Looking at the magnificent and fantastic pictures on the screen, many people in the live broadcast room were wide-eyed and full of amazement.

[I only saw it in the picture.] A huge floating boulder hovers in the multicolored void, and around this huge pumice stone, it is a colorful timeline like a ring. 】

[And Loki and the others and the castle in front of them are all built on this pumice stone. 】

"What kind of place is this? And that timeline, you can actually see and touch. "

Little Wanda swallowed. There was a shocked and surprised expression on his face, as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

In the face of her question, the room fell silent.

Even a genius like Tonysdark, and a prince of Asgard like Loki, who has seen the big world, are all stiff and speechless at this time.

After all, this weird and bizarre scene in front of him was really beyond everyone's imagination and deeply shocked everyone present.

After a while, little Wanda scratched her head. A look of bewilderment.

"Strange ......"

"According to our previous judgment, the so-called sacred timeline should be just a deception made up by the Time Authority. "

"That's right. Peter Parker nodded involuntarily.

I used to think that the "sacred timeline", even if it existed, should be a metaphor like "the current of history". Who would have thought that this could be seen with the eyes. "

Looking at the gorgeous flow of time in the sky, Xiao Wanda couldn't help but add:

"And...... It's beautiful. "

"There's no need to jump to conclusions just yet. "

Tony frowned slightly and said:

"I still think that the so-called Time Keepers condense the entire multiverse into a single timeline is pure nonsense. "

"If that's the case, where did all that Loki come from?"

While pondering, Tony said slowly:

"If you were to ask me what I think, I'd be more inclined to think ...... The timeline in front of me is where Loki and Sylvie and the others are on the screen...... That single-universe timeline!"

"The multiverse should exist, and for every multiverse, there may be a sacred timeline!"

Hearing this, Strange suddenly said thoughtfully.

"The existence of the sacred timeline is to prevent the creation of more time branches, which in turn will give birth to more multiverses. "

"To maintain this timeline, you need the Time Authority. "

If Tony's word is true, do you say...... In each multiverse, do they all have their own independent time authorities?

"Oh my God!"

"Oh my God, my head hurts!"

"There may be an infinite number of organizations like that?"

Listening to Tony and Strange's brains, the faces of the other people in the live broadcast room changed dramatically.

At this moment, they only feel that their thoughts are almost unable to keep up, and their brain circuits are not enough.

Loki frowned, one thought after another kept turning in his mind, and there was a doubt in his heart that never got rid of it.

If there were time administrations in other multiverses, what would these organizations look like?

Don't...... Is it exactly the same as the TVA they've seen in the footage before?

[Image continues.] 】

[The two Lokis walk to the castle gate.] 】

[Sylvie takes a deep breath, the expression on her face constantly changing, and it is clear that her heart is by no means at peace. 】

[Surprisingly, Sylvie asks before making any moves.] 】

["Won't you stop me from kicking the door open?"]

[Loki said he had no opinion, but Sylvi stood in the doorway, looking cramped, but he didn't dare to act.] 】

[Seeing this, Loki asked a little nervously:]

["Are you okay?"]

[Sylvie said it was fine, Loki was worried and wanted to ask again, but was interrupted by Sylvie a little rudely.] 】

["Shut up!"]

[Sylvie looks very agitated.] 】

["Before you were born, I was kidnapped by the Time Authority."] 】

"I've been waiting for a moment of revenge all my life. Now I just need some time to prepare, okay?"

【“...... Absolutely. Loki was stunned by Sylvie's sudden outburst and could only nod in agreement. 】

[Just as Sylvie was standing in the doorway, ready to brew her emotions, the door in front of them suddenly opened by itself. 】

[Seeing this scene, the two didn't have time to brew any further, so they had to step into the castle. 】


[After the two entered the castle, the gate closed behind them again.] 】

[Seeing that there was no turning back, the two Lokis could only step forward with a vigilant face. 】

In the Otherworldly Live Room.

"Hey, hey. How does this look like a horror movie?" Tonisdak complained with some dissatisfaction.

Strange laughed, "If it's really a horror movie." Soon, a terrifying monster will appear in front of these two people, scaring them into screaming. "

"Say no more. I was scared when I heard it. "

Looking at the eerie castle on the screen, little Wanda swallowed and shrank slightly.

[Video continued]

[At this moment, a strange voice sounded.] 】


[In the face of the sudden accident, the two Lokis did not scream, but drew their blades almost at the same time. 】

[However, what suddenly appeared in front of them was not a monster, but Miss Time that Loki saw in the anime when he was just captured in the Time Bureau.] 】

"Welcome to the castle at the end of time. "】

[It's just from the three-dimensional image, the body has been magnified many times, Miss Time, the void is suspended in front of the two Loki, and she poses as a tour guide. 】

"Congratulations. You have overcome all kinds of difficulties and obstacles to come here. "】

He admired it very much. "】

[Sylvie immediately asks rhetorically.] 】

["Who are you talking about?"]

[Miss Time said unfathomably.] 】

["The Remnants. "】

"He created everything, he controlled everything. "】

["At the end of time, he was the only one left. "】

And he wants to negotiate a condition with you. 】

[Miss Time said confidently: "He has already thought of a way to get you back into the timeline.] At the same time, it will not affect anything else. "】

"The Time Variation Authority can continue their work. You too can choose the life you want. "】

[Loki asked coldly, "What kind of life are you referring to?"]

[Miss Time's voice suddenly became cold.] 】

["Don't go around in circles with me, Loki, don't you know how you got caught up in this mess?"

"What?" Loki didn't seem to come back to his senses. 】

"The battle of New York, stupid. "】

[Miss Time's face is full of hatred. 】

["Don't you want to win against those sanctimonious avengers?"]

[Miss Time's voice suddenly lowered, like a demon's whisper. 】

And it doesn't stop there. "】

"You can also kill Thanos in turn. "】

["Want the Infinity Gauntlet? "】

["The throne of Asgard, no problem. "】

[Seeing Loki's breathing become rapid, Miss Time pointed the finger at Sylvie again in satisfaction.] 】

["What do you want, ma'am?"

"I have been on the run for so many years, and I have experienced despair and loneliness every day. You're tired too, aren't you?"

["Do you want to wake up tomorrow morning, and all you have in your mind are happy memories. "】

["Actually, you two Loki, you can even be together. "】

[Hearing this, Loki asked with a solemn expression. 】

"We can really go back to the timeline together."] "】

[Miss Time nodded, "It sounds unrealistic, but he can do it.] "】

"All of these dreams come true, just as you've been hoping for. "】

"You can have each other and all that is in the world. "】

[The muscles on Sylvie's face twitched slightly, and it was clear that her mood was by no means calm. 】

[But he immediately took another deep breath and shouted in a low voice:]

"What you say is a lie, it can't be true. "】

[And Loki simply made the final word: "From now on, our destiny is written by ourselves.] We will no longer be manipulated by others. "】

["Hahaha...... In that case, then let it be as you please. "】

[Miss Time sneered" "Good luck to both of you." "】

[Then Miss Time disappeared directly.] 】

"Good guy, this big boss really thinks he's a god!"

Loki already had a look of disgust on his face:

"This condescending attitude of controlling the fate of others is really disgusting. "

Stephen Strange. Said coldly:

"You should remember the attitude of the female judge towards Sylvie before. "

Sylvie asked him why he had kidnapped her, and the female judge only said she didn't remember. "

This attitude is to completely treat others as ants, and do not care about the consequences of their actions. "


Little Wanda clenched his fists and said angrily:

"No wonder Sylvie would refuse, even if I was going to rush in and give that boss a little color. Let him know the consequences of offending a woman!"


Tony listened with a puzzled expression, trying to say something, but couldn't.

At this time, many thoughts had already turned in his heart.

"This kind of 3D projection ...... Could it be an artificial intelligence? "

"Anyway, I'm going to put one on Jarvis lately. "

"Oops, why does this look more and more like my handiwork?"

"If this big boss is really Tony Stark in another universe, then my image in this live broadcast room will be completely ruined. "

The more he thought about it, the more shocked he became, and Tony finally couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

While Tony's heart was pounding, the rest of the room continued to discuss.

"But...... Kill Thanos, get the Infinity Gauntlet, and really have that mastermind?"

Peter Parker seemed a little skeptical, and at the same time involuntarily glanced back at Tony Stark.

After all, in the previous quiz, Tony was rewarded with an Infinity Gauntlet!

"Note that Miss Time was talking about the Infinity Gauntlet, not the full six Infinity Stones. "

Strange said lightly.

"Based on our previous analysis, the Infinity Stones in the hands of the Time Authority should have been cobbled together from an unknown number of multiverses. "

"It looks scary, but it's not a set, so ...... It's useless!"

Hearing this, Loki seemed to think of something, the corners of his mouth curled, and he reappeared with that signature smile:

"In other words, even the boss of this Time Authority should not have mastered the ...... of the universe to which Sylvie belongs All six Infinity Stones!

"That's why this is the time for Miss Infinity to take out the Infinity Gauntlet...... This may seem tempting, but it's actually a useless reward!"

"If you meet an ordinary person, maybe you will really be fooled by that cartoon character. "

Speaking of this, Loki had a hint of pride on his face.

"But it's against Loki!"

"Even Loki, who is lower than me, will not be deceived by such a simple deception!"

"And...... This Miss Time only took out the Infinity Gauntlet as a reward, and did not mention the Infinity Stones at all. Instead, it proved that the Infinity Stones in their hands were useless. "

"Otherwise, why doesn't it show the glove and the six gems together?

Loki sneered:

"It's called a failed scam! Not only did it not deceive people, but it revealed their real hole cards!"

Hearing this, little Wanda looked at Loki and Strange, and couldn't help but say with some amazement:

"You guys are really dangerous! This sentence can make you analyze so many things!"

[Video continued]

[The two Lokis look at each other and continue forward.] 】

["What does that mean?" Loki muttered to himself. 】

"No matter who he is, he won't stay long. Silvie's words unabashedly revealed a strong murderous aura. 】

[The two walked into the hall and found four statues erected, one of which had been shattered.] 】

[And the remaining three statues are the three lizardmen known as the Guardians of Time.] 】

[As the two Lokki observed the environment in the hall, with a "ding" sound, a door in front of them suddenly opened automatically. 】

[Loki and Sylvie nervously raise their weapons, but they are immediately surprised to find out.] 】

[Behind the door is actually an elevator, and inside the elevator, there is a black man dressed in green and wearing a purple robe. 】

[The black man held an apple in his hand, stood up with an excited face, and said to the two:]

"Wow! that's so unusual. "】

["Two Lokis are standing in front of me at the same time......"]

[The black man is halfway through.] He seemed to feel a little dry in his mouth, and raised the apple in his hand and took a bite. 】

[Looking at the strange man in front of her, Sylvie, asked with some suspicion.] 】

["You are the one who left behind?" 】

[The black man nodded directly in acknowledgement, and then invited the two Nokees to the elevator, saying that they were going to the office together to talk.] 】

At this time, in the live broadcast room of the other world, a series of exclamations suddenly sounded.

"Isn't it, this guy is the big boss?" Peter Parker's eyes were about to pop out. "

"This black man...... It's almost like some street rap star. "

Stephen Strange frowned and said:

"Could it be, this is also a disguise, he is just one of the subordinates of the big boss?"

At this time, Tony's loud voice sounded in the live broadcast room.

"No! I think he must be behind that crime!"

Everyone looked back, only to see Tony, who had retreated to the back at some point, suddenly stepped forward again.

I saw that his face was full of red light, and the whole person looked extremely excited, raised his hand and shouted loudly:

"That's right! This guy is the root of all evil! Just defeat him and the problem will be solved. "

At this moment, Tony's mood is really cheerful. I was so happy that I almost started singing.

Black man, the mastermind behind the scenes is actually a black man.

In this way, it will definitely not have anything to do with him Tony Stark.


Peter Parker asked with a puzzled expression, "Mr. Stark, you seem to be saying just now that this behind-the-scenes boss may have a hard time. "

"Oh yes! "

There was a hint of embarrassment in Tony's eyes, and then he immediately nodded and said:

"I think so, after all, who would be idle and idle to set up an organization like the Time Authority?"

"They maintain timelines. What benefit can't you get from cutting the time branch?"

Hearing Tony's unintentional words, the others in the live broadcast room fell into deep thought for a while.

Stephen Strange muttered to himself.

"Yes, too...... This Time Keeper is hidden behind the scenes, and it is unlikely that he will benefit from the process of maintaining the timeline. "

"So why on earth are they doing these things? Could it be...... Is it really to stop some multiverse war?"

[Image continues.] 】

[In the elevator, the black man eats an apple with his back to the two Lokis.] While asking without any scruples:]

["Do you think I'm different from what you think?"

[Loki looked at the black man in front of him who was no different from ordinary people, with a strange expression. 】

["You're just an ordinary person?"]

[The black man doesn't even look back.] "Don't tell me you're disappointed. "】

[Sylvie said coldly:]

["No, in that case, it would be easier for me to kill you. "】

[As soon as the words fell, Sylvi swung out with a sharp sword. 】

[But at this moment, the black man's figure disappeared in front of the two in an instant.] It then appeared on the seat behind them. 】


["What's going on?"]

[At this moment, both Lokis were shocked. 】

PS: Thank you for all the votes and tips you have cast! ^_^

There are also a lot of conjectures about the Divine Timeline and Kang the Eternal, Kang the Conqueror, I'm just expounding my opinion!

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