
[Looking at this Indian with a strange light in his eyes, he was already injured, and Caholey, who was exhausted of physical strength, finally couldn't hold on. Fainted backwards. 】

[At the same time, the Observer's phantom reappears in the galaxy and begins to tell:]

["When Asgard perished, the Cosmic Cube shattered after the impact, completely releasing the energy of the space gem within. "】

["This energy leaked into this lake beneath the North American continent. "】

"Nearby Indian warriors, adventurers, and other tribal nobles all disappeared into the lake when they came to it. "】

Because of this, many nearby Indian tribes believed that the lake had magical powers, so they began to fight for it. "】

And when the fighting finally ceased, the blood-stained lake was thought to be cursed, and no one dared to approach it again. "】

["Until the appearance of the card profit. "】


[When the observer's voice stops, the camera shifts to Ka Li's body again.] 】


[After an exclamation, the Indian girl wakes up on her wooden bed.] 】

["My Hand ......"]

[Remembering that he had been hit by a bullet from a Spanish soldier before, Ka Li instinctively touched the wound on his right arm with his hand.] 】


[But when she touched it, she was surprised to find that her wound had disappeared.] 】


[Just as Caholi was tempting, she suddenly heard laughter from outside. 】

[Ka Ying stood up and walked out of the house he was in. 】

[After going out, she just glanced at the sky, and was stunned for a moment. 】

[Above the sky, there are several "moons" of all sizes!]

[And now it's daytime, but you can clearly see countless stars.] 】

[It is clear that the place where Caholly is located is not Earth.] 】

[However, this first girl does not know this. 】

["How is that possible?"]

[Caholly turned his head to look, and saw an Indian next to him, who was manipulating some kind of magic to "cook"]

["What the hell is going on?(⊙o⊙)"]

[Looking confused, Card Profit almost thought that he was still dreaming. 】

[At this moment, the Indian man who had told her about the "Heavenly Realm" appeared again and said with a smile: "I'm surprised, actually, the blue light you fell into...... Its power permeates everything. "】

"Water, land, and plants all contain its energy. "】

And when we consume this energy through our diet, we can do all kinds of incredible things. "】

[This Indian man's name is Attarak, and according to his account, everything in this magical world is full of the power of space gems. 】

[And all these Indians, like Caholy, were teleported here by chance when they came into contact with the blue light at the bottom of the lake.] 】

[They don't know what the space gem is, they only know that the blue energy nourishes all things. 】

[After absorbing this energy, blue and white tattoos will appear on the skin of these Indians.] 】

[This means that they can cast "magic".] 】

["Ah...... Sounds amazing. "】

[Card profit nodded slightly:]

"But I have to go home...... Oops!"]

[As soon as he mentioned home, Ka Ying's face suddenly changed. 】

[She finally remembered that her village was being attacked by the Spaniards!]

[The anxious card profited, and hurriedly rushed into the forest next to him desperately. 】

[She wants to find the entrance to this other world where she "fell" and return home. 】

[Unfortunately, Kaholi, who came to the center of the forest, saw it impressively. The blue portal...... Actually suspended in mid-air!]

[At this time, Attarak also came over and whispered in Kaholi's ear to comfort him:] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

["After entering this heavenly realm, we will not grow old here, nor will we die. "】

["But...... We can't go back. "】

"Perhaps, staying here forever is our destiny. "】

[Caholly lowered his head as he listened, his face full of sadness and helplessness. 】

"She can't fly into the sky!" That means...... She couldn't get through the portal, and she couldn't go home. 】

[At the same time, the Spanish invaders burned the entire village to the ground in the homeland of Kali. 】

030 [And the leader of these invaders, called Gonzolo, claims that he was ordered by the Queen of Spain to come to the Americas in search of the fountain of youth.] 】

[Legend has it that just drinking a drop of this spring water can make humans immortal!]

Seeing this, the chat group was also lively.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): These Indians...... Drink the Rubik's Cube of the Universe?(△;)

Demonic Doctor Strange: It's not as exaggerated as you say, it should be fused with some of the energy of the space gem.

Wanda Maximov: If you were to say that, wouldn't that be a lot like Captain Marvel?

Nick Fury: No, the Indians drank the water in the pool!

Nick Fury: Have they all become as strong as Carol?

Carol Danvers: It's ...... Incredible!(⊙⊙)[]

Natasha Romanoff: Director, calm down, think about it and know that it's impossible,

Natasha Romanoff: If they really have such strong superpowers, how can they not even fly into the sky and go home through the portal?

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