Hearing Chu Feng's words, He Chenguang and the others all looked at each other, not knowing what would happen.

"Don't look around!" Zhuang Yan scolded: "Do what Brother Feng said, just aim at the mountain!"

Everyone immediately raised their guns, and instead of being curious, it was better to look directly at the mountain, and then everything would be clear.

Lei Zhan and the others were lying behind the concealment, quietly waiting for Chu Feng and them to automatically send them to the door.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no reaction at all from Yamashita.

"The guns are gone, the people are gone, do you really dare not attack?" asked Gao Dazhuang.

Lei Zhan said disdainfully: "I still think he Chu Feng is the number one person, if he doesn't dare to attack, then I really look down on him." Something...."

Xiao Ying and Wu Xin had already brought their people to Lei Zhan's side at this time, and when they heard this, they smiled slightly: "With Captain Lei and Captain Gao personally in charge, I am afraid that they are already frightened by a group of recruits." At this time, we should be studying where to attack!"

Xiao Ying's sycophants made Lei Zhan very useful, and he hurriedly smiled: "Several of you are special warfare masters, I think it's because of your help, so those guys don't dare to make a mistake!"

The two sides were touting each other, and Wu Xin suddenly said, "Did you hear the voice?"

"What sound?" Lei Zhan and the others all looked at him curiously.

Wu Xin squinted his eyes: "Can't you hear it?" The buzzing sound is getting louder and louder!"

Everyone listened with bated breath, and sure enough, a buzzing sound grew louder and louder, and from far to near.

"This voice, how does it sound like the sound of a swarm!" Wu Xin's expression became a little unnatural: "Moreover, it seems to be coming towards us!"

Lei Zhan smiled: "Don't worry, your armed police special combat team may not know." The bees in the wild may be collecting nectar on a large scale, and they will not attack people. As long as we lie still on our stomachs, we will be fine!"

Wu Xin, Xiao Ying and the others nodded knowingly, and immediately lay down quietly according to Lei Zhan's words.

At the same time, the humming sound was getting louder and louder, and it was rushing towards the hidden position of Thunderbolt and Lone Wolf and others.

Everyone was inexplicably nervous, the sound of the swarm was too loud, and no one had ever heard such a terrifying sound.

"Don't worry, it's okay!" Lei Zhan comforted everyone: "As long as you don't provoke them, the bees won't hurt people, don't worry.... Ahh

In the next second, Lei Zhan screamed himself.

Three bees stared at his neck and immediately stabbed him out of the neck with three bags.

"Ahh Bees, bees...."

"I have it here, it's all bees...."

In just a moment, a large number of bees swept through the special combat team members of Thunderbolt and Lone Wolf, and hundreds of people were stung by bees, and the stinging places immediately bulged out one after another with painful and itchy bags.

Xiao Ying and Wu Xin lay on the ground and did not move, but they were bitten even worse, and their hands and faces were full of red bags.

"Captain Lei, didn't you say that bees don't sting?" Xiao Ying shouted angrily, "Why are they all coming to bite us?"

Lei Zhan himself was waving a bee, shouting anxiously: "Mistake, there must be some misunderstanding." These bees will go on their own later, everyone, bear back, now we are in ambush!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was stung two more.

Lei Zhan turned his head and yelled at Gao Dazhuang: "High school team, you are a veteran, you have to think of a way, what should you do now..."

Lei Zhan's words came to an abrupt end, and he was startled by the tall and strong face.

was originally tall and strong with a dragon spirit and fierce face, but at this moment he has been completely bitten into a pig's head.

The whole face was high and swollen, if he wasn't still wearing a military uniform and a military rank, he wouldn't have recognized this guy as tall and strong after killing Lei Zhan.

"What do you see?" the tall and strong mouth was swollen like a sausage: "I was stung by a few wasps, and it was poisonous..."

Lei Zhan asked with a bitter face, "Then what now?"

Gao Dazhuang looked around, and the urn roared angrily: "What else can I do? Run, find a place with water!"

Tall and strong, the first to get up and run.

With him taking the lead, the lone wolf people stood up and galloped.

Lei Zhan smashed his fist on the ground and yelled at his subordinates: "Don't be stunned, run quickly and find a water source." "

For a while, all the special combat team members on the hill climbed up and ran for their lives under the chase of the bees.

Halfway up the mountain, the red blood cell people all opened their mouths in shock.

"Really, really ran out!" Li Erniu's eyes widened in surprise: "What's the matter with them? Why do they look like they're being chased by ghosts!"

He Chenguang looked at the scope and kept laughing: "They are being chased by bees, aren't they being chased by ghosts." Hahaha, Brother Feng, is this what you did?"

Chu Feng nodded lightly: "With those two live ammunition just now, I knocked out two honeycombs." The bees are in a state of anger and must have stung at sight. Count them unlucky, just because the bee colony is closer!"

All the soldiers of the red blood cells laughed excitedly when they heard that the reason was so simple.

"Don't just laugh!" Chu Feng said loudly: "Hit, hit hard, hit as much as you can!"

Everyone did not hesitate any longer, raised their guns and pointed them at the soldiers who were running wildly, and pulled the trigger one after another.


The tall and strong man who ran at the front was hit in the head by Chu Feng, and smoke immediately rose from the steel helmet.

But Tall and Strong no longer cares about being eliminated.

Now, he just wants to get rid of the swarm quickly, he's about to be stung to death!

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