Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 1016: Superstring Wars (14)

"No! You can't do this to me! I'm still useful! I'm still useful! You're not going to give up something that has great utility!" The Matrix, apparently realizing what it was about to end, began to growl loudly like crazy.

As a synthetic high-level life form, she subconsciously perfectly retains the original mother's survival instinct, which is to do her best to survive.

For normal living beings, nothing is stronger than the desire to live.

This intensity is even far beyond reason and emotion, and is deeply hidden in the deepest part of various complex thinking. It will only be activated instantly when certain conditions are met, making it completely abandon rationality and embrace animal nature.

Because only animal nature can make lifeforms that have adapted to the civilized environment quickly adapt to the harsh environment, kill competitors in a cruel and ruthless way, and finally ensure that they are the lucky ones to live to the end.

Zhang Cheng, who has personally created countless disasters and destructions, naturally does not understand what the strong desire to survive from the mother's body means.

Unfortunately, instead of showing even the slightest bit of sympathy or kindness, he walked up to him with a sneer, dug out the core of Titan's life in the opponent's chest, and abandoned the broken star soul in the dark and empty universe. In the middle, he slowly injected the huge energy through the crystal column into the interior of the dark planet.

After a while, the planet began to react violently, followed by getting smaller and smaller... getting smaller...

It was finally compressed into a sphere the size of a tennis ball, but its mass and density exceeded that of any visible substance in the universe. The mysterious liquid inside it that was spinning at a high speed was unknown whether it was energy or matter.

Feeling the close connection between this little thing and the main string exuding a dark light in the distance, Zhang Cheng couldn't help but slightly tilted his mouth and said to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "Perfect! Time! Space! ! Energy! Matter... everything that makes up the universe is contained within this little sphere. What I want to do next is to make it more closely related to the main string, even integrated. , no matter where I go, as long as I hold this sphere in my hand, the energy is continuously drawn from the main string."

The voice just fell!

A small spaceship equipped with a communication system came quickly in front of him, and the clone's adjutant's voice was clearly transmitted through the communication equipment.

"Your Excellency Commander! In the sixth-dimensional universe C1240 area, the eradication protocol has been completed and the target has been cleared. Please confirm the end of the mission."

"Confirmed!" Zhang Cheng nodded without thinking.

"The purge protocol is over! Commander confirms! In addition, I would like to inform you that since your use of the purge protocol in a specific area has been judged as an extremely dangerous and crazy decision, all important members, including the initial ones, have gathered at the moment. In the conference room, waiting for your mission statement."

"Task description? Why didn't I know there were such bureaucratic procedures in the organization!" Zhang Cheng subconsciously frowned.

You don't need to ask to know that he has always liked secret actions. What he hates most is that people hide in the dark and pay attention to his every move, and he doesn't like telling others his thoughts and plans.

no way!

Selfishness is part of human nature!

It is also the uncompromising dark side of human nature!

Although he joined the organization in name, he didn't have the idea of ​​joining it secretly.

On the contrary, he just used the organization as a springboard, a channel to gain more knowledge and power, just like what he did before.

"Sorry! Your action almost turned hundreds of thousands of light-years around into an unapproachable death zone. Many people hope that you can give an accurate statement to prove that you are not risking the future of the organization." Clone The adjutant quickly conveyed the order from the other side.

"Humph! A group of idiots who don't even understand the essence of energy! It seems that they don't understand at all, there is a huge difference between energy and energy." Zhang Cheng sneered and sarcastically, then carefully put away the shrinking dark planet, The whole person quickly returned to the mothership and passed through the interior of the base connected by the main string.

The moment he opened the door and walked into the conference room, countless pairs of eyes stared at him, many of them hostile.

Obviously, he started the purge agreement this time, annoyed a lot of people, especially those guys who didn't deal with it very much in the first place.

Fortunately, the beginner didn't seem to have any plans to pursue this matter. With a faint smile on his face, he patted the table lightly, and said in a slightly hoarse voice: "Okay! Since the master is back, let him A note for all of us. Remember, no one can interrupt while he is speaking, otherwise I will see it as a provocation to the rules of the organization."


Zhang Cheng is not a fool. He understands that the other party's implication is to express his support for him, and he glances meaningfully at the members present.

After a full minute, he explained calmly: "I understand that some people think that my initiation of the purge agreement is a dangerous move, or even a gamble.

But it is not so.

As we all know, the star-class main gun on the main battleship uses energy to push high-energy particles to violently impact the target and cause huge damage, and its terrifying power is even enough to penetrate the crust at once~www.wuxiaspot.com~ torn to shreds.

But you don't understand that the body of the dark planet is a special energy crystal celestial body generated under the resonance of the main string. High-energy particle shocks can't do any damage to it at all.

On the contrary, the energy that maintains the gravitational and magnetic field changes inside the celestial body is enough to form a weak isolation layer on the surface, and the damage caused by the impact of high-energy particles is far less than the damage caused by slamming down with a hammer.

It is precisely because of this that I dared to initiate the purge agreement, to carry out indiscriminate coverage strikes on the surface of the entire planet, and to draw out the secret weapons of the Haraisians to capture them in one fell swoop.


The Dark Planet itself is the legendary Eye of Harrelson!

According to my speculation, it is equivalent to a key, a key that can truly activate the full power of the main string.

As long as we have this key, we can completely weaponize the main string, instead of just treating it as a gateway and a logistics supply base. "

"Interesting theory! But what do you use to prove your theories and inferences?" The Initiator asked with interest, rubbing his chin.

Zhang Cheng replied with a smile: "Remember the reason why the organization recruited me? You need an expert in energy, mysticism and alchemy, and I happen to be an expert in this area. Energy is a very complex thing. It's not as simple as you think, it's just a different form of external expression. Each energy represents the ultimate rule to maintain the stability of the universe, the embodiment of their rules..."

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