Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 1076: Identify yourself (Part 1)

"Export certain dangerous technologies to backward civilizations, and then observe their reactions? I have to admit, your idea is indeed very interesting, and even aroused my desire to observe and study." Gru made no secret of his presence here. Interest in the aspect, the tone is full of the urge to try.

Restraint has never been the essence of civilization.

On the contrary, the nature of civilization is madness, unbridled, full of contradictions and violent conflicts.

In the constant competition and extinction, some of them will destroy and annex another part of civilization, and finally form a relatively integrated environment on the planet, and finally enter the interstellar era.

This process is so cruel that there is less than a 1 in 10,000 chance of success, and the rest is not firmly bound to the parent star by gravity, or is it because of the invention of some powerful weapons of destruction, As a result, several relatively independent civilizations perished in the conflict.

As Zhang Cheng, who has felt the shadow of the destruction of nuclear weapons during the Cold War on Earth, he obviously knows very well what a foolish mortal will do when he acquires a powerful weapon, and shook his head with a smile: "No, I don't intend to be a simple Observe, but want to cultivate a planet completely engulfed by chaos, a world full of disorder, killing and madness. I believe you should be aware of the seeds of chaos I planted on this planet. Think about it, When it starts to take root, what a spectacular sight it will be?"

"Cultivate a chaotic planet?" Gru waved the front in surprise, expressing his inner excitement.

"That's right! I know it sounds whimsical. Because the universe is currently maintained by the three basic rules of order, chaos and neutrality, no matter any celestial body, at most, it will only have some specific tendencies, and it will not absolutely fall to a certain This camp will not exclude the other two rules. But I think that nothing can be perfect, and there are always some unknown loopholes that can be drilled.”

Speaking of this, Zhang Cheng deliberately paused and turned his attention to the giant mural hanging on the wall.

The scenery in the painting is nothing else, it is the spectacular scene when he injected the power of chaos into the earth with his own hands not long ago, especially the aura of destruction blowing towards him, which is simply immersive.

Gru undoubtedly saw the painting, and asked subconsciously, "Did you find anything?"

Zhang Cheng nodded without thinking: "Yes! I don't know for the time being whether it was an accident or accident, or some kind of sudden inspiration. It's amazing, and it's impossible to describe it in words."

"That being the case, I'll give my expectation of 120,000 points first. But about the output of dangerous technologies, have you chosen a target?" Gru obviously didn't intend to go too deep into it, it was related to every master The cognition of one's own power is the most private secret.

If you are too curious, it will lead to a rapid deterioration of the relationship between the two, and it may even turn your face for it.

"Selected! Look, my servant has brought the most suitable target."

The voice just fell!

Outside the door of the room on the top floor of the tower, there was a sudden knock on the door, followed by Isolt's old voice coming in through the crack of the door.

"Master, please forgive me for disturbing you at this time. But I brought someone who might be of interest to you."

"Come in!" Zhang Cheng hooked his finger, and the closed door instantly opened to you automatically.

In order not to cause panic among the two indigenous people, Gru quickly isolated himself in the gap between the three-dimensional universe and silently observed the next development.

"Master! This is the sixth princess of the kingdom - Willia. She wants to see you no matter what." Isolt squatted down and bowed deeply, showing unusual humility. .

In contrast, the princess who followed was very bold, staring straight at Zhang Cheng sitting on the throne with two eyes, and even did not forget to use the corner of his eyes to display a lot of surrounding displays, decorations and decorations. .

There is no doubt that from the moment she entered this tower, she never stopped being shocked for a moment.

Whether it is the countless giant jewels inlaid on the bottom floor, the massive gold and silver items that can be seen everywhere, and the magical puppets that are destructive at first glance, all of them prove the wealth and power of the tower owner.

Compared with the Royal Mage Tower, which is hailed as an architectural marvel, it is like a shabby beggar's nest.

Of course, because of his good education, Vilia did not show these complicated feelings on his face, and politely bowed to a lady's skirt and greeted with a sweet voice: "Hello, great Gao Lord of the tower, I am the princess of the kingdom and also the envoy sent by the king."

"Envoy?" Zhang Cheng raised his eyebrows slightly, showing a rather playful expression.

In his impression, envoys are not just for anyone, they must not only have extraordinary brains and wit, but also must be slick enough in politics.

Obviously, a young girl in her twenties does not have enough experience and experience.

"Yes! I hope to talk to you alone, what do you think?" Villa said in one breath the diplomatic words that had been brewing for a long time.

After all, Zhang Cheng's appearance in his early twenties is so deceptive that many people will ignore his real age.

"Hehe, you want to negotiate with me? Interesting! Isolt, didn't you tell this princess who I am?" Zhang Cheng dragged his chin, and a trace of mockery flashed in his eyes.

Isolt hurriedly stepped forward and explained: "No~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Master, I haven't mentioned your privacy to him. In addition, this princess has lived in a relatively closed state since she was a child, surrounded by Flattery and compliments, so it’s bound to be a little unrealistic.”

"Ah! I get it! An idiot who thinks the world revolves around him. If that's the case, then take her to the dungeon to get a feel for what kind of people you're talking to. I don't want to talk to a self-righteous idiot. , at least let her understand where she is." After that, Zhang Cheng waved his hand in an impatient manner.

"Idiot and idiot? Is that how you describe you as a princess and a lady? It's too powerless!" It was obviously the first time that Vilia heard someone commenting on herself like this, and she blushed angrily.

"As you wish, great master." Isolt disregarded the princess' resistance and dragged him out of the room.

When the door slammed shut, Villa couldn't help roaring: "Let go of me! What right does he have to insult me!"

"Shut up! If you don't want to die!" Isolt scolded coldly.

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