it at once, and immediately felt heartbroken!

"Your condolences."

Su Haitang sighed, looked at the beautiful smooth leather mattress, and hated Zhang Yang even more.

The rabbit wouldn't eat the grass beside its nest, so how could he be so ruthless? Not afraid of exposure?

Su Haitang couldn't persuade Aunt Tian who was crying sadly, so she had to go out and call for help.

Dahua ran over first. When she saw the leather mattress held in Aunt Tian's hand, she recognized the familiar white cloud above it as her Huanhuan's fur. She immediately rolled her eyes and fainted!

The burly man gave her a hand, put her on the kang and pinched her hard.

Other families who had lost their dogs came to look for him. When they saw the dog-skin mattress, they all gnashed their teeth and cursed in anger, and kicked Zhang Yang, who was tied up and unable to move, on the ground to vent their anger.

"Comrade Wang is here! The dog thief was caught, and it's Zhang Yang! It's so abominable! He must be sentenced to two more years!"

"I said I smelled his stew. He also said that he bought pig meat. He also said that an old customer gave him a New Year's gift. He specially brought Peixian dog meat from all the way. He even asked me to take a few bites. vomit!"

The neighbors were furious and wanted to attack Zhang Yang again.

"Calm down! Comrades, if he commits a crime, we will take him back for trial. We cannot lynch him. It is against the law." Wang Guoqing persuaded the crowd and took out handcuffs to take him away.

"Who hit this?"

Wang Guoqing noticed that Zhang Yang's joints had been removed and asked alertly.

This technique is unusual and definitely not the result of random fighting!

"Xiao Wang, this Zhang Yang is nothing!"

Aunt Tian was in tears and was reluctant to put down the leather mattress.

"He ate rhubarb! He also wanted to kill someone! I saw it with my own eyes! Let him be shot!"

Wang Guoqing is a police officer in this area and is familiar with the neighbors, so he reluctantly persuades them.

"Auntie, I understand how you feel, but we have to act in accordance with the law and not act emotionally. It's not easy to ask him to pay for the dog's life."

"I didn't lie!" Aunt Tian wiped away her tears and pointed at Su Haitang. "She was almost killed by this bastard just now! I saw it with my own eyes! I can testify!"

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