Spellcasting is a permanent addition and my skills are all forbidden spells.

Chapter 157 Governor of Area A, the reason for the conflict of orders is revealed

Chapter 159 900-year-old diary! The truth is revealed, the void, the energy crystal

[Region A Management Port Mimicry AI Log]

[5193 left the factory and started executing instructions. 】

[Current instructions: Ensure the supply of resources in Area B, and be responsible for maintaining the regular operation of the production chain nodes in the left sector of Area A. 】

[January 5193: The seeding node is operating normally, the collection node is operating normally, the processing node is operating normally, and the production node is operating normally. The monthly output is 51 units, which has been stored in the storage node. 】

Lu Cheng's eyes moved as he glanced over these lines.

In the log of Mimic AI, four special nodes are mentioned, namely seeding, gathering, processing and production.

It seems that these four types of nodes form the production chain mentioned in the instructions.

But along the way, he had never seen any of them.

Now the left sector terrain map of area A is fully open, and only one production node is shown on it, which is on his future route.

Judging from the logs of the mimic AI, it is clear that there were three other types of nodes here.

"Are these three types of nodes abandoned or demolished?"

Lu Cheng guessed and continued to look down.

For the next several months, Mimic AI's logs reported that the nodes were operating normally and counted the output for the month.

Nothing changed until the end of the year.

[December 5193: All nodes in the production chain are operating normally. The annual output is 610 units, which is 390 units lower than the standard output. The storage nodes have been recorded and transported to area B. 】

Looking over, Lu Cheng's heart moved.

In this log introduction, Area A of the ruins where he is located is like a huge production workshop, which is constantly producing products and supplying them to Area B.

But, what could they be making?

The output recorded in the log is not high. The output of the entire area A is only around 50 units per month, which is less than three units per day on average.

From this point of view, this thing should be extraordinary.

"Could it be...an energy crystal?"

Lu Cheng guessed in his mind.

He couldn't be sure about this, but this crystal nugget was produced in many ruins, and it was one of the few things that all types of ruins had in common.

This crystal block has a unique effect and can store a large amount of energy to supply some advanced buildings or mechanical operations.

Moreover, it can also be effective for professionals.

If eaten directly, the energy in it can be turned into attribute points, improving the user's attributes!

However, for the Toya ruins, this is not necessarily the case.

First, there is an upper limit for the use of energy crystal blocks, and only the first ten can improve attributes.

Secondly, the Toya ruins are technological ruins, and there are many places that require energy. Energy crystal blocks may have been their energy source.

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng's heart moved.

If the things produced in Area A are really energy crystal blocks, that means that Area A on the periphery of the ruins is supplying energy to Area B deeper in it.

Now, there is a problem in Area A, and Area B located deep in the area may not be immune either.

However, judging from the instructions in this first year, there seemed to be something wrong with the relic when the mimetic AI left the factory.

According to statistics at the end of the year, the annual standard production line is 1,000 units, but only 610 units were produced.

Thinking in his mind, he continued to look down.

For hundreds of years, the contents of the logs remained the same. Production was maintained and supplied to Area B at the end of the year.

The annual output is around 600 units, which is about 400 units lower than the standard output.

Judging from this part of the log, although there are some problems with production in area A, the overall operation is still normal.

In other words, the problem of confusing instructions occurs at a certain point in the middle of the log!

Lu Cheng's eyes quickly passed over, searching downwards.

Soon, his eyes lit up.

I saw that in the 5725th year, the content recorded in the log finally changed!

[December 5724: All nodes in the production chain are operating normally, with an annual output of 608 units. The storage nodes have been recorded and transported to area B. 】

[January 5725: The seeding node is operating normally, the collection node is operating normally, the processing node is operating normally, the production node is operating normally, and the monthly output is 1021 units, which has been stored in the storage node. 】

This year, the ruins have obviously undergone some changes. The output in the first month exceeded that of the entire previous year!

"5725 years?"

Thinking about this number, Lu Cheng's heart moved.

If the ruins calendar and the human calendar had the same daily length, this time would be too close to now.

The year 5999 in the ruins calendar corresponds to the year 2034 in the Gregorian calendar.

The year 5725 in the ancient calendar is 1760 in the Gregorian calendar, which is the mid-18th century.

With doubts in his heart, Lu Cheng continued to look.

I saw that throughout the year 5725, the output recorded in the log increased almost explosively.

In January, it already exceeded the whole of last year, but in February it doubled again, reaching more than 2,000 units!

Over the next few months, the rally showed no signs of slowing down.

By the end of the year in December, the output had exceeded 12,000, which is equivalent to the past 20 years in a single month!

But a year later, the content recorded in the log suddenly changed!

[December 5725: All nodes in the production chain are operating normally, with an annual output of 78,015 units. The storage nodes have been recorded and transported to area B. 】

[5726: Vacancy. 】


Looking over, Lu Cheng raised his eyes slightly.

For the whole year of 5726, the operation log of the mimic AI was empty!

This is exactly the same as the instructions in the body condition!

Could it be said that the changes in the ruins happened at this time?

Thinking of this, he hurriedly looked down.

Sure enough, after this year, for more than ten years, the diary was blank!

It wasn't until dozens of lines later that anything changed!

[5744: Vacancy. 】

[5745: Vacancy. 】

[January 5746: There is currently no execution order. The application was communicated to the Governor of Area A for processing. The application failed. The reason for the failure is unknown. It operates according to the body's responsibilities. Failed to communicate with the seeding node, failed to communicate with the collection node, failed to communicate with the processing node, failed to communicate with the production node, and sent instructions to the body in the area. Attempts to send commands - A006 failed, attempts to send commands - A1087 failed, attempts... failed, the number of command sending failures reached the limit, the reason for the failure is unknown, the body insurance program has been locked, and no commands were sent this month. 】

After a gap of twenty years, the mimetic AI finally recorded a log again.

But this time the log was a long section, which recorded thousands of failed command sending operations!

Looking at this long paragraph of instructions, Lu Cheng's heart suddenly moved.

The problem of Toya's ruins indeed arises here!

Then, continue to look down.

For several years after that, the logs of the mimetic AI were filled with large sections of instruction attempts, up to thousands every month.

But almost all of these commands failed to be sent, and the reason was unknown.

Looking at this, Lu Cheng suddenly felt enlightened.

In this way, the previous conflict of instructions became clear.

The mimic AI in charge of Area A has no execution instructions and cannot contact the superior Governor of Area A, so it can only issue instructions on its own.

But its instructions only come out every few months.

It is precisely because of this that chaos is caused.

From this point of view, the problem with the Toya ruins lies in these 20 years!

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