[Video continued]

[Wolverine and the others returned to Charles Talent Junior School.] 】

[Charles finally decides to stop injecting the serum that Hank developed for him.] 】

[In order to save the mutants from the apocalyptic future, he has decided to make sacrifices. 】

[In this way, he lost sensation in his legs again, but regained the world's number one psychic ability.] 】

[Sitting in a wheelchair, Charles came to the secret room of the brainwave enhancement machine. 】

[After putting on the helmet, Charles's brainwaves can now connect with everyone in the world.] 】

[In an instant, the illusion of five continents and seven oceans immediately appeared in front of Wolverine and the others. 】

[In this moment, Charles is connected to the hearts of billions of people around the world. 】

[Just looking at the bizarre scene in front of him, Wolverine only felt dizzy and could hardly help himself. 】

[However, due to long-term rustiness and psychological trauma, Charles's first attempt to use a brainwave booster failed.] 】

In order to rebuild his confidence, Wolverine offered to ask Charles to watch his memories. 】

[After seeing Wolverine's life that can hardly be described as miserable, Charles was shocked. 】

"You poor fellow. "】

"I don't want to see your pain, and I don't want to know your future!" Charles cried out excitedly. 】

[On the contrary, Wolverine said calmly:]

["Then don't look at my future, look at your future."] "】

[In Wolverine's memory, Charles finally saw his future self. 】

[In a hazy state, Charles actually communicated with Wolverine's memory of himself.] 】

[Bald version Charles still claims that humans can be trusted, but thinks they need some help.] 】

[In the end, young Charles is finally persuaded by the bald version and regains the ability to use the brainwave booster.] 】

[Next.] Charles, who was refreshed, used the brainwave booster machine again to locate Raven's location among countless people, and had a telepathic call with her. 】

Seeing this amazing scene, countless people in front of the big screen shrugged and changed color.

"How is it possible to connect the hearts and minds of billions of people around the world?"

Strange's eyes widened, and his eyes looked extremely blank.

At this moment, except for him, almost everyone in the live broadcast room. They all fell into a state of sluggishness.

Their expressions were almost the same, and they all froze in place with a thick shock, their eyes staring at the screen in a daze, looking particularly distracted.

"This ...... This kind of mental ability, I'm afraid it has reached Lucy's level. "

Tony's pupils shrank, and shock emotions swept through his heart.

A scene in front of me. Constantly impacting his psychological endurance!

What is the concept of connecting the hearts and minds of people around the world?

This is the thousand-mile mind reading that Lucy once performed!

But with the augmentation of the brainwave booster, Charles expanded the object to everyone in the world!

Wait a minute...... If that guy could connect the whole world with his psychic abilities......

Peter's throat rolled and he swallowed. The look of horror in his eyes could not be concealed at all.

"Doesn't that mean...... He can also modify the thinking of people all over the world, or forcibly brainwash them?"


"Won't it?"

"That's an exaggeration. "

Hearing this, almost everyone in the live broadcast room exclaimed, and even Black Widow's expression became a little stiff.

However, it is also a matter of course,

Whoever hears such terrifying words will probably find it difficult to keep calm!

"One mutant, plus a machine, can control the brains of people all over the world?"

Tony's face was full of astonishment, and he muttered in disbelief:

"This mutant universe...... It's incredible, isn't it? "

On the other side, Loki's face turned pale, and he said coldly:

"If I were the ruler of humanity in that universe, I would definitely go back to this machine at all costs and kill that Charles!"

"Otherwise, maybe when, the ruler of the earth...... It's going to be the bald head in a wheelchair. "

Hearing such sensational words, the live broadcast room ...... There was even an uproar in the chat group.

Charles Xavier: That guy named Loki, what are you talking nonsense?

Charles Xavier: I'm ...... now. I don't even know what that brainwave booster is! How can you talk like that?

Charles Xavier: And even if I did gain this power one day, I would never do anything to affect the minds of ordinary human beings!

Magneto: Charles, you were just saying that if you see me, you will brainwash me into ...... What about idiots who don't even know their names, is this also your principle?

Charles Xavier: Shut up! Eric! That's two different things!

Charles Xavier: And the reason I'm so angry is because you say you're going to kill Raven.

Natasha Romanoff: Personally, in my opinion, both of you mutants are equally dangerous, even ...... Charles, your danger level may be a little higher than that of Magneto!

Tony Stark: That's right, this kind of weapon, which is enough to destroy all mankind, is too dangerous in the hands of one person!

As a former weapons manufacturer, Tony knows better than anyone the horrors of weapons of mass destruction.

In his opinion, Charles Xavier plus the brainwave intensifier is undoubtedly the most terrifying weapon on earth!

Beyond that, what other weapon can affect billions of humans around the world in an instant?

While speaking in the live chat group, Charles's mood was also agitated.

I saw that his face was flushed, his whole body trembled slightly, and his heart was beating almost twice as fast as usual!

Brainwave Booster!

In the near future, I have actually built such an incredible machine!

The thought that he could easily connect with billions of people around the world, even with Charles's cultivation, felt dizzy in his brain, and he almost felt dizzy.

"Boy, it seems that I really underestimated you. "

Wolverine looked at it with a bit of surprise, and Charles, who was in a trance, only felt that it was difficult to calm down for a while.

He has lived for more than 100 years, and he has seen many winds and waves.

But on the screen, the scene of Charles's instant connection to the world still caused him an unprecedented shock.

At this time, in Kama Taj, the Ancient One mage ignored the exclamations of the apprentices beside him, and nodded slightly:

"Sure enough, the power level of this mutant universe is stronger than ours universe!"


Just in the ...... of the crowd While arguing about Charles and the brainwave booster, a new change appeared on the screen.

[The picture returns to the future world.] 】

[Because Wolverine is in a frenzy...... Scratched the Phantom Cat with Edman's Alloy Claws. 】

[Worried that the Phantom Cat would not be able to sustain itself any longer, Iceman suggested finding someone to replace the Phantom Cat.] 】

[Bald Charles immediately objected, claiming that no one possessed the abilities of a phantom cat.] 】

[But Iceman claims that someone can absorb the Phantom Cat's abilities for his own use, and that person is Naughty.] 】

[Bald Charles was taken aback by what he heard:]

"I'm sorry, Bobby, but the little naughty should be dead. "】

"For many years, I couldn't sense her presence. "】

[The iceman said categorically:]

"That's because they're keeping her in the only place where you can keep your mind out."] "】

["The little naughty is locked in the secret room of the brainwave enhancement machine!"]

[Hearing the words of the Iceman, both Charles and Magneto were shocked.] 】

[But seeing that the phantom cat was about to be unable to hold on, these two old enemies decided to go out in person and try to save the little naughty back. 】

[Next, Charles personally piloted the Blackbird fighter and took Magneto and Iceman to the Wiesel Talent Youth School, which had been abandoned for many years. 】

[They succeeded in rescuing the little naughty who had become an experiment.] 】

[But it also alarmed the sentry robots.] 】

[At the last moment, Iceman sacrifices himself to block the army of sentinel robots, allowing Magneto and Naughty to escape.] 】

[But just after the Blackbird took off, a sentry robot still climbed onto the plane!]

[At the last moment, Charles increased the speed of the Blackbird fighter to the fastest and threw the sentry robot down. 】

[Even so, one of the severed hands of this sentry robot was deeply inserted into the fighter plane and was taken back by Charles.] 】

"Oh! "

Seeing this, Tony shook his head helplessly.

"Such a sophisticated robot definitely has a GPS positioning chip installed in its body. "

"This manipulator will definitely bring more robots ...... Lead to the base of these mutants. "

"What should I do?"

Peter listened worriedly, and glanced in Magneto's direction, intentionally or unintentionally.

I saw that this man was also pale, and his fists were clenched tightly, as if he was ...... Can't wait to jump into the screen!

At this time, Magneto's heart was indeed extremely complicated.

He could see clearly that although the "old version of himself" on the screen could also control metal, he didn't even have the courage to face those sentinel robots head-on.

Obviously, these robots are definitely made of something other than metal!

"Now that I have mastered the power of electromagnetic waves, I can manipulate those electronic devices. "

"However, if humans also know about my ability and find a way to create a ...... What about a robot that can block me from manipulating?"

The more he thought about it, the more Magneto's brows furrowed, and the whole person seemed to freeze.

[Video continued]

[The picture rewinds back to the '60s.] 】

[After being connected by Charles with a brain enhancement machine, Raven really returned to the Weir Gifted Youth School. 】

[But her trip was just a false shot, and the real purpose was to destroy the brainwave enhancement machine. 】

[Charles is very upset when he sees the destroyed brainwave booster.] 】

[At this moment, Hank observes the news and discovers that tomorrow, the president will make a statement about mutants in the capital.] 】

[And at this press conference, the dwarf doctor, Bolivia Trask, will also be present.] 】

[Charles and others all believe that Raven will definitely appear at this press conference in order to assassinate Dr. Dwarf!]

Therefore, they also decided to rush to the capital immediately to stop Raven. 】

[On the second day, at a press conference, Charles disguised himself as a wounded veteran and entered the venue in a wheelchair. 】

[A disabled veteran next to him looks at Charles and asks curiously how he got into a wheelchair.] 】

[Charles smiled helplessly:]

["I was accidentally wounded by a friendly soldier. "】

[The disabled veteran sighs:]

"This is the worst. "】

"Friendly wounded?"

In the tavern, Charles listened with a puzzled expression, who is this friendly army? Could it be someone I know close to me?

Is it Raven, Hank, or ...... Eric?

Just thinking of Magneto's name, Charles's heart suddenly chuckled, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

[Video continued]

[After the press conference began, the president showed the nation the Sentinel robot created by Dr. Dwarf in front of the media.] 】

[At this moment, the screen suddenly changed.] 】

[I saw Magneto, wearing a special helmet, walking into a stadium.] 】

[He spreads his hands and begins to drive his magnetic control ability with all his might.] 】

["Boom Boom Boom ......"]

[With a deafening loud bang, debris is scattered and dust flies.] 】

[The entire stadium shook wildly, cracking one huge crack after another. 】

[Immediately afterwards, Magneto himself, as well as this huge circular stadium, actually left the ground and flew into the sky!]

Seeing this scene, the live broadcast room fell silent at first. An uproar ensued.

"This ...... That's an exaggeration. "

"Is this guy's superpower so strong?"

"Magnetism! He actually flew into the sky with magnetism. "

"Magneto, you ......"

Tonis Dark's brow furrowed, and he looked back at the middle-aged man standing to the side. His face instantly became solemn.

This level of superpower explosion is simply terrifying!

It seems that the power of these mutants is more terrifying than he imagined.

And at this moment, Charles also exclaimed in the chat group.

Charles Xavier: Eric, what are you trying to do crazy? What do you want to do lifting such a big stadium up into the sky?

Loki Odinson: Hahahaha, why do you knowingly ask.

Charles Xavier: Difficult ...... Could it be.

Loki Odinson: I have to say, this guy named Eric is much more prepared this time than last time.

Loki Odinson: Those enemies that the angel secretly controls are used against his sentinel robots, and then they make such a big battle!

Loki Odinson: Looks like he's ready to crush the human government and establish mutant hegemony in one fell swoop!

Wanda Maximov: Mutant supremacy? ( ̄□ ̄;)

Charles Xavier: Stop talking nonsense, what can he do alone?

Magneto: Hehe, Charles, you always like to underestimate my power.

Magneto: So, you're going to sit there and take a closer look...... What can I do alone!?

Just when everyone's hearts were concentrating, holding their breath, ready to watch Magneto make a big fuss in the White Palace.

[The screen on the screen turned again.] 】

[Future World.] 】

[Those mechanical motherships, which are like inverted coffins, have flown over the mutant underground base. 】

[Through the severed hand of the sentry robot, they managed to find this place.] 】

[Unlike the one or two that appeared before, this time it was actually more than ten motherships that were dispatched. 】

[As you can imagine, there are only hundreds, or even thousands, of sentry robots stored in these motherships!]

[The apocalyptic future is about to befall mutants!]

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