Spirit Walker

Chapter 103: sent 1 apprentice

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Nihilism Sect (Southern Sect), as a large organization in the evil profession, has eyes and relationships all over all walks of life, coupled with the particularity of its profession, if members of the organization are killed by official hunting, they can't be found out.

The headmaster of Chunyang was dug up in the ancient tombs of Jiangnan Province. Jianghuai Province is adjacent to Jiangnan Province. The illusionists in these two places died for no reason. It is difficult for Zhang Yuanqing to suspect this ancient practitioner.

"The night wandering **** of Taiyi did not encounter a poisonous hand, but the illusionist of the nihilism sect was targeted? Hey, dog bites dog, no matter how evil the profession is, at least it is constrained by moral values. In comparison, the Chunyang headmaster is the best. dog's!"

Zhang Yuanqing interrupted the sacrifice ceremony and called Elder Gao Feng.

"Elder Gao Feng, I have received information that the illusionist from the Nihility Sect and the Southern Sect has disappeared inexplicably recently. It doesn't seem to be the official cause. I suspect that it is Headmaster Chunyang. You are responsible for arresting him. What clues do you have recently?"

After Elder Gao Feng heard this, his tone became heavy, "There is no clue, sigh, I'm just a monster, and I'm not a scout who is good at tracking. The elder is stumbling me."

After a pause, he said:

"I have a few cases here in Chengjing. Since the Guji Incident, there have been several cases of unknown causes of death in Jiangnan Province. There was a haunting incident in Yongcheng Port a while ago. An official water ghost was tracked down while performing a mission on the seabed. Afterwards, the Zuocheng branch must have entered the sea and made a mistake, and found a corpse and traces of fighting, but did not find the colleague, I suspect it is related to Chunyang Headmaster."

"By swallowing the spiritual bodies of the official walkers, we can control the current situation and organization distribution of the current spiritual walkers..." Zhang Yuanqing expressed his opinion.

"So most of the mysterious disappearance of the Southern School illusionist is really related to him." Elder Gao Feng sighed.

As an earth monster, he has a rare defense in the world, as well as a good combat power, but he is not good at tracking, tricks, calculations, etc.

As we all know, the general character of the earth monster profession is honest, dull and gentle. Calculating such a thing requires water ghosts, wood demons and scouts to do it.

"Elder Gao Feng, don't worry, I will help you as much as possible." Zhang Yuanqing took the opportunity to establish a good relationship, "To be honest, that lady also really wants to get rid of Headmaster Chunyang, she said that the master is not dead, and it is difficult for me to sleep and eat. "

Elder Gao Feng didn't take it seriously. After all, the level of Yuanshi Tianzun was not enough, and he did not show particularly strong calculation and pursuit ability in the past.

But when I heard that Lady Sandaoshan was very concerned about this matter, she immediately paid attention:

"I almost forgot, you can contact the ancient Japanese god, Yuanshi, if you have any ideas or strategies, please let me know."

"No problem!" Zhang Yuanqing got the attention of the leader of the Hangzhou branch and hung up the phone happily.

Then, he sent a message back to Kou Beiyue, telling him about Chunyang's headmaster in detail.

Most of Kou Beiyue chose the master for the good minister and asked, if you can pass this line and pass the threat of Chunyang's headmaster to the nihilistic sect, it would be a good way.

In dealing with Chunyang's headmaster, evil occupations can also be used as limbs.

With the strangeness and methods of the illusionist, it may be easier to control some clues than the official. At that time, they will obtain information through the choice of the master and give it back to Elder Gao Feng.

The leader of Hangcheng owes him a huge favor.


Kou Beiyue's cell phone on the table rang, and he didn't check it immediately, grabbing the wine glass and drinking it with human blood steamed buns.

"Reply, reply~~!" The little fat man hurriedly pushed the boss, motioning him to check the information quickly.

Kou Beiyue put down the wine glass, grabbed the phone's fingerprint to unlock it, took a closer look, and slapped his thigh: "Damn, he looks very powerful, an ancient cultivator..."

Then eat skewers and drink.

The little fat man held the phone tightly, read the information over and over again, and felt a chill in his heart.

The ancient cultivator who also practiced the magic of the illusionist and the night wandering god, the ancient practitioner who was not bound by moral values, swallowed the spiritual power of the night wandering **** and the illusionist to watch, his back was almost sweating.

It's terrible, this kind of existence is terrible, but why did the ancient practitioners appear in reality?

I remember that the internal documents of the sect recorded that the ancient practitioners had all died.

A person who is not bound by moral values ​​~www.wuxiaspot.com~ also has the two peak occupations of Night Wandering God and Illusionist, which is simply a nightmare for spiritual practitioners.

"Tianzun Yuanshi actually told the boss of such important information, no, he wasn't telling the boss, he was telling me." The little fat man got up abruptly.

"There are few orders now, so you don't have to work so hard, sit down and sit down." Kou Beiyue greeted his younger brother to sit down, "Continue to drink, let's come to Taoyuan for three marriages today."

He was obviously drunk.

"Hey, boss didn't realize the seriousness of the problem at all, no brains, no brains..." Where can the happy little fat man drink, his round face is dignified and uneasy, "Boss, I have something to go back."

After finishing speaking, regardless of Kou Beiyue's retention, he stepped onto the small electric stove on the street and flew away.

The text message said that the Chunyang Headmaster had not recovered yet, and the recently missing illusionists were all at level 1 and 2, and there was no level 3. The threat must be stifled in the cradle before he recovered.


Zhang Yuanqing focused his attention on the parchment scroll. After confirming that the materials were all right, he covered the parchment paper over the materials and stepped into the power of the yin.

In the meaningless chatter, the parchment quickly drained the spirituality of the material, and the circle of spiritual seals drawn on it emerged on the surface of the paper, quickly lifted into the air, and solidified in the sky at a distance of more than ten meters.

In the next second, the circular formation collapsed inward and turned into a circular passage. After a few breaths, a majestic golden light rushed out from the dark and collapsed passage.

Damn, Niangniang's breath has become several times stronger, and it feels more terrifying than the wide-eyed aura. The coercion of the yin and nitrous is overwhelming, and the aura of the high-ranking ruler descends on the world, and Zhang Yuanqing, who is directly below, bears the brunt, his knees soften, and he almost swallows his head. Just worship the whole person lying on the table, not daring to move.

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