Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 1090: Skinning Monster (Part 1)

There is no doubt that Gru's sudden warning made Zhang Cheng involuntarily fall into contemplation.

However, he did not have any emotions such as anxiety or fear, but felt an unprecedented curiosity.

Because from the other party's words, he sensed an unprecedented fear, as if he was afraid of something happening.

For a master who claims to be standing at the apex of life in the universe, this kind of emotion is really unusual.

Although Zhang Cheng doesn't know exactly what the initiator is planning, he can confirm that this plan must be related to some secret that he doesn't know yet.

Thinking of this, his whole person became excited.

As for worry and fear, they have long been eliminated from eternity. Even if they face death, they will be very calm, instead of crying like ordinary people, or they are in a state of extreme excitement, doing something that they would never do under normal circumstances. thing.

Just when he finished building the complicated underground labyrinth and started to investigate the so-called "taboo", the first group of adventurers finally reached their goal after untold hardships.

Staring at the entrance of the huge and dilapidated vaulted tomb in front of him, the man at the head couldn't help exclaiming: "My God! There really is a huge underground labyrinth in this kind of wilderness."

"It's really unbelievable! Take a look at these exquisite reliefs, as well as the surrounding stone pillars and statues, which are even more gorgeous than the palace. I don't know how much manpower and material resources were spent by the people who built it." Another member He also exclaimed.

"Hahahaha! Look! There's not even a single footprint here!"

"That's right! No matter what kind of treasure is buried in it, it belongs to us now."

"Today we'll camp for a night's rest, and start exploring tomorrow morning."

"Light the bonfire! Send two people to hunt some animals, we'll have a nice hot meal, and then have a good night's sleep. I've been on the road these days, and I'm almost exhausted."


In this way, in a cheerful atmosphere, the team members began to perform their respective duties, some went to chop wood to boil water, and some went into the forest to hunt small animals.

About an hour later, the sun was about to set, and a few cauldrons came out with white heat and a strong aroma of meat.

People who have not experienced a long trek in the wild will never understand what kind of painful torture it is to be willing to eat dry food and jerky for ten days and a half months in a row.

Not to mention whether there is any vitamin supplement, just the dry and hard taste will cause great damage to the teeth.

Eating these things for a long time will not only cause various red gastrointestinal diseases, but also the speed of tooth wear is much higher than ordinary people.

So when they can camp in a relatively safe place and eat a hot meal, it is definitely a supreme enjoyment for them.

But at the moment when these adventurers were immersed in the delicious food, a black shadow came out of the tomb without a sound.

Its movements were so gentle, it didn't make a single sound at all, and its two dark red eyes revealed hatred and cruelty.

The duration of the meal was very short, and it was over in about ten minutes.

When a few people took the wooden bowls they carried with them and went to the river to clean up, the dark shadow gently followed behind a young man.

The moment the young man just bent down, the black shadow swooped on him, and with lightning speed, he pressed him to the ground, opened his **** mouth and sucked out forcefully.

In less than a minute, the young man's soul was pulled out alive and devoured.

But it's not over yet!

After killing the target and devouring the soul, Sombra raised his black claws, peeled off the opponent's skin alive, and slowly wrapped it around himself.

Unbelievably, once these **** skins came into contact with its body, it instantly healed as if alive, and eventually became exactly like the dead young man, except that the eyes still had red light from time to time.

Glancing at the bloody, skinless corpse thrown into the river, the monster let out a deep, hoarse sneer, turned around and picked up the wooden bowl that had fallen on the ground, washed it briefly with drinking water, followed by the toilet. Back to camp.

The ignorant adventurers still gathered together, happily discussing tomorrow's expedition, none of them realized that a terrible monster had lurked among them.

When the last rays of the sun disappeared completely and the sky was dominated by endless stars, most people opened their sleeping bags or blankets, closed their eyes and slowly fell asleep, leaving only about two or three people in charge of the first vigil.

Since there were no traces of carnivores at all around, and no traces of the same kind, the vigilance of the night watchmen was very low, and they just sat around the bonfire and chatted without a word.

Taking this opportunity, Hei Ying secretly knocked out a woman, dragged her into the grass where the bonfire couldn't shine, devoured the soul with the same technique, peeled off the opponent's skin, and disguised herself as a different image.

Obviously, a woman's identity is much easier to use than a man's, especially since she can make full use of the body's physiological impulses.

After a while, four or five men were tricked into the grass~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and became the prey of the shadow.

Its killing was so stealthy and efficient that one-third of the team disappeared without knowing it.

When the team leader planned to let some people guard the camp the next morning, while others followed him into the underground, he suddenly found that his team members were so few, and immediately began to organize people to look around.

No surprise, some guys who were good at tracking found the skinned corpses with ease.

"Damn! Who can tell me what the **** happened?" the leader cursed loudly with a trembling voice.

Although the corpse has no skin, it is not difficult to determine the true identity of the deceased from the height and pupil color of the deceased.

After all the corpses were found, his hands and feet began to tremble uncontrollably, and his eyes showed panic and panic from the heart.

There is no way not to panic!

After taking a nap, the adventure team that was finally put together unexpectedly died inexplicably one-third, and the corpses were all skinned without exception.

Some of the skins disappeared completely, while others were randomly discarded on the ground.

"Head! Do you think there are some deadly traps or monsters hidden in the tombs that we don't know about? After all, we have traveled such a long way, and we have never encountered such a situation. But we only stayed here for one night, One-third of the people were killed inexplicably." Another young man in leather armor asked cautiously.

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