Chapter 86 :Famous scene: The hammer god who can’t lift a hammer! It’s the opposite! Odin’s adopted son has gone back! (first update)

[Image continues. 】

【on the earth. 】

[When Thor followed Jane Foster and others to the restaurant for dinner, he heard a diners next to him mention the satellite that had fallen on the ground. 】

[At first, Thor didn’t care about it, but I heard the diners mentioned that the satellite is too heavy, and no one can lift it up. 】

[At this moment, Thor’s face changed immediately. 】

[Asked out the actual location of the satellite, Thor immediately opened the door of the restaurant and rushed out. 】

Seeing this scene, Thor, who was already shocked by Loki’s life experience, almost doubted his life, finally had a look in his eyes.

“Satellite? No, it’s not a satellite, it must be Mjolnir!”

Look back at Jane quickly. Foster, Thor yelled a little gaggedly:

“Why? Why was there no one in the restaurant when we went to eat just now?”

“Uh this”

Jane Foster was speechless when asked, but Daisy John next to him said weakly:

“Maybe because we missed our meal, everyone went to work.

[Image continues. 】

[Jane Foster and others didn’t believe this guy who claimed to be Thor, they broke up with Thor in the end. 1

[But no one thought that Jane Foster just returned to his house and found that everything in the house was taken away by a group of people in black!][And the middle-aged man who leads the show, who claims to be Agent Phil Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D!]

【Although Ben Foster desperately protested, he still failed to organize the collection of S.H.I.E.L.D. 】

Seeing this scene, the expressions of Natasha Romanoff in the live broadcast room and the salted egg in S.H.I.E.L.D were all stiff.

The behavior of their S.H.I.E.L.D was actually made public by this system?

In the live broadcast room, little Wanda looked upset and stepped on her feet angrily:

“Damn it, what are these S.H.I.E.L.D’s?? Are they bandits? How can they openly robbed in the public?”

Natasha Romanoff: ……

Tony touched his chin, glanced at Natasha Romanoff who was standing in the corner without saying a word, and laughed slightly:

“I seem to remember that when you raped yourself in secret, you said that you belong to an organization called S.H.I.E.L.D.”

“In other words, the people in black on the screen are with you…”


Peter Parker passed his head in surprise, and looked at the silent Natasha Romanoff, who was taken aback.

As a young high school student, Peter still maintains a lot of goodwill towards the opposite sex for Natasha Romanoff.

But after seeing the scene on the screen, he suddenly felt a sense of disgust and disappointment in his heart.

In such broad daylight, robbing a group of scientists, this is really no different from robbers!

Sure enough, Mr. Tony was right, these so-called spy organizations cannot be taken lightly!

[Image continues][In Asgard, the three warriors and Sif came to Odin’s throne at 27, ready to report to him, Loki may be suspected of colluding with foreign enemies. 】

[But none of them thought that sitting on the throne of Odin, holding the gun of eternity, it was actually Loki!][Looking at the man in the green robe and double-horned helmet on the throne, the three warriors were all stunned, and they could hardly believe their eyes. 】

[Seeing the three warriors arriving, Loki said coldly:][“My friends, you are here.”][The three warriors looked at each other and asked about Odin’s whereabouts. 】

[Loki replied with a sad look: “Father is currently sleeping.”][“The mother is worried that he might not wake up again.”][Faced with the female warrior Sif who insisted on seeing the queen Friega, Loki replied:][“No matter what urgent matter you have, you can report to me.”][He slowly stood up from the throne, just as Odin used to do before, he halted the Eternal Spear on the ground and let out a “boom”. 】

[“Because now, I am your king!”][The three warriors and others looked at each other, and they could see the doubts in each other’s eyes. 】

[But in this case, they can only kneel down on one knee and salute Loki. 】

Seeing this, the live broadcast room suddenly fell into silence, and the eyes of everyone looking at Loki became even more weird.

But Loki At the moment couldn’t take care of all this. At this moment, there was a turbulent coughing wave in his heart, and he couldn’t calm down at all.

“King, I actually sat on the throne and became the king of Asgard!”

Looking at the self on the screen holding the eternal gun and forcing the three warriors to kneel and surrender, Loki only felt dizzy in his mind, and his body could not stop trembling.

From childhood to adulthood, Loki always felt that people up and down Asgard showed a distinctly different attitude towards him and Thor.

Odin and Friga are a little better.

But those people underneath, especially the Three Warriors and others, their admiration for Thor and their disdain for him are almost unabashed.

But on the screen, although the eyes of the three warriors were still full of dissatisfaction and doubt, they still had to kneel to him!

All this is because he has already sat on the throne. Become a king!

At the moment in Asgard, Odin looked at Loki who was standing high on the screen and holding the Eternal Gun, frowning slightly.

This is not what he wants to see.

In Odin’s mind, there is only one person who can inherit his position and sit on the throne of Asgard, and that is Thor!

This kid, Loki, dare to sit on this throne?

He is so bold!

[Image continues][Kneeling on the ground, Simev raised his head and said. 】

[“My King. I beg you to end Thor’s exile”][Loki snorted coldly and said:][“My first edict, you can’t just veto the last edict of my father.”][“That’s too disrespectful to the father.”][“Moreover, our war with Jotonheim is imminent, and our people need a certain sense of consistency and security.”][“In order to get through this difficult time. We must be united, everything is the blessing of Asgard.”][Faced with Loki who was full of high-sounding words, the female warrior Sif finally couldn’t hold back, stood up from the ground, and seemed to be about to rush up soon. 】

[Fortunately, a three warrior beside him grabbed him and looked at Loki and said:][“You are right.”][Looking at these close friends of Thor in front of him, Loki nodded. 】

[Okay! Just wait for my order][The chubby Vostag among the three warriors is still unwilling to give up and wants to try again. 】

[“Can I say something, please reconsider your majesty][Faced with these stalkers, Loki’s expression immediately turned cold, and he asserted without hesitation:][“I have finished talking”][In desperation, the three warriors could only turn around and leave, while the female warrior Sif showed a provocative smile at Loki, and then turned around. 】

Pressing the angry but helpless expressions of the three warriors on the screen, Loki felt as if he had drunk a glass of ice water on a hot day. The pores all over his body were released, and he couldn’t help but raise his head and let out a long sigh.

This is the smell of power!

very nice!

At this time, Thor appeared in the chat group again.

[Thor Thor: Loki, if you want to be a king, I have no objection, but why don’t you let me go back!]

【Thor Thor: This earth is really terrible, I don’t want to stay for a minute. ][Mado Magician: No comments? You are not serious, are you not seeing it before you have seen it? This Thor is not your biological brother, but he is an ice giant. 】

【Thor Thor: Shut up, our family affairs. When is it your turn to interrupt as a human?][Thor Thor: Loki is my brother, we have spent 1500 years together. How can you humans understand this kind of feeling?][Peter-Parker: Well, your brotherhood is really enviable. 】

[Natasha Romanoff-Romanov: Is this really brotherhood? Why do I find it a little weird. 】

[Nick Fury: Natasha Romanoff! Don’t talk nonsense. 】

[Image continues][As soon as the camera turns, Loki has come before Odin’s illness is transmitted. 】

[I saw that Odin’s whole body was covered by golden light, but he still closed his eyes tightly and didn’t mean to wake up at all. 】

[The queen Friega said with a worried look: “He has been sleeping so deeply, which makes me feel very scared.”][“How long will he be in a coma this time?” Loki asked. 】

[Fri Jia, the queen, has no confidence in her voice: “I don’t know either.”][“This time the situation is different, we are completely unprepared.”][Loki was silent for a while, and then suddenly turned: “Why did he lie to my life experience?”][The queen Friega looked at Loki and whispered: “He is hiding from you, so you won’t feel that you are different from others”][“You are our son Loki, we are your family”][“We must not lose hope, your father will definitely come back to us.”][“And your brother.”][Loki is slightly moved when he hears: “Is there any hope for Thor?”][Frija, the queen said: “Your father always has his reasons for what he did”]

Otherworld live broadcast room.

Hear here. Loki’s eyes suddenly turned cold again.

When Odin exiled Thor to Earth in front of him. Loki guessed Odin’s intention.

He wanted to use this to hone his son and promote his growth. To become a suitable heir to the throne.

Even if Thor didn’t call, Roar rushed into Musbelheim, Lu Buried started the war, and almost buried the three warriors inside, Odin still did not give up his son.

Even if Thor was deprived of his supernatural power, Odin did not leave him with Mjolnir, a symbol of kingship, but threw it into the world with Thor.

At this point, Loki suddenly smiled bitterly in his heart.

How is it possible to give up?

Thor is the only blood of Odin!

And he is the son of an ice giant!


Tony looked at Loki on the screen and said suspiciously.

“Look at the look in this guy’s eyes, maybe he wants to do something to his brother.”

Peter shook his head quickly and said, “Impossible, they are brothers.

Tony spread his hands:

“Boy, you are still too naive, this is a battle for the throne!”

“In ancient royal families, in order to fight for the throne, father and son brothers killed each other, but too many things.”

Natasha Romanoff also nodded:

“Yes, this kind of throne struggle has happened many times in our country’s history.”

“Now that Loki has taken the throne, his father may not be able to wake up. His only obstacle is his exiled brother.

“As long as his brother can be eliminated, his throne will be unshakable.”

Through the picture-in-picture, seeing these people in the live broadcast room talking about himself and Loki unscrupulously, Thor couldn’t help but furious.

【Thor Thor: You ignorant humans. You can’t even imagine how deep my relationship with Loki is. 】

But after thinking about it, Thor asked with little confidence.

[Thor Thor: Loki, you wouldn’t really do anything to me, would you? If it’s just the throne, you can take it if you want. 】

[Loki-Odinsen: Idiot, this is something in other universes! Why are you taking it seriously?][Thor Thor: Ah! That’s right! Hahaha]

Seeing Thor’s silly smile in the chat group, at this moment, whether it’s Asgard’s Odin or Loki in the live broadcast room, they all sighed helplessly.

This silly big guy, what should I do with him?

[The screen continues. 】

[Jane Foster drove the car and took Thor to the Land of Hammerfall. 】

[However, this place has been completely occupied by S.H.I.E.L.D, and a simple research camp has been set up. 】

[Although he is heavily guarded, Thor is not afraid, so he rushes in alone][Passed one level after another and defeated countless guards. Thor rushed all the way to where the hammer fell. 】

[At the moment, Hawkeye Clint Barton opened the bow in his hand on the hanging basket. 】

[“Do you want me to stop him? Sir.”][Hawkeye was condescending, and aimed at Thor with a bow and arrow. 】

[“Or you are going to let more subordinates be beaten by him.”][Phil Coulson hesitated, you wait for my order. 】

At this moment, the bittern egg raised his heart to his throat involuntarily.

Even in another universe, if Thor is injured by his subordinates, this scene will be seen by other Asgard protoss.

That may be a big problem.

[Finally rushed to Mjolnir, Thor’s face showed his smile again. 】

[At this moment, a tall black guard stood in front of him. 】

[Thor and the guard fought together, and they fought from inside the camp to the outside. 】

【Heavy rain fell outside, and the rain turned the earth into mud. 】

[Thor and the black guards fought in the mud, and both of them made their bodies muddy, like mud monkeys. 】

[In the end, Thor relied on his natural physique and won. 】

[At the moment on the hanging basket high in the sky, Hawkeye said:][“You have to hurry up, Phil Coulson, this guy is getting harder and harder.”][Tear off the barrier and broke into the center of the camp. Thor looked at the hammer falling on the ground, with a triumphant smile on his face. 】

【As long as he can lift it, he can regain his divine power and become the god of thunder. 】

[Seeing this, Hawkeye continues to urge Phil Coulson:][“Sir, this is the last chance, please let me kill him.”][“Wait, I want to watch the changes.”][Standing high on the other side, Phil Coulson watched Thor carefully, but didn’t take any action. 】

[With a smile on his face, Thor reaches out and holds Mjolnir’s hammer handle. 】

【no response. 】

[The smile on Thor’s face froze for an instant, and his face was full of disbelief. 】

[I found that one hand couldn’t move, and the nurse could not help but stretch out both hands, hold the handle of the hammer, and pull with all his strength. 】

[Still no response. 】

[This hammer seems to be stuck to the ground. 】

[“Ahhhhhhh!”][The muscles on the face are completely twisted, and the blue veins on the arms are raised. Thor let out a strong roar. I can’t wait to use all the strength to eat it. 】

[But Mjolnir never reacted. 】

[After repeated attempts, Thor finally gave up. 】

[He released his hand with a look of disbelief, and looked at Mjolnir on the ground. We all raised our heads and roared at the sky!][“Ahhhhhhhh!”][The terrible roar sounded far in the night sky. )

[Even Jane Foster, who is hiding near the camp, can hear clearly. 】

[After roaring up to the sky for a while, Thor seemed to have lost all his strength and knelt weakly in front of Mjolnir. 】

[Next, he was arrested by S.H.I.E.L.D. 】

[Thor Thor: Why? I can’t even lift the hammer, how is this possible. Convex

[Thor Thor: This must be fake on the screen. 】

[Peter-Parker: It’s not that it must be fake, but it’s a matter of another universe. So maybe you can’t lift the other one, but you in this universe can. 】

[Thor Thor: Haha! You are right, when I raise the hammer, I can become Thor again, and then return to Asgard. Ha ha ha][Loki-Odinsen: Sometimes I really envy you][Thor Thor: Aha! Envy my power? My dear brother. ^_^][Loki-Odinsen: No, I envy your stupidity. 】

[Image continues][In the temporary confinement room, Phil Coulson begins to interrogate Thor][“You hurt some of our agents, these are the world’s top agents.”][“But in front of you, they behaved like those security guards in shopping malls with minimum wages.”][“This has dealt a heavy blow to them.”][“In my experience, you must be specially trained to fight like that.”][“Tell me where did you train?”][Thor said nothing for 440. 】

[Seeing this, Phil Coulson said calmly:][“In any case, we will find the answer we want to know.”][“Don’t run around.”][Always unable to get an answer, Phil Coulson turned his head and walked out. 】

[Just after he left the room, there was another person in the room. ][That’s Loki in green casual clothes. 】

[Seeing Loki, Thor, who was originally sluggish, finally showed a surprised expression. 】

[“Loki, why are you here?”][Loki said calmly: “I want to see you”][It seems to be aware of the abnormality, Thor quickly asked:][“What happened? Is it related to Jotonheim? Let me explain to my father!”][Loki said coldly: “Father is dead”]


[Thor’s face is full of incredible expressions, as if he has heard the most absurd thing in the world. 】

[“Exile you, plus the threat of war.”][Loki’s face is painful: “He can’t bear it anymore.”][Looking at Thor, Loki slowly said: “Don’t blame yourself, I know you love him”][“I tried to explain to the father, but he couldn’t listen”][Thor heard it with grief, and tears finally came down. 】

[“Knowing that you can no longer lift Mjolnir, put the hammer by your side, it is too cruel”][Overlooking Thor who is sitting in the chair, Loki’s tone has already taken a touch of height. 】

[“The burden of the throne now rests on me.”][After hearing this, Thor raised his head to look at his brother, and asked in a hopeful tone. 】

[“Can I go home”][Loki frowned slightly and said:][“In the armistice agreement with Jotonheim. There is a condition that you must be permanently banished.”][“But maybe we can think of a way.”][Thor asked unwillingly: “Is there no other way?][Seeing this, Loki finally released the final blow. 】

[“Mother also forbids you to go back!”][Hearing that even the queen Frigga didn’t want to see herself again, the expression on Thor’s face suddenly froze completely. Even Roar almost stopped sucking. 】

[Seeing this, Loki nodded slightly. 】

[“It’s time to say goodbye brother, I deeply regret that.”][Thor hesitated for a while, then suddenly shook his head in pain. 】

[“No, I should say sorry.”][“Thank you for coming here to see me.”][Loki’s eyes flickered: “Farewell.”][At this time, the door opens. Phil Coulson walked in, he could only hear Thor say:]


【”goodbye?”][Phil Coulson was confused, I just walked in. 】

Seeing this, Thor started yelling in the chat group again.

[Thor Thor: Loki! Why are you lying to me again? My father is dead, and my mother is going to banish me! Damn, I’m really angry now. (艹艹艹)]

【Loki: Odinsen: Shut it up! You fool. 】

[Thor Thor: I can’t stop talking, this time you are really too much. 】

【Tony Stark: Thor, you haven’t noticed it yet, Loki on the screen, he really loves you. 】

[Thor Thor: What? I definitely know that he loves me. But he lied to me! Why?]


In Asgard. Odin sat on the throne and let out a long sigh.

However, his face suddenly became better again.


In another universe. Even though Loki has the power and status, he still hasn’t forgotten his brotherhood with Thor.

After Thor came into the world, it seems that he has also gained some growth.

It seems that as a father, he is not a complete failure.

PS: Thank you for all the votes cast by the big guys!

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