Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 1088: spread the word

The war between the Kingdom of Anoa and the Principality of Polk broke out very quickly and without any warning.

But what's interesting is that the end is also very fast. From the beginning of the battle to the end, it took less than half a day in total.

To be precise, the real battle part is only a few minutes.

As weapons beyond the understanding of this planetary civilization were put into actual combat, the nobles and soldiers of the Principality of Polk had lost more than half of their army before they could even realize what happened.

There was no accident, the surviving guys didn't even think about it, they just turned around and started to flee frantically.

Some of them may be brave and not very afraid of death, but in the face of a force that human beings can't compete with, all is in vain.

Besides running away, do they have any other choice?

If it weren't for the need to reduce unnecessary consumption as much as possible, traditional cavalry was adopted for the following pursuit, and there might not be even a single survivor on the battlefield.

But even so, the high-level officials of the Principality of Polk were almost wiped out. Dozens of famous nobles who had lasted for hundreds of years were faced with the dilemma of having no heirs, and the entire country was also facing the risk of order collapse.

This risk does not come from outside intruders, but from the mass death of the internal elite.

In this backward world where knowledge and information disseminate very slowly, the time, energy and consumption required to cultivate a talent is enough to bring down a small businessman with a lot of income. Once a large number of elite talents die, the country will be unable to maintain its administration. Effective functioning of the organization.

As a feudal country with feudal nobles as the main body, the death of a large number of nobles in the Principality of Polk directly led to the inability to organize even a bit of decent resistance in the rear.

And even if some families tried to rely on strong castles to resist, but due to the lack of people with prestige and convincing, they failed to unite and were defeated one by one.

With the capital of the Principality being occupied, the surrounding people who were originally eyeing for bargains suddenly discovered in shock that the kingdom they thought was fat actually hides such a terrifying trump card.

Suddenly, countless spies disguised as various identities came to the capital of the kingdom and began to inquire about mysterious weapons in private.

Of course, in the eyes of ordinary people, these are just idle talk, and they are more concerned about the news about ancient ruins and treasures circulating in the market.


In an inconspicuous tavern, more than a dozen fully-armed adventurers gathered together, toasting and drinking, and exchanging information with each other.

One of the men who looked old looked up and drank the drink from the glass, then grinned and said, "Guys! Got it? I have a hunch that we're going to make a fortune this time. "

"Oh? How do you know that we will definitely make a fortune?" Another young man blinked curiously.

"Hahahaha! Could it be that you don't know that ancient legend? The legend about the holy sword?" The man laughed and asked back.

The young man hurriedly shook his head: "No, I've never heard of it. What is a holy sword?"

"The holy sword is a powerful artifact! It is said that a certain **** in ancient times once forged it by himself and gave it to an unsung hero. With the unparalleled power of the holy sword, the hero not only defeated the mighty undead army, And also killed the powerful king of dragons. In order to prevent this holy sword from falling into the wrong hands, the hero built a tomb temporarily. Now, his soul guards the holy sword in the tomb, waiting for the next A successor with heroic posture comes."

Not far away, a mysterious man shrouded in a hood took the initiative to answer.

"Could it be that this ruin is the tomb of an unsung hero?!" The young man stood up excitedly.

As there is a saying, there is a dream of becoming a hero hidden deep in the heart of every intelligent life. This is the embodiment of sociality, and it is the proof of the desire to be recognized and praised by the same kind. Very few people can resist it. lure.

Especially young people who like fantasy, as long as you give them a little hope and encouragement, they will become enthusiastic, even if they risk their lives.

"Sorry, I'm just a scholar, and I can't be sure if it is or not until I see the ruins with my own eyes." The mysterious man replied without looking up.

"Then are you interested in joining us?" The middle-aged man who first spoke offered an invitation.

I don't know if it was an illusion. He always felt that when he stared at the hole hidden under the hood, he would always have a strong sense of ambiguity, so that he couldn't remember anything at all.

Because of this, he felt that this mysterious man was definitely not simple, so he decided to try it out.

But unfortunately, the mysterious man obviously had no such plan, and refused with a smile: "No interest. I am a scholar, not a spellcaster, nor a warrior, and will become a burden to your team. And my mouth is very I'm picky and can't eat those hard-to-eat barbecued meats and dry food in the wild. Finally, thank you for your invitation, but let's leave the risk to professionals like you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The voice just fell!

He threw down a few silver coins, stood up and walked out of the tavern, disappearing from everyone's sight in the blink of an eye.

After walking away completely, the middle-aged man immediately instructed a small man next to him, "Go! Follow him! Find out who he is!"


The little man immediately put down the food in his hand, picked up a dirty sackcloth to wipe his hands and mouth, stretched out his legs and chased after him at a very fast speed.

The two went back and forth in this way, walking through the complicated and dark alleys for about ten minutes, when he suddenly found the tracking object in front of him, which suddenly turned into a dim light in the sky.

Such a terrifying, bizarre, and beyond-comprehension phenomenon made the little man shudder and grit his teeth to complain, "Damn it! What a ghost!"

But complaining was complaining, he honestly turned around several times to confirm that the target was really missing, and then returned to the original path in dejection.

But he obviously didn't notice that as soon as he left his front foot, the light spots on his back foot gathered again, forming the shape of a person.

I saw that the corner of the mysterious man's mouth was slightly upturned, showing a playful smile, and then he took off his hood, revealing Isolt's old face.

You don't need to ask, you know, all the fake and real news is spread around, all of which are spread by him in this way, and he even provides some help with news to those potential adventure teams...

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