"Exterminate humanity?"

Seeing the strange slogan of the Earth Three-Body Organization, many people in the live broadcast room were stunned.

"How can this happen? As a human being, you want to destroy human beings?"

Peter's face was full of disbelief, as if he had seen the most ridiculous thing in the world.

It's really hard to imagine for him...... Why would there be humans who would want to destroy their own race.

"That's not right. "

Little Wanda also opened her mouth wide in confusion.

"If all human beings are exterminated, won't those people of these three-body organizations also die?"

"Are these people trying to kill themselves?"

Tony spread his hands as he listened, and said helplessly:

"There are all kinds of weirdos, psychopaths, and crazy people in the human race, and if there really is a group of people who want to destroy the human race...... Even the guy who destroys the world, I wouldn't be surprised. "

Strange smiled bitterly and said:

"Perhaps in the eyes of these people, the earth is the object that needs to be saved, and we humans are nothing more than a disease or a parasite for the earth. "

"Destroying humanity for the sake of the continuation of the planet?"

The corners of Tony's eyes twitched:

"I heard that there have been some extreme environmental protection measures recently, and similar slogans have been played. "

Strange shrugged:

"As you said, there are too many human beings in the world, and it's normal to have some neuroses. "

At this time, someone in the chat group was bubbling again.

Bruce Banner: In my opinion, these people in the Three-Body Organization are not necessarily a bunch of crazy people.

Charles Xavier: Oh?

Bruce Banner: I've been wandering around the world over the years, and I've seen a lot of things.

Bruce Banner: In a lot of bad third-world countries, there are a lot of people out there who fantasize about ...... One day a powerful country will conquer them, and it doesn't matter if they even turn their homeland into colonies, people, or land, as long as they can live well.

Wanda Maksimov: What are you talking about? We in Sokovia are not rich countries, but I have never heard of such a thing.

Tony Stark: Save?good day?hahahahaha, laugh at me O(∩_∩)O. This is the same as the people of the Middle Ages...... What difference does it make to expect God to send angels to save Him?

Bruce Banner: Bitter smile, all I can say is ...... When things get bad enough to a certain extent, there are always people who have unrealistic fantasies.

Bruce Banner: After all, there's nothing left of them but fantasy.

Charles Xavier: These people are supposed to be extremely dissatisfied with reality, but they can't change it, so they have to count on aliens to come and smash everything they don't like!

Magneto: Charles, you can't be alluding to anyone, are you?

Magneto: First of all, I want to overthrow human rule, but it's also to establish a mutant kingdom, not for some aliens to rule the earth!

Charles Xavier: Eric, you have superpowers and can rely on your own powers to change reality, but the vast majority of people in this world ...... There is no such power.

Magneto: Hmph, the weak should obediently accept the rule, why do you have so many complaints.

Natasha Romanoff: In addition to what you said, I think there are still quite a few people in those three-body organizations...... Worship these aliens as gods.

Natasha Romanoff: When I was in S.H.I.E.L.D., I smashed a lot of similar shoe cults.

Natasha Romanoff: However, the leaders of these organizations are almost all bluffing liars.

Loki Odinson: These people can't be called liars, they can only be called thieves. A really powerful liar can even deceive a country!

Wanda Maximov: It's strange that you think you're a god and yet pride yourself on being a liar.

Rocky Odinson: ............

[Video continued]

[With the technology of the Three-Body Man, it is not impossible to build a space fleet and cross the galaxy to descend on the earth. 】

[But through the information transmitted to them by Ye Wenjie, the Three-Body Man soon discovered a terrifying fact. 】

[The speed of technological development of earthlings is not uniform, but explosive and explosive. 】

[It took them more than 100,000 years to evolve from primitive man to the agricultural age, but it only took a few thousand years to reach the industrial age. 】

[It only took a few decades to evolve from the industrial age to the information age!]

[After learning all this, the Three-Body Man almost despaired. 】

[Although the Trisolarans have the technology to cross the galaxy, it will take at least 400 years to reach the earth. 】

[According to the speed of the earthlings' technological explosion, 400 years later, when the Trisolarans' space fleet arrives on Earth, they may have to face an enemy that is far more advanced than themselves. 】

[The worst thing is that after the earthlings destroy the Trimaran Fleet, it is likely to counterattack the Trimaran System in turn!]

[At that time, the civilization of the Trisolarans will not be destroyed by the three suns, but will be destroyed by their own reckless aggression!]

[In order to avoid this catastrophic future, the Trisolarans decided to build a proton supercomputer while building a space fleet and spending a huge amount of resources!]

[This kind of computer is unbelievably small, so it can be accelerated to nearly the speed of light, and it only takes 4 years to descend on Earth.] 】

[And this supercomputer, called Tomoko, its mission ...... It is the technology that locks humanity away, making it impossible to pose a threat to the invading fleet of the Trisolarans. 】

Seeing this, little Wanda suddenly laughed out loud:

"Hahaha, I thought these aliens were amazing, it turns out that they are also afraid of us earthlings. "

Peter nodded thoughtfully:

"When I read the history books, I didn't think much about how fast our technology was developing. "

"But now it seems that we earthlings are really powerful......"

At this time, Tony said with some doubts:

"I don't think that's right, if these aliens even need to be afraid of earthling technology 400 years from now, then they ...... How did you make that proton supercomputer?"

There are also people in the group who can't help but bubble.

Bruce Banner: yes, I don't understand it either.

Bruce Banner: Protons are part of the nucleus of an atom, so how can such a thing be used to make a computer?

Bruce Banner: Could it be those aliens...... Is it possible to stick tweezers into a proton and build a computer circuit inside?

Tony Stark: What are you kidding? This kind of thing, let alone 400 years, even humans can't do it 4000 years from now!

At this moment, a new change suddenly appeared on the screen.

[On the screen, the entire three-body planet is wrapped in a strange substance. 】

[Countless aliens are manipulating machines, etching special circuits into this unimaginably thin plane.] 】

"This ...... What is this thing?"

Looking at the strange and magnificent scene in front of him, almost everyone in front of the big screen was stunned.

Strange was stunned for a moment, but quickly reacted and instinctively shouted.

"This thing...... Could it be the proton computer?"

"How is that possible?"

Tony's eyes widened, and he was the first to shout:

"You've all studied physics in middle school, protons are atoms small. "

"And this thing is wrapped in all the planets, how can it have anything to do with protons?"

As soon as he said this, the live broadcast room suddenly fell silent.

After a while, little Wanda asked weakly:

"I don't know what proton isn't proton, I just think it's weird. How can these weird trisolarans envelop their planet?"

"Wouldn't they be able to receive sunlight? All the plants and animals on the planet would have to die. "

Seeing that little Wanda suddenly interrupted, Tony pursed his lips and was about to say something, but Peter spoke before him.

"Wanda, you need to know, the planet Trisolara...... But there are three suns at all times. "

There was a hint of respect in Peter's tone.

"To be able to survive in such a terrifying environment, these three-body people probably don't care about any sunshine, high temperature, or severe cold for a long time. "

"A bunch of tenacious perverted aliens?"

The black widow shook her head suddenly, and said with a complicated expression:

"If it weren't for the harsh environment of theirs, maybe if you give these aliens a while...... They can also reach eternity with science. "

At this point, a new narration appears on the screen as well.

[Due to the threat of the end of the world, in order to survive, the Trisolarans have developed rapidly in science and technology, especially for the study of the microcosm far beyond that of humans. 】

[They...... It is even possible to control nine dimensions in the eleven-dimensional space!]

[And the manufacturing method of this proton computer is to reduce the dimension of the protons in the nine-dimensional space, and then expand them step by step, and finally reach the two-dimensional, that is, the dimension of the plane. 】

[After being reduced to two dimensions, their area has reached unimaginable, in this case, the Trisolarans can use the latest science and technology to make computer circuits on the plane of this proton.] 】

[And just as the narrator is describing this, time in the video begins to accelerate again.] 】

[Soon, the mysterious film that enveloped the entire planet of the Trisolarans...... A wide variety of complex circuits have emerged. 】

[After the circuit covers the entire film, the most amazing thing happens.] 】

[This huge film began to be folded gradually.] 】

【Ground Floor...... Two-storey ......】

[Under the horrified gaze of everyone in the live broadcast room, the huge film was finally folded into a subtle existence invisible to the naked eye. 】

[Through reverse means, the three-body man lowered the proton to two dimensions, re-ascended the dimension, and finally changed back to the size of an ordinary proton. 】

[Now, a proton supercomputer that can travel across space at the speed of light is complete.] 】

[Its name is ...... Tomoko!]

"I'll ......"

Seeing the magical and weird picture in front of him, Tony, Bruce Banner and others in front of the screen were all stunned in place. My mind went blank.

For a moment, they all felt like they were in a dream, and they almost lost the ability to think.

"Dimensionality reduction, dimensionality promotion, what does that mean?"

Little Wanda frowned and thought hard, but her brain didn't seem to be able to turn at all, and in the end, her eyes were about to turn into circles.

Peter knocked himself on the head, and finally smiled wryly, giving up thinking.

It's so much more than they can imagine that they don't even have enough brains!

The most shocking of all of them was Tonysdack.

As one of the world's leading AI pioneers, Tony's knowledge of supercomputers is unmatched by anyone else on Earth.

So, he understands better than anyone else...... The horror of this proton computer.

It is an artificial intelligence that is the same size as a normal proton and can move at the speed of light!

Compared to this, the "Transformers Project" proposed by him and Bruce Banner before is like a child's joke!

In addition, the kind of ...... developed by the Trisolarans Manipulation of microscopic space. Even Tony found it a little incomprehensible.

Reduce the nine-dimensional space to two dimensions, and then ascend back again.

What kind of operation is this?

At this moment, Tony's brow jumped, and he suddenly remembered someone.

"The microcosm? I remember a guy named Hank Pym, who seemed to be very interested in this. "

"After this live broadcast, let's talk to him. "

And at this time in Kama Taj, Master Mordo was also trembling when he saw it, and couldn't help but look back at the ancient one.

Feeling his gaze, the Ancient One Master waved the folding fan in his hand and said calmly:

"Mordo, remember my words, magic and science are actually the same path, the purpose is to explore the truth of the universe, but the means of application are different. "

While speaking, the ancient one mage still sighed slightly in his heart.

That being said, science has an advantage...... It's something that magic doesn't have.

That's batch production.

Even if the ancient mage could one day master the earth-shattering magic of reducing the dimension of protons, she did not have so many apprentices who could depict a magic array on the protons that were reduced......

[Video continued]

[After creating a chiko, the Trisolarans did not stop. 】

[After all, if there is only one, after launching this Zhizi to the earth, these Trisolarans will have no way to communicate with it. 】

[Therefore, the Three-Body Man created the second Zhizi, and then let the two Zhizi form a quantum entanglement effect. 】

[In this way, some kind of quantum communication will be reached between these two wise sons.] 】

[Next, the Trisolarans launched one of the Zhizi to Earth at the speed of light.] 】

[From now on, due to the existence of quantum communication, everything that this Zhizi sees and hears, the Trisolarans may see and hear through that Zhizi on their planet!]

[A perfect spy and saboteur, thus born!]

"Good Fellow......"

Seeing this, the boiled egg and the black widow in front of the screen gasped almost at the same time.

Such a spy is simply perfect!

It's smaller than an atom, it moves at the speed of light, it's not only self-intelligent, it's a supercomputer!

What are you going to do with this kind of thing?

I just don't know where to start!

[Video continued]

[After coming to Earth, Tomoko really lived up to the expectations of the Trisolaran, not only successfully interfering with the human particle collider, but also making it impossible for humans to enter the microscopic realm. It also caused many scientists to hallucinate, and even forced them to commit suicide!]

[But at this moment, the situation changed unexpectedly.] 】

[The screen turns to a cemetery.] 】

[A man named Luo Ji is sweeping the grave. 】

[A white-haired woman walks over and starts talking to him.] 】

[Ye Wenjie, a white-haired woman, looked at the young man in front of her and suddenly asked a strange question. 】

["Xiao Luo, why don't you go and study the sociology of the universe?"

These, the people in the live broadcast room were suddenly surprised.

"This ...... She's Ye Wenjie?"

Peter muttered incredulously:

"The commander of the Earth Three-Body Organization, how could he come here to sweep the grave?"

At the same time, Tony on the other side frowned, thinking carefully in his heart:

"A character like Ye Wenjie shouldn't talk nonsense casually, so ...... What does she mean by cosmic sociology?"

PS: Next...... It's the highlight of the Dark Forest!

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