[Video continued]

[With both hands pressed to Wolverine's temples, the phantom cat explained to him in a low voice:]

["When your spirit travels back in time, your body lying here will be in the state it was in when you were asleep. "】

"As long as you remain in the past, then the past and the present are in a state of coexistence. "】

"But once you wake up...... What you did in the past becomes history that cannot be changed. "】

["And those of us will only know about this history of the new birth...... It's as if nothing that has happened in the last 50 years has ever happened. "】

"50 Years !!"

Little Wanda couldn't help but swallow when she heard this, and looked carefully at Wolverine on the screen.

This man is only thirty or forty years old.

This ability to live forever is really enviable.

Looking at the white-haired old man with a wrinkled face on the screen, Magneto's heart became heavy in an instant., that's 2023!

He really didn't expect that even after more than 60 years, not only did he not unify the mutants, but he also did not counterattack the human race...... On the contrary, you have to be frightened all day long, worried that the sentry robot will kill you?

If this is true, then I have failed a little too much in this life.

At this time, in Kama Taj, the Ancient One mage nodded secretly.

"In the process of spiritual crossing, as long as you don't wake up, then everything is in an undecided state. "

"But as soon as the traverser wakes up, then everything he does will become an unchangeable fact. "

"Looks ...... Although changing the past will not lead to the creation of a new multiverse, this "mutant" universe still has its own laws of time and space. "

As a mage, in the eyes of the Ancient One, no matter how strange and bad the rules were, it was better than complete chaos and chaos.

And as long as there are rules, it means that they can be predicted and controlled!

[Video continued]

[When the phantom cat was about to "cast a spell" on Wolverine, the iceman standing on the side suddenly asked:]

"How long can he stay in the past? After all, the sentinel robots will find us."] "】

[The Iceman's tone is a little helpless: "They can always find us ......"]

[The phantom cat looked cold and said flatly: "This time we won't run away again.] "】

["And...... There is no escape from it. "】

["This time, it's our last fight!"]

[Seeing the scene in front of him, Magneto, who was standing on the side, asked in a low voice:]

["Charles, do you really think this will work?"]

[Charles said in a deep voice:]

["I have faith in Wolverine. "】

[Magneto has a hint of bitterness in his tone.] 】

"I'm not worried about him, but about us in the past. "】

["At that time, we were too young to understand anything......]

Seeing this, whether it is Magneto in the live broadcast room or Charles Xavier in the tavern...... His face became a little unsightly.

What do you mean by not knowing anything?

If you two bad old men know very well, how can mutants become like this under your leadership?

But at the same time as he was full of resentment, a question suddenly appeared in Charles's heart.

Baldness can also be understood as a natural variation.

But the future of him...... How did you become paralyzed?

[Video continued]

[Under the ability of the phantom cat, Wolverine's consciousness sank into darkness. 】

[When he opened his eyes and woke up again, he found ...... Sure enough, I've come to a whole new place. 】

[Breaking free of the woman's arm on his body, Wolverine walked to the window and opened the blinds. 】

[What unfolded outside in front of him was indeed the country of rice decades ago. 】

["Oh my God......"]

Wolverine exclaimed, and couldn't help but be shocked by his actions of traveling through decades of time and space. 】

[But it didn't take long for several gangsters to break in.] 】

[It turns out that Wolverine in this timeline is a gangster boss's bodyguard.] 】

[He was sent to protect the boss's daughter, but Wolverine actually gave this woman to him!]

[Three times five divided by two showed the bone claws, Wolverine beat the gang to the ground, and then went out and boarded his car directly. 】


Look at yourself on the screen...... The first time I used my bone claw, my face was full of surprise, as if I had seen something incredible!

Wolverine also frowned slightly.

What's going on?

Could it be that in the future, he actually lost the ability of the bone claw?

Or is it ...... The future self is not using bone claws, but other claws?

[Video continued]

[Next, Wolverine drove to Xavier's Gifted Junior School.] 】

[However, the school's signboard has fallen to the ground and is covered by weeds.] 】

[When I came to the school gate, Wolverine knocked on the door, and it was "The Beast" Hank McCoy who came out to answer the door]

[Fortunately, at this time, he has not yet become the blue monster that he will look like in the future, and he can't change back. 】

[Hank is reluctant to let Wolverine in, and the two start an argument.] 】

[Just as Wolverine and Hank McCoy were fighting, Charles Xavier, who was holding a wine bottle, walked down from the second floor. 】

[Looking at the disheveled, scumbag-faced drunk man in front of him, Wolverine already felt that something was wrong. 】

[But in order to complete the task, he still told Charr Stanran about the future situation:]

["But in this case, we also need Magneto. "】


[As soon as he heard Magneto's name, Charles's face changed suddenly. 】

["Hehehe...... Hahaha!"]

[With a wine glass in hand, Charles lay on the sofa and laughed maniacally.] 】

[Then the smile on his face suddenly disappeared and turned into an iron blue:]

"Eric is now locked up where he deserves. "】

[After finishing speaking, Charles was directly ready to walk away, seeming to ...... Whether it's what happens to Raven or the future of mutants, he doesn't care anymore. 】

[Seeing this, Wolverine was furious, grabbed Charles by the collar, and reprimanded him. 】

["Listen up, you little bastard!"]

[Wolverine shouted in a loud voice:]

"I have lived for a long time, and I have seen many people die. "】

["If you continue to feel sorry for yourself like this, drunk and dreaming of death, then soon, you will see the same thing happen to you!"

[Facing the angry Wolverine, Charles was expressionless, and just said indifferently:]

["We all have a ...... of death"]

[After finishing speaking, he walked directly to the second floor with a wine glass without even looking back. 】

Seeing this scene, many people in front of the screen were angry.

"What the hell?"

Little Wanda was so angry that he stomped his feet:

"Who is this drunkard, and why does that Wolverine have to beg him?"

"Could it be...... Without this drunkard, he can't save the future?"

Magneto stood aside without saying a word, and a hint of foreboding suddenly arose in his heart.

Now although he and Charles have some conflicts, they are still rare friends on the whole.

But looking at the screen, that drunken Charles seems to be ...... I have a lot of grudges against him!

What's going on?

was in a tavern.

"Uh...... I want to explain, okay?"

Seeing Wolverine in front of him put down his wine glass and stared straight at him with a pair of eyes, Charles Xavier only felt that the blood all over his body almost rushed to his face!

When he saw the drunken guy on the screen in his pajamas, Charles could hardly believe his eyes.

You must know that Charles is a genius scholar from a real Yin National family and has three doctorates at Oxford University.

Therefore, he has always regarded himself very highly, and sometimes likes to show his aristocratic demeanor.

And years, that is, 11 years later.

But after more than ten years, how did he become so decadent and degenerate?

Moreover, just after Wolverine explained to him the tragedy that would happen in the future, the drunkard didn't care about anything, just ran to drink on his own!

It's a shame!

And looking at Charles in front of him with an embarrassed face, as if he didn't even know where to put his hands and feet, Wolverine snorted lightly and finally let him go.

[Video continued]

[Look at the look of confusion in Wolverine's eyes.] Hank began to explain:]

[It turns out that Charles has had a very bad time in the past few years. 】

Not only was his legs paralyzed, but Raven and Eric also left him one after another. 】

[And because of the Vietnam War, the government even forcibly conscripted teachers and students from schools into the army!]

[At this point, Charles finally collapsed.] 】

[Seeing this, Hank wanted to help, so he invented a serum that could treat Charles's spine.] 】

[However, one of the side effects of this serum is that it inhibits Charles's psychic ability.] 】

[Now he is just an ordinary person without any superpowers. 】

"I see, in the future I have a spinal injury?"

Charles nodded, and suddenly felt a chill hit his body.

If the spine is damaged, paralysis of the lower limbs alone is considered lucky, and if it is not good, it may even be paralyzed all over! Lying in bed, he will become a complete waste.

In addition to being frightened, the question in Charles's mind became bigger and bigger.

Who is it...... Hurt his spine and left him in a wheelchair fifty or sixty years later?

[Video continued]

[Just when Wolverine was almost desperate, Charles's voice suddenly appeared at the door again:]

"I'll help you find Raven. "】

[Charles said coldly:]

["It's not for your bullshit future, it's just for her!"]

Wolverine nodded. 】

[Immediately after, Charles continued:]

"Then I'll tell you first, you don't know Eric at all. "】

"This man is a monster, a murderer. "】

"Maybe you think you can change Raven and convince her to go home. "】

["But, why do you think...... Can you change Eric?"]

[Facing Charles with an angry face in front of him, Wolverine said calmly:]

"Because you and Eric sent me together. "】

[Seeing this, Charles finally did not continue. 】

[Next, Wolverine and the other three began to discuss how to find Magneto Eric. 】

["The cell where Eric was held was built during World War II. "】

"There was a shortage of steel at that time, so the entire cell was made of 100% concrete, and there was no metal at all. "】

["Eric is now locked up on the 100th basement floor of the Five Corners Building, the most heavily guarded place in the world. "】

[Wolverine couldn't help but ask rhetorically when he heard this:]

["Why is he being held there?"]

[Charles laughed when he heard this:]

["Why, did Eric forget to tell you before sending you?"]

[Hank McCoy replied helplessly next to him:]

["Nidi ......"]


[Even though Wolverine has lived for more than 100 years, he still frowned when he heard this answer. 】

"He killed...... Nidi?"]

[Charles said with a smile:]

["Otherwise, how do you explain that the bullet that killed Nidi miraculously made a few turns in the air. "】

["Eric has always had a set of bullets. "】

At this moment, the audience was silent in the live broadcast room.

In the silence, everyone looked at Magneto in disbelief, with horror, shock, doubt, disbelief and nervousness in their eyes.

Peter felt his throat dry, and he swallowed hard, and then he asked:

"You...... Your mutant will kill Nidi?"

"Oh my God. "

Little Wanda held her breath, opened her mouth wide, and stared at Magneto in horror.

In the last battle with Baron Slark, there were countless Hydras who died at the hands of little Wanda.

But in the face of such a ...... A man who may kill the president of the United States in the future.

Little Wanda still felt a panic rise in her heart.

At this moment, even Tony Stark is just as terrifying.

"I'll ......"

Looking at Magneto, who looked confused, Tony couldn't help but gasp.

This is a true lawlessness.

Dare to kill even Nidi!

Compared with such a ruthless man, the armed thugs he met in Afu Khan before were like sheep on the steppe!

"Wait, you're looking at me like that...... What does that mean?"

Cold sweat broke out on Eric's forehead, and his heart was like a roller coaster, and he was a little incoherent for a while.

He really wants to lead the mutants and subvert the rule of humanity.

But...... Alone to assassinate the president of the United States?

It's a suicidal mission.

And, even if you kill a nidi, what can you change?

Could it be that the future self is in the water, or else...... How could you do such a stupid thing?

Just when the live broadcast room was at an impasse, a new change appeared on the screen.

[Video continued]

[Faced with the difficult task of rescuing Magneto, Wolverine proposes to find someone. 】

"For him, there is no place in the world that he cannot enter. Wolverine asserted. 】

[In desperation, Charles and Hank can only accept his proposal.] 】

Next, the three of them drove to the outskirts of Washington. 】

[When Wolverine knocks on the door of a house with the surname "Maximov", a middle-aged woman walks out and smiles wryly at them. 】

["No matter what he takes this time, I'll write you a check directly."] "】

[Wolverine hesitated for a moment and replied:]

"We just want to talk to him. "】

[The middle-aged woman immediately welcomed them in.] 】

[There is also a little girl in the room who is dressing herself up as a princess.] 】

[Seeing Wolverine, the little girl looked up and asked:]

["I'm a little princess, who are you?"]

[Wolverine takes off his sunglasses, introduces himself with a smile, and asks:]

["Where's your brother?"]

[The little girl points to the basement.] 】

[At this time, a middle-aged woman sitting on the sofa watching TV said casually:]

["Go upstairs and bother your sister."] "】

[The little girl turned around a little unhappily and said:]

["It's her who bothers me!"]

[Wolverine and the other three came to the basement and immediately saw an unbelievable scene. 】

[A young man is playing table tennis with himself at an unbelievably high speed!]

Seeing this, Xiao Wanda's eyes widened in the live broadcast room, his face was full of incredulity, and he exclaimed in disbelief.


"This man...... Could it be a variant of Pietro?"

At this time, another thought suddenly flashed in Wanda's heart.

If this boy is another Pietro, who is that "little princess" girl just now?

Don't...... Is it my sister?

PS: Does anyone know who Wanda's sister is? ^_^

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