Spirit Walker

Chapter 155: New developments in the case

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"You know the identity of the murderer"

The starry sky observer narrowed his eyes, and did not show excitement or excitement. Instead, he looked at Yuanshi Tianzun vigilantly for a moment, and said:

"I don't think the existing information allows us to deduce the identity of the murderer."

When the polygraph tools are invalid, every student is suspected. Therefore, while listening to information and reports, one must also be alert to misleading suspects.

While he was speaking, Zhang Yuanqing had already told the underground palace team through the earphones that the armored man was a member of Dark Night Rose. Dark Night Rose? The faces of Sun Miaomiao, Zhao Chenghuang, and Tianxia Guihuo suddenly changed. They were a little surprised, but after careful consideration, they felt reasonable.

The members of Dark Night Rose are perfectly in line with the identity of armored people—lurking in the official interior, with a ruthless style of work. Yuan Shi's mind turned so fast, he is so powerful. Sun Miaomiao glanced at him secretly, secretly admiring him. She is very confident in her own wisdom, but she thinks she is not as good as Yuanshi Tianzun in terms of improvisation, cunning and cunning.

Therefore, in terms of cunning and scheming, she thinks that Tian Tian Huo is the strongest in the underground palace team, even though he is a fire master. What kind of organization is Dark Night Rose? Xiahou Aotian frowned.

As an unofficial person, he has no access to official forums, and as a psychopath who hates dogs in Xiahou's family, he also has no access to the core of the family. In addition, he is obsessed with academic research and is not very sensitive to information in this area, so he still doesn't know what the Dark Night Rose is.

Of course, it is impossible to find the murderer with the existing information. This is because we have a lack of information. , Sun Miaomiao, and Xiahou Aotian instinctively wanted to turn their heads, wanting to watch the world return to fire, but forcibly held back.

"Indeed, we got very few clues." Zhang Yuanqing was forcibly interrupted, and first replied to Teacher Xingkong with a word of saliva, and then thought of it: "Why don't you say it."

The voice of the world returning to fire rang in the ears of the underground palace team: "Do you want to use the teachers of the academy to deal with the armored people together? Your idea is no problem, and it is indeed effective, but you can't patronize dealing with the enemy. You must first keep the underground palace. If the dean knows that the armored man is a member of Night Rose, they will be more convinced that the members of Night Rose are coming to the underground palace, and then they will ask a question, why did the members of Night Rose kill Xia Zhaoxue? Wisdom, will there be doubts, and thus boldly speculate that some students have entered the underground palace. When this step is reached, even if it is only suspicion, the academy will report to the headquarters. Let it go, in this way, can we still keep the treasure? You can hide the lie detector props, but you can't hide the lie detector from the headquarters. If the teacher of the academy speculates that the stone gate has been opened, we will be very passive, or accept our fate. Find the treasure, or cooperate with the armored man and kill all the teachers of the academy."

"Dean, how do you know that the man in armor is the murderer?" Fire Demon Luo Lesheng asked in astonishment.

The grey-haired old dean, holding a thermos in both hands, asked rhetorically: "Are there many people who can fool the insight technique and the polygraph tools?" It's not surprising."

Although they knew that he was raising an argument, the teachers pondered for a while, thinking that it was not unreasonable. The dean said in a deep voice: "So let you think about the motive of the armored man. Judging from his sneaking into the Yuren Lake that night, he is very interested in the hidden mission of the dungeon. If Xia Chaoxue can be connected with the hidden mission, then the murderer It's the man in armor. On the contrary, the murderer must be someone else."

"Dean, I think you're thinking too much. The man in armor may have heard the legend from his elders, so he went down to the lake to have a look. As for Xia Zhaoxue's death, it has nothing to do with the hidden mission. It must be some little bastard." Sexual obsession, and forced the other girl, after all, I stayed in the academy for several days, and the hormones are difficult to control." Luo Lesheng expressed his opinion.

"Maybe." The dean said perfunctorily, "Lin Su, go to the pier and ask the administrator to ask the Mermaid Queen if there was anything unusual in the lake last night."

The teacher of the alchemy class took the order and left. Just now I was too busy thinking about **** the armored man, ignoring that for the underground palace team, the first priority is to keep the treasure, and then kill the armored man.

College teachers and us are not partners, but enemies with conflicting interests~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The more we let them know, the more dangerous we are This is a three-party game that restrains each other Zhang Yuanqing suddenly woke up.

He suspected that his mistake just now was influenced by the bad face. After turning on the white face, what he thought about was how to find the armored man and kill him. Based on this goal, Bailian began to plan tricks, and concluded that cooperating with the school is the fastest and most reliable way to kill the armored man.

"Why don't you say it?" Stargazer stared at him and asked with a frown. Zhang Yuanqing shook his head: "I thought about it just now, the existing information and evidence are not enough to support my guess, so just pretend I didn't say anything."

The starry sky observer nodded slightly. At this moment, the waiter just came over with a cappuccino, and he said, "Pack it up for me." Watching Teacher Xingkong leave with a paper cup, Zhang Yuanqing held down the earphones, "The world is on fire, you are right, but we There is no guarantee that the teachers of the academy do not know the information about the Dark Night Rose, and they will react sooner or later."

The World Returns to Fire frowned. Sun Miaomiao's eyes lit up, and the corners of her mouth curled up: "Don't worry, the college teachers probably don't know about Dark Night Rose." Everyone looked at her in unison. Sun Miaomiao explained: "Yuan Ting said that the teachers of the college have lived in the dungeon for a long time and cannot access the Internet. The only way to obtain outside information is the newspaper sent by the headquarters every month. The content of the newspaper is based on the policy changes of the headquarters and the personnel changes of the major branches. Lord, the trends of the evil organization and the anecdotes from the official forums are also involved. The first time the teachers of the academy knew about Yuanshi Tianzun, or did they learn about the results of the group arena through the newspapers. Can he even inquire about these trivial things?"

What a talent! The Underground Palace team felt very emotional. "This is the best." Xiahou Aotian thought that as the protagonist, he had to say something out of the outline, "The task of our team is to kill the armored man before the academy, so that he cannot leak the information about the opening of the underground palace. Get out." Everyone nodded.

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