Chapter 139 It is normal to drive an aircraft carrier to lay optical cables under the sea!!

Parallel Space-Time, May 20, Pacific Ocean.

Standing on the deck of the aircraft carrier Origin, Zhao Yu was in a surging mood.

Until now, he remembers the scene when the name of the aircraft carrier was determined.

“Advisor Zhao, by the decision of the superiors, is ready to name the aircraft carrier ‘Origin’ Station 107,” Song Jianye said solemnly.”


Zhao Yu was surprised: “Wouldn’t it be inappropriate?” ”

He understood the meaning of the Origin all too well.

Qiyuan commerce and trade, the origin of development, the origin of everything is only one: that is, Zhao Yu who crossed two planes.

Using the origin as the name of the aircraft carrier belongs to the tacit romance of insiders.

In order to record a certain time-space master who appeared out of thin air.

Song Jianye waved his hand: “There is nothing inappropriate, this is our common secret.” ”

According to normal rules, aircraft carriers will be named according to provincial regions.

The battleships were named after the city-level area.

This is true in the West, and it is also true in the East.

No country breaks with convention.

But that is an ordinary situation, and the situation of the Yanhuang aircraft carrier is too special.

It was the time and space that changed the development of the Yanhuang Kingdom.

Promote backward semi-industrial and semi-agricultural countries to embark on the high-speed train of development.

It was also Zhao Yu who pointed out the development path for the Yanhuang Kingdom and increased the war potential.

Everything is enough for the Supreme Regiment to make the decision now.

To put it more bluntly, strengthen the relationship between the two sides through the naming rights of aircraft carriers.

For the parallel time and space Yanhuang Kingdom, it is a favorable decision.

“You have paid too much for us, if it were not for the wrong timing, the first aircraft carrier should be named ‘Zhao Yu’.”

Zhao Yu is too exaggerated.

Slightly normal, the official government will not name the aircraft carrier after a person, but Zhao Yu accepts the good intentions of the official government.

“No need for Zhao Yu, the Origin is also very good.”

“The origin, the origin of domestic development, is also the origin of the Yanhuang country’s global hegemony.”

With the door of time and space behind him, and the support of a modern power behind the door, Zhao Yu is confident that he will definitely be able to lead the parallel time and space Yanhuang Kingdom to the peak, break out of the surface and enter the interstellar world.

“Well, let’s work together to reach the top together.”

Song Jianye stretched out his right hand with excitement, and the two hands clasped together heavily.

This is a promise among comrades-in-arms, and it is also the common ideal of the government and the time and space.

“Captain, the sea area ahead is the country of the country, do you want to return?”

The deputy captain of the colonel interrupted Zhao Yu’s thoughts and asked in a deep voice.

The Origin departed from the South China Sea, passed through the Straits of Outlying Islands, and came to the waters of the Wakoku.

Maritime areas are also equivalent to the territory of States, and entering the waters of a State without prior notification is tantamount to an act of intrusion.

Before entering the waters of the Ukoku Kingdom, the colonel needs to obtain authorization from a higher level.

Unintentionally, Zhao Yu, the captain of the Origin on the surface, was the person in charge of the battleship, Zhao Yu, without the slightest hesitation, and waved his hand: “Full speed ahead.” ”

Why did the Origin sail for the first time, come to the waters of the Wakoku? Because he wants to get back the field.

As mentioned earlier, the economic development of the lighthouse country has aroused the vigilance of the lighthouse country.

At the behest of the Lighthouse Country, the number one dog-legged country in the east took the lead in attacking.

Raise tariffs and increase the tax rate on goods from pale yellow countries to five times.

A commodity in Yanhuang Country, entering the Yin Kingdom, the cost is directly five times higher.

Goods that cost 20 must be bought above 120 to maintain normal expenses.

However, it is impossible for the Yan people to spend more than 100 yuan on goods worth more than 20 yuan.

Even if the quality of the goods is good, it is better than similar products.

The Yan people will not be stupid enough to be wronged.

According to the idea of the Prime Minister’s Office, raising tariffs can get rid of Yanhuang goods.

The Prime Minister of the Yin Kingdom did not expect that Yanhuang Guo would rather post money and sell goods at extremely low prices, but also occupy the Yin Kingdom’s market.

Sell goods that cost a hundred and sell them for twenty.

Not making money at the same time, but also sticking a large amount of taxes.

The Prime Minister’s House was quite happy at first, anyway, it is good to receive taxes.

After a long time, the Prime Minister’s Office reacted.

Officials receive taxes at the expense of bankruptcy of the countrymen.

They collect a tax payment, and thousands of citizens in the country lose their jobs and go bankrupt.

Coupled with the influence of domestic associations, for a time, the situation in the country was chaotic and violent incidents were frequent.

On one side is taxes, on the top is smooth.

The official government of the Yan Kingdom was more concerned about the latter, and under the instructions of the Prime Minister’s Office, there were remarks to smear the Yanhuang State in the country.

With patriotic feelings, boycott other countries’ goods.

The prime minister’s strategy succeeded.

The Yan Kingdom is a crazy nation, and patriotism is very extreme.

With the guidance of the Prime Minister’s Office, the people spontaneously boycotted Yanhuang Guo commodities.

What’s more, certain groups specifically attacked shops in Yanhuangguo.

For a time, the shops in Yanhuang Country suffered huge losses.

Shops are one thing, and more importantly.

Zhao Yu’s advance consumption plan has also had twists and turns.

Song Xiaofei’s worries became a reality, and a group of Yan people directly rotted after consuming in advance.

Directly do not pay the arrears later.

Even if it is high to the official government, the official government will favor the countrymen and declare the contract null and void.

In this case, the financial department of Changhong Group almost went bankrupt.

And that’s not all, the Ugo sent battleships to patrol the channel.

When encountering a merchant ship of Yanhuang Country, he was expelled as soon as possible.

The slightest resistance action, the destroyer will open fire.

On the Yanguo waterway, countless Yanhuang people were injured.

Already torn face, plus years of grudges.

Now that there is a chance, Zhao Yu must hit the door and bring the aircraft carrier to find a field

If the country fears power and does not fear virtue, and does not beat them down, similar things will occur in the future.


The deputy captain did not know Zhao Yu’s thoughts, but it was the dream of every navy to come to the waters of the Yan Kingdom to show off his might.

After saluting, he returned to the control room and controlled the fleet of the Origin to break into the waters of the Wakoku.

The Origin fleet is built entirely after the fleet of the Lighthouse Nation.

There are six guided-missile destroyers, two attack submarines, and one supply ship.

A dozen warships broke into the doorstep and soon attracted the attention of the Yin Kingdom.

On the orders of the base camp, a destroyer quickly moved in the direction of the fleet.

“Captain, the front is the aircraft carrier fleet, do you turn on the communication?”

On the Kongo-class destroyer, Lieutenant Commander Masao Nagashima stood in the command room with a heavy face.

Just now, the destroyer, which was on patrol, received an order from above.

An unfamiliar aircraft carrier fleet appeared in the waters of his country, and the base camp ordered him to intercept it.

Receiving the order, Masao Oshima had an urge to scold his mother.

Come on, he only has one Kongo-class destroyer.

It’s okay to bully small fishing boats, and intercepting an aircraft carrier fleet head-on is purely looking for death.

The orders of the superior cannot be ignored.

It is only possible to rush to the area of the aircraft carrier fleet with anticipation.

What to expect?

Expect a sudden appearance of the aircraft carrier fleet from the Beacon Country.

The naval fleet of the Beacon Country is not human, and it is often repaired in the Yin Kingdom.

Although this kind of behavior is humiliating, it completely treats the country as a back garden, and has no impact on most people.

At most, arrange a few more women for the soldiers and send more wine.

After eating and drinking, the Lighthouse Nation fleet will leave.

Rather, if it is an aircraft carrier of another country.

Nor do they use the aircraft carrier fleets of other countries.

In today’s world, only two countries have aircraft carrier fleets that operate across the sea.

Lighthouse country with polar bears.

If not the Lighthouse State fleet, it must be the polar bear fleet.

According to the grudge between the Yan Kingdom and the polar bear, the polar bear aircraft carrier fleet came to the waters of the Yan country.

Certainly not a good thing.

“Maybe there will be a war.”

Standing in the command room, Masao Oshima muttered.

Today’s country is no better than it used to be.

Fifty years ago, the U.S. kingdom was powerful and had ambitions to dominate Asia.

After the defeat, the Yin Kingdom, which was given too many shackles, was like a castrated prime of life, and it was powerless.

War reappeared, and the Yin kingdom had little strength to resist.

Will be hung up and beaten by the enemies.

As for Masao Oshima and the destroyer, they are just cannon fodder in the war. Masao Oshima does not want to die, and can only expect the aircraft carrier fleet to come from the lighthouse country.

What made him despair was that there were no stars and stripes flying on the aircraft carrier fleet.

Instead, a red flag flew.

“Sure enough, it’s the Polar Bear aircraft carrier fleet. Masao Oshima closed his eyes in despair. ”

“Gentlemen, prepare to be loyal to Your Majesty.”

With his knowledge of polar bears, he would not break into the waters of the country for no reason.

There must be a military purpose.

Masao Oshima doesn’t know why polar bears came to the offshore waters, and it won’t be a good thing anyway.

Just as he was about to order his subordinates to attack, the pattern on the flag startled him.

“It’s not a scythe? But the stars? ”

The sickle is a polar bear, and the star is the country of Yanhuang.

Although they all have a red background, their external policies are completely different.

Polar bear world superpower, invincible existence in Asia, worthy of the Asian boss.

Act overbearing and unscrupulous.

There is a high probability that it will bring war.

The Yanhuang country is different, the national strength is insufficient, and the policy of the pale yellow country is more moderate.

There will be no initiative to start a war.

Even if a war breaks out, in Oshima’s ambitions, there is a domestic confrontation power on the other side of the Pacific, which is a land that has almost been conquered.

What the predecessors can do, there is no reason why their own generation cannot do it.

After tidying up his clothes, Masao Oshima regained his fighting spirit.

With a wave of his hand, he said: “Open the public channel, I want to shout to the Yanhuang country aircraft carrier.” ”

After speaking, he picked up the microphone handed over by his subordinate and shouted.

“Please note that this is the waters of the Wakoku, please do not enter the waters of the Wakoku without permission, otherwise it will be regarded as an intrusion.”

The same words were shouted three times.

No Yanhuang Chinese words were used.

On the other side, there were no officers on the destroyer who spoke the Yanhuang language.

On the other hand, there is also the arrogance in the heart.

That land should have been the spoils of war for the countrymen, and the Yanhuang people were just lucky ones with good luck.

In the brainwashing of the Yin country again and again, the new generation of Yin people has long forgotten that the army is compressed in one area.

The fact that it was impossible to continue the attack was only known about the onslaught of the first three months.

Like the vanquished, he thought he could conquer the continent in three months.

In the face of a group of losers, there is no reason to whisper.

What made Masao Oshima angry was that the Yanhuang aircraft carrier fleet ignored the reminder and continued to swagger towards the mainland of the Yin Kingdom.

“-like Yanhuang country,-like polar bear.”

Why did Masao Oshima curse polar bears.

Because he felt that the aircraft carrier fleet came from polar bears.

It was the polar bears that provided the support that would otherwise be the manufacturing capacity of the Yanhuang country.

It is not possible to create an aircraft carrier fleet in a short time.

Without the aircraft carrier fleet, the Yanhuang country will not have the strength to storm the mainland.

“Activate attack mode, and if the opponent continues to advance, attack directly.”

Masao Oshima ordered.

The order of the base camp is clear, the aircraft carrier fleet must be prevented from approaching the mainland.

He can only bet.

It is gambled that the Yan Huang Guo fleet will not attack, let alone risk being blamed by all countries in the world to start a war in the coastal waters of the Yan Kingdom.

Unfortunately, Masao Oshima made the wrong bet.

Destroyers are found to initiate attack mode.

The reaction of the aircraft carrier fleet was strong.

Six missile attack ships moved simultaneously, aiming their guns at the destroyer.

At the same time, a dozen fighters took off into the air, hiding in the clouds and aiming missiles at the destroyers.

Instantly, the destroyer sounded a hurried siren.

“~ Attention, attention, the battleship has been locked, please dodge, please dodge.”


Masao Oshima swallowed, feeling the power of the aircraft carrier fleet for the first time.

He knew in his heart that as long as the destroyer made an abnormal move.

will be coaxed into slag by the other party, and there is no room for resistance.

Quickly ordered his subordinates to shut down the destroyer, while signaling surrender.

If he does not surrender, he can accompany the destroyer to the death.

But there is no point in not wanting to die, and it is more meaningful to keep your body and probe the true purpose of the aircraft carrier fleet.

While transmitting the situation of the aircraft carrier fleet to the country, he convinced himself that Masao Oshima finally chose to surrender.

“Oh, I thought I met a warrior, but it turned out to be a coward.”

The command room of the aircraft carrier fleet, looking at the battleships floating quietly on the screen, said dismissively.

As Masao Oshima guessed, Zhao Yu was ready to attack.

The Navy has an aircraft carrier fleet, naturally it needs to sacrifice the flag, is there a better option for flag-sacrifice than the Wokoku?

Taking out a destroyer of the Urakuni will not start too much of a war, but will only make the country rejoice.

Why are you so sure?

Again, unless the Lighthouse Country unites with the polar bear, it will not take the initiative to attack the Yanhuang Country.

Only some small means will be used in the shadows to alleviate the development of Yanhuang Country.

The country no longer cares about small means, the two great powers do not personally end, and there are enough means to cope at home.

Even if the two great powers unite, with the support of modern time and space, the country can also protect itself.

For a year, modern space-time has not stood still.

Energy needs have been solved, and modern time and space have developed rapidly.

There are many secret weapons made in China, and if necessary, those weapons can be brought to parallel time and space for experimentation.

The more trump cards there are, the domestic actions will be much more presumptuous.

“Go personally, bring the destroyer captain.”

When you come to someone else’s house as a guest, you naturally have to say hello to the host’s house.

Soon, the destroyer Masao Oshima came to the deck of the aircraft carrier in an airship.

“Dear Captain, welcome to the Kingdom of Wakoku.”

Masao Oshima’s face was full of sycophancy, and he spoke in an awkward Yanhuang language.

It’s not standard, but it’s audible.

“Yo he, it turns out that you can speak Yanhuang language.”

Zhao Yu looked at the middle-aged officer in front of him and said secretly.

Masao Oshima laughed, not daring to make the slightest move.

No way, fell into the hands of the enemy, not smart and died eight hundred times ago.

Know why the aircraft carrier fleet is dangerous.

Masao Oshima said that if he didn’t come, he couldn’t do it, and the group of subordinates behaved more than him.

His identity was exposed for the first time, and there was no way to hide.

While smiling, Masao Oshima said carefully.

“Honorable Sir, I need to remind you that invading the waters of the Yin Kingdom here is equivalent to starting a war.”

The duty of a soldier prompted him to say this.

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Yu looked up at him.

Be able to remember your job in the face of danger, and do not abandon the bottom line.

Barely a qualified military man.

So he was a little more serious: “Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, who said we want to initiate?” ”

Masao Oshima was stunned and wanted to curse a few times.

You came to our waters with an aircraft carrier fleet and were blocked by native destroyers.

Instead of retreating, he took control of the destroyer and caught the destroyer captain on the aircraft carrier.

Any of the above actions is a standard act of war.

You are kind enough to say that you don’t want to start a war, it’s really shameful.

Masao Oshima did not dare to say what was in his heart, so he could only laugh a few times.

Zhao Yu knew that the other party did not believe it, so he pointed to the side of the deck and said.

“It’s no secret that China invented a submarine cable. Spread them to the bottom of the sea to form a whole new Internet. In order to build a large-scale Internet in Asia, we will come to your waters to lay underwater cables. ”

Masao Oshima looked to the side, where bundles of underwater cables lay proudly.

“To lay an underwater fiber optic cable, you have to drive an aircraft carrier? Are you kidding me? ”

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