Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 1097: Chaos Tree

"I'm so sorry... It's my stupidity and ignorance that caused you trouble." Ellens bent down and bowed deeply with a face full of unwillingness.

Obviously, he never dreamed that his master would not care about those little things in private, let alone betray someone.

It's ridiculous that his deliberate behavior is like a clown or an idiot, doing things he thinks are smart.

But actually?

In the end, all plans came to nothing, and they couldn't hurt a single hair of the enemy at all. Instead, they appeared to be so low-level.




All sorts of intense emotions constantly gobble up what is known as self-esteem and shame.

Feeling the complex and contradictory thoughts in the young man's mind at this moment, Zhang Cheng couldn't help smiling and comforting: "You don't need to apologize, I will never care about these little things, or even the mistakes of my subordinates. But one thing, for every kind of mistake I only care about. It is allowed to make one mistake, and if there is a second time, then I will choose to throw it away directly. It is not terrible to make mistakes, but the terrible thing is that you cannot learn from mistakes and lessons.”

"Don't worry, I promise to learn enough lessons from this mistake." Allens assured with his head down and gritted teeth.

Nothing can make a young person feel the unforgettable shame than an outright failure, and it will also arouse their subconscious competitive spirit, eager to use the next success to restore everything that has been lost.

"Very good! Then go ahead and do what you should do. Remember, I have high expectations for you, don't let me down, otherwise..." Zhang Cheng deliberately dragged a long note without putting it down Say the second half of the sentence.

But the implication is self-evident.

"I swear with my life and soul that I will never let you down." After that, Allens took a deep breath and quickly turned to leave.

Watching the young man's retreating back, Zhang Cheng took out a piece of paper from the table, quickly wrote a series of words in this world on it, then lit it and threw it out the window.


This mass of burning paper suddenly turned into a flaming flaming firebird, soaring into the sky, heading towards the west.

After finishing this, he said to himself expressionlessly: "It's time to speed up the progress and ensure that the entire plan can be completed before the crisis strikes. I hate being disturbed, and I hate any unexpected situation..."

The voice just fell!

Zhang Cheng raised his hand to tear apart the space, allowing himself to easily cross time and space and appear in the middle of the wasteland where the seeds of chaos were bred.

"Fear, despair, death, resentment, pain..."

"I didn't expect that after such a short period of time, this force has already begun to thrive, and began to affect the surrounding animals and plants. It won't be long before this planet will give birth to a consciousness, a chaotic consciousness."

With a meaningful whisper, he lightly cut his fingers, letting the blood emitting a black light drip onto the land.

Just a drop!

The resentment spirits remaining in the entire wasteland screamed like crazy!

That terrifying sound even killed all living creatures within a radius of dozens of kilometers!

But when the deadly screams stopped, these grievances plunged into the dirt, quickly turned into an unknown substance, and eventually gathered together.

About half an hour later, an indescribable distorted tree burst out of the ground, growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and did not stop until all unknown substances were exhausted.

It is so huge, the height of the trunk alone is more than 200 meters, and the bark on the surface of the trunk that looks like a human face makes people feel creepy, and even more, it will make a terrifying sound when it is touched.

But the most interesting thing is that the canopy above the trunk exudes a positive energy full of light and heat.

It is estimated that when most people see this scene, they will feel an unprecedented absurdity and strangeness.

Just as justice is born from evil, and justice breeds evil.

I have to say that this extremely bizarre tree happens to be the most perfect embodiment of chaos.

When it inserts its own tree roots into the core of the planet, it can immediately obtain a steady stream of energy supply, and eventually replace the planet itself and become the root that supports the world.

At the same time, all life on this planet will be distorted uncontrollably, becoming more and more disordered, filled with countless phenomena that cannot be explained by common sense.

"Perfect! You will be my most outstanding creation so far. Grow up, I look forward to seeing what this planet will look like when you return."

After saying those words full of expectations, Zhang Cheng quickly disappeared in place.

Less than five minutes after his forefoot left, a group of guys dressed as adventurers emerged from the forest behind.

When they saw the giant tree standing in the middle of the wasteland, they all seemed to be crazy, and they didn't dare to move even when they stood there.

Because right now, an extremely crazy voice is constantly echoing in everyone's mind.

Every time they repeated a sentence, these adventurers would feel that their thinking and logic were all in chaos, and their bodies began to do some inexplicable movements out of control.

There are two muscular warriors who even drew their swords to start a desperate fight~www.wuxiaspot.com~ even if they were covered in blood, they didn't care.

Their eyes shone with madness and bloodlust, and they simply regarded each other as an undead enemy.

"Damn! Leave! There's something wrong with this tree!" The only guy in the team who was still awake shouted a warning.

Unfortunately, it was discovered too late.

Before he could take a few steps, his own mental defense was also breached. He sat on the ground and laughed like crazy. He couldn't stop it, and in the end he just died of laughter.

The other few were not much better. The two warriors who fought to the death were both seriously injured and fell into a pool of blood. They would lose too much blood in a few minutes and become a cold corpse.

There are a few people left who are either cutting their own flesh with knives, or crying and laughing nervously.

As a result, nothing unexpected, this team of adventurers completely died under the influence of the chaotic giant tree, and they didn't even have a chance to report a letter.

You must know that due to the war broke out here before, a lot of broken weapons and armors were left on the ground. Some scavengers and adventure teams will come here tirelessly to recover those things that can continue to be recycled, and use this to make money to support their families.

But now, don't expect any people or animals that come close to get out alive.

Under the influence of the power of chaos, even the gods will fall into it uncontrollably and cannot extricate themselves, not to mention the mortals who have no resistance, the only thing they can do is to become the victims of the chaos...

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