Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 1184: Covenant

"Strength... I need power... unbelievably powerful..."

After leaving the Tree of Chaos, this voice echoed in Musa's mind, as if the latter devil was constantly whispering and tempting.

She believed that if her will loosened even a little bit, she would immediately swallow that dangerous fruit without hesitation.

Of course, it's not that she doesn't crave power, but that she doesn't quite believe in the words of a fruit with the ability to think independently.

Ever since she noticed that there was a problem with her memory in the process of becoming a god, she had always suspected that someone had secretly moved her hands and feet, so she was very vigilant about anything related to Zhang Cheng.

Although it is tempting to swallow the fruit of the Tree of Chaos and become the supreme ruler of this planet, it must be enjoyed with life.

Returning to the throne of the kingdom of gods, the newly born goddess of darkness hid herself in a thick black fog, not knowing what she was thinking.

Only the souls of believers who came here after death still fanatically sing hymns praising the gods, and have no idea what happened in this world.

In fact, at any time and at any place, to entrust one's spiritual world to something embodied, whether it is a **** or something else, is a manifestation of extreme stupidity and ignorance.

Because this behavior means that they give up independent thinking, skepticism and self-transcendence, and instead put everything on a living body higher than themselves.

Over time, the entire civilization system will fall into a long-term stagnation and will no longer develop in a higher direction.

Religion, for fools, is a kind of mental anaesthetic. By confiding in the gods and venting the pain, helplessness and pressure in life, it ensures that it will not easily destroy the existing social order, no matter how backward and cruel this order is.

But for smart people, religion is a tool that can be used to make money, control their minds, and make the underprivileged people who have been exploited and abused think that all this is an arrangement of fate.


Just when the goddess of darkness fell into contemplation, in a remote border town, two women with amazing charm all over their bodies were sitting in front of a seat, staring at each other without squinting.

After a full minute, Villa smiled and said, "Good afternoon, esteemed daughter of Harrison, I'm glad you can come here to meet me."

"I am also very honored to have your invitation, Her Majesty." Another queen stroked her long blond hair and took the initiative to stand up and bow.

Although on the surface, both of them are the monarchs of the same country, the former who holds the power is obviously more powerful than the latter.

According to the general diplomatic principles on the road, when there is a huge gap between the strengths of two countries, the weaker party should be the first to salute the strong one to show respect.

It's like when the handshake in diplomatic occasions on earth, the heads of states of weak countries always have to be more proactive.

"So, without further ado, let's talk directly and honestly."

After the two of them had a friendly chat with each other, Villa immediately went straight to the topic.

I saw that she first spread out a scroll full of tiny characters, and said in a rather playful tone: "This is a covenant signed by six kings recently, and they also invited me."

"Did you agree?"

The latter glanced at the writing on the scroll and couldn't help laughing.

"No, no. I'm not a fool, and I'm not foolish enough to think that I can use the army to fight against a country favored by the gods."

Villa didn't try to cover up anything, and spoke out what was on her mind generously.

To be precise, she is the only monarch in the surrounding countries who has not used administrative and military means to suppress the expansion of the Dark Church.

As for the remaining guys who are accustomed to issuing orders from high above, they simply do not understand what the true gods mean. They are frightened by the **** and terrifying expansion of the dark church, and they keep arresting those who try to preach, and some even hold public events. The burning at the stake is just to deter the people and ensure that they will carefully consider whether it is worth it when deciding on their beliefs.

"So what do you want to talk about? Or, what do you want from me."

The queen, known as Harrison's daughter, folded her hands in white on her chest, and her eyes flashed with a strange light.

You must know that the title "Harrison's daughter" is not called casually, but a hint, a kind of irony, that she is not worthy of the title of king for the time being.

However, compared to the titles of "Father Killer", "Vicious Daughter", "Femme Beauty" and the like, "Harrison's Daughter" is already quite mild, at least acknowledging her innate bloodline. inheritance.

Undoubtedly, Villa wanted to give this young colleague a slap in the face, and then firmly take the initiative in the next negotiation.

Regrettably, the other party didn't seem to care much about this kind of belittling and provocation, and still kept a polite smile, without even a hint of anger.

"It's not what I want to get, but what you're willing to give. You know? In fact, I have many choices, but you only have two." Villa obviously didn't want to be the one who revealed the cards first~www .wuxiaspot.com ~ Continue to apply the psychological pressure.

"Hehe, you are really cunning. Well, who made me the weaker one? My condition is very simple, sign a covenant and make the Church of Darkness the only legal religion in the kingdom. In return, the goddess of darkness will bless you and yours Family, even if we meet in battle in the future, the goddess will not take sides."

While speaking, the young queen winked at the attendant behind her.

The latter understood it, and hurriedly took out the prepared treaty and put it on the table.

"That's all?" Villa deliberately frowned, pretending to be dissatisfied.

In fact, the fact that a goddess does not intervene in mortal struggles is enough to satisfy her.

"Dear Your Majesty, what do you want when you hold one-third of the land that my father Harrison built the empire himself? What else do you want? What's more, with the support of the goddess, you can completely turn the tables and use the name of religion. Declare war on countries that persecute church missions, won't you?"

"What about you, what are you going to do next?"

"Me? Of course I want to have a good talk with my siblings and let them realize who is the real heir to my father."

"In that case, I have signed this covenant. By the way, I wish you that you can defeat all competitors as soon as possible and reproduce the glory of the Oros Lions."



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