Special Years

Chapter 537: Heroes are short-lived, children are long in love

After the doctor left, the room was quiet.

Zhang Neng didn't speak, and Liu Shuxian didn't speak either.

The two of them were lying down one by one, the other sitting, and there was an invisible sadness in the air.

After a long time, Zhang Neng asked, "Shuxian, where's your daughter?"

Liu Shuxian sat aside, wiping her tears quietly, but when she heard Zhang Neng ask about her daughter, she got angry again.

"My sister helped me pick her up these days, do you think I dared to tell her about you? I can only coax her, lie to her, say that my father is on a business trip, and it will take a while to come back. If you let her see you With this look, I'm afraid to scare her."

After a pause, he said: "Zhang Neng, I married a soldier, and I was prepared in my heart, but I... I really didn't expect this! Do you know? I spend every day in fear, you remember Is that old Chen from the Air Force test flight team opposite our researcher? I went to work that morning, I saw him and said hello, but when I came back at night, I heard that he was gone..."

Zhang Neng listened quietly without speaking.

Liu Shuxian said: "Zhang Neng, I beg you, I know what you're thinking, you still want to go back and work on your paramotor, but I can tell you, I can't bear this kind of pressure anymore, that's right. , I used to think that I was married to a hero, but now I see clearly, a hero is not suitable for a husband, what I want is a living man who can watch TV and eat with me every day, not a man who often goes out It took me half a month or even a few months, and then suddenly a phone call came and told me to go to the hospital without asking anything..."

"I have had enough!"

Liu Shuxian burst into tears again.

"Zhang Neng, I've really had enough! I, Liu Shuxian, don't want glory, wealth, or food, I just want an ordinary husband, not a superman, a hero!"

Zhang Neng listened silently, but still did not speak.

He knew Liu Shuxian.

She needs to vent, and after venting, she can have a good talk.

What's more, her request is not excessive, everything she said is the truth, how can she refute it?


How can a hero be so good?

In this era, it seems that there is really no need for heroes.

You go to a class reunion with military medals on the front of your military uniform. Maybe there is no private boss who opens a crown 3.0 more popular.


This is a word so familiar, but now so unfamiliar.

"Researcher Zhang..."

When the atmosphere in the room was at its most tense, a familiar voice came from the door.

Majestic appeared at the door, and probed into it.

Xu Yan and Chang Jiageng followed behind him.

Seeing Liu Shuxian, Zhuang Yan didn't know whether to go in or not.

"Come in, come in..."

On the other hand, Zhang Nengxiang, who was on the bed, saw the rescuer, for fear that Zhuang Yan would run away when he saw someone.

Xu Yan came in and saw Liu Shuxian, and quickly came up and called, "Sister-in-law."

When Liu Shuxian saw the troops coming, she immediately wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, squeezed out a smile, and hurriedly pulled a few chairs and greeted everyone, "Sit, you sit, I'll pour water for you."

There were limited chairs, so Zhuang Yan asked Xu Yan and Chang Jia to sit more and stood at the end of the bed.

Zhuang Yan looked at the leg hanging in the air, like a hedgehog covered with metal rods, stared at it for a long time, and then carefully asked: "Researcher Zhang..."

"Wait." Zhang Neng interrupted Zhuang Yan softly and said, "Okay, don't be a researcher Zhang all day long, just call me old Zhang."

Xu Yan and the Chang family looked at each other even more. They both understood that an expert in military scientific research like Zhang Neng could make Zhuang Yan call himself "Old Zhang", which shows that he greatly appreciates this soldier.

Zhuang Yan sneered and said, "This...isn't it good?"

"What's wrong, some of the revolutionary comrades are high and low. You and I are both comrades-in-arms, and we are not directly affiliated with superiors and subordinates. You can call them whatever you want." Zhang Neng said.

Zhuang Yan felt that this title was not excessive, so he said, "Old Zhang, what's wrong with your feet?"

"It's not just my feet, I have three broken ribs in my chest, my spleen is ruptured and bleeding profusely. I cut it, my lungs are damaged, and there is blood congestion in my head. It is God's blessing to save my life." Zhang Neng said, "I heard that Zhuang Yan You were the first to find me?"

Nodding solemnly, he said, "Well, I was really in a hurry at that time. You lay there and didn't move. I was afraid that you would be gone."

"Hahaha..." Zhang Neng was amused by the solemn words, and when he smiled, it hurt, and his face was blue and sweating.

At this moment, the little nurse just came in, and when she saw Zhuang Yan, she rolled her eyes at him and said angrily, "I don't know if the patient can't be excited when he wakes up? Work!"

The little nurse is also the kind of little girl who was recruited directly from the medical school and signed a contract with the military hospital.

Zhuang Yan had to step aside.

This is other people's territory, people have the final say, the nurse and doctor are the boss here, and they have to be their tails and wait for them.

The little nurse left after changing the medicine. She didn't say anything before she left, but caught Zhuang Yanyi and gave a general training, saying that if it's okay, don't stay here for too long, which will affect the patient's rest. Open the wound or cause blood vessels to bleed, then Zhuang Yan will be the murderer.

Zhuang Yan was stunned for a while with a slap in the face, only to nod his head.

When the little nurse left, the Chang family couldn't help but ask Zhuang Yan, "This little nurse seems to have a grudge against you."

Zhuang Yan blushed and said, "I was too nervous to send Lao Zhang in yesterday. Maybe I have some problems with my attitude. I yelled at the little nurse. This girl remembers it."

The crowd couldn't help covering their mouths and laughing.

Zhuang Yan said: "Old Zhang, I'm going back, I only asked for a two-hour leave, and I have to go back by car, which will take at least half an hour. This time, I'm also saying goodbye to you, and we'll be leaving the day after tomorrow. "

"Let's go?" Zhang Neng wanted to move his upper body subconsciously, and suddenly remembered what the nurse had just explained, so he had no choice but to stay still and sighed and said, "Yes, you are from the special team, and you are not in your camp for a few days throughout the year. Han told me, you are a professional sniper team?"

"Well." said solemnly and proudly: "We will be professional snipers in the future!"

"Professional..." Zhang Neng nodded and said, "I have known your captain Han Zizhen for a long time. He came to participate in the special paramotor training three years ago, but I was a technical instructor. I heard him mention it at that time. I want to establish such a professional unit. I agree with his philosophy very much. I have come into contact with a lot of your special forces soldiers, but some of the soldiers we have trained seem to be all-round, capable of everything, but not skilled at everything. No experts. In modern warfare, there is no doubt that a group of soldiers with general skills cannot support a small team of experts. Therefore, our training guiding ideology and training mode should be reformed. The future development direction of special forces is not to be full of knives all over the body, but none of them are particularly sharp."

"Yes, our captain often said that. It is estimated that we will go to sniper training next. Team Han is a strict person. It seems that our life will not be easy." Zhuang Yan said.

Zhang Neng said: "Nothing is easy..."

As he spoke, he pouted at his feet angrily: "Look, it's not easy for me either."

He smiled solemnly and bitterly.

Fortunately, this time Zhang Neng is still alive.

Zhang Neng's accident also made Zhuang Yan understand how difficult it is to develop and distribute a set of equipment.

After the two said goodbye, they solemnly returned to their temporary residence, ready to pack up and set off.

After Zhuang Yan left, Xu Yan opened her mouth.

"Master, when you were in a coma, the leader of the institute came. Regarding this project, I heard that it may be suspended."

"What?" Zhang Neng almost jumped out of his bed.

As soon as he moved, his brows knitted together in pain, and he fell back on the bed.

Liu Shuxian said on the side, "Can you stop being excited? Stop it when you stop. I'll send a chicken to the leader! Thank you for letting you stop working hard."

"Why? This project is close to success. Stopping like this is the same as giving up the results that are coming! No, I don't agree!"

Xu Yan said: "Master, you fell this time. Some people say that the stability of this power delta wing is not good, it is easy to cause accidents, and it cannot be guaranteed in terms of safety, not to mention combat use."

"Nonsense!" Zhang Neng was obviously excited and said, "They don't understand anything! I flew this power delta wing, I know it very well, I have flown no less than thirty times! If it's not safe, why the first twenty-nine I'm fine this time? This time is the maximum ceiling and maneuver test under extreme load. This is to explore the maximum parameters of this power delta wing. What do they know? Such large parameters are rarely used in actual combat, let alone now. I've found the cause and weakness, and I can improve! Isn't there a year left?"

Xu Yan and the Chang family exchanged glances, but didn't say anything.

"What happened to you all?" Zhang Neng looked at Xu Yan and said, "Yanzi, you are one of the people in charge of this project. I can't explain the situation in the hospital for the time being. You have to take this responsibility! This project cannot be stopped. It has been infinitely close to success! I can guarantee that the final shape must be at the international advanced level and will not be worse than foreign products!"

Xu Yan still did not speak.

Zhang Neng seemed to smell something unusual and said, "What the **** is going on?"

Xu Yan said: "What the leader means is...you are so badly injured now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can't actually carry out the test flight. If you want to find a new person to come over for the test flight, I'm afraid it will take a lot of time. The result is also unknown..."

"I..." Zhang Neng wanted to say that he could fly, but when he saw the foot in front of him, he knew it was just a lie to himself.

Fly, I'm afraid I really can't fly.

"Now that the preliminary data collection has been completed, it was originally the last test flight. I want to make adjustments and then go through the last actual flight to finalize the shape."

"How about we go to the Airborne Special Forces to find someone to try?" The Chang family added.

Zhang Neng gritted his teeth, lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling. After a long time, he said: "Let me think about it, I will come up with a solution, the project must not be stopped, two years have not yet arrived, this is what the leader promised me. …”


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