
1 The Whispers

As Regan made her way down the hallway, she couldn't help but feel the eyes upon her. She could hear the soft scrapes of something following her, somebody hitting the wall with an object again and again. Slowly the sound gets closer as the object slams into the walls in a continuous beat that sends shivers down her spine. She continued down the hall, hiding her face with her hands. What was she going to do now? Could she be saved? Could she escape? As the sound of the scrapes on the wall creeps closer, she could feel the breaths brushing against her neck and prying into her sanity.

So she began to run, with her eyes closed hoping the sounds will somehow go away with the blurry memories that came along with it. But no matter how much she ran, the person only got closer as the thumps of the object got louder and faster as if it were trying to match the pace of her heart. She ran faster and faster, and her heart thumped harder. She sprinted down the hall and she started to cry. Tears falling down her face from her speed and seeping into the shirt of the stranger running after her. The hallway's walls seemed to close in on her as she ran faster with her eyes closed. And when she looked up, she saw a door. A few more steps and she would make it, 7 seconds, 6 seconds, the door neared. 5, 4, 3.. If she could just reach the handle of the door if she could wrap her fingers around the handle and pull the door open to her freedom. 2.. 1.. A hand clamps down on her shoulder sending her to a screeching stop. She couldn't believe it… only a few inches short of her freedom, but she couldn't make it. The hand travels up her neck and caresses her face, crawling up her cheeks to cover her eyes. Then the hand-pulled her backward closer to the shadowed stranger. The smell of blood fills her lungs as she stayed in the embrace of the stranger… that familiar scent reminding her of clouded memories that danced at the tip of her mind but couldn't be viewed. She could feel the warm blood as it dripped down her hand and the shrieks of victims crying out in agony with no signs of survival insight. The calming feeling of a heart slowing down and the wave of accomplishment as the victim's life drifts away.

What was this scent trying to remind her of? What memory could she not surface and why couldn't she remember it? A chuckle from the stranger sends trembles through her body.

"You'll never escape from the truth," the voice whispered as its hands creep up to her mouth, "nothing you can say can shield you from your lies."

The hands of the stranger slowly cover her eyes, "neither can reality save you from yourself," The hands slowly leave her eyes and drift down to wrap around her neck.

"Feel the sensation of fear that I've instilled in others before you, and accept your true self," the hand tightens around her neck cutting down her oxygen, "Only then can you gaze upon the reality of all truths in your life."

The voice tightens its hands and whispered again into her ears, "I'll be waiting for you then," the voice chuckled and started shaking her by the neck.

"Stop," Regan begged as she struggled to pry off the hands of the killer, "please let me go."

"Wake up Regan!!!" The stranger exclaimed in a voice so familiar, "hello? Earth the Regan?"

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