
[After some time, the bare-headed Wade Wilson woke up at a table. 】

"Mr. Wilson. "】

[On the opposite side of the table, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes crossed his hands, folded them on the table, and said leisurely:]

"You seem to have pulled in your pants in the process of being unconscious. "】

["No...... I wasn't in a coma just now!"]

[Wade Wilson shook his head, but he didn't deny that he :]

["Other...... Who are you?"]

[Looking at this strange room, there was already a hint of vigilance in Wade's voice:]

["Why am I here?"]


[The middle-aged man didn't answer directly, but snapped his fingers lightly and picked up a small device from the table:]

"Come with me. "】

[After opening the door, the middle-aged man led Wade Wilson into a hallway. 】

[The hallways are littered with guards in Time Authority uniforms23 and researchers coming and going.] 】

[And the most striking thing is that at the end of the corridor, there is a "black man with a chicken nest head" in a white coat. 】

Seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Wanda Maximov: This chicken nest looks so familiar. (⊙o⊙)

Wanda Maximov: Could he be ...... That variant of Kang the Conqueror, right?

Nick Fury: You're talking about the "Taimli"? Did he join the Time Authority?

Bruce Wayne: It's not surprising, in Loki's timeline, this variant of Kang survived.

Bruce Wayne: And he doesn't have Kang's kind of ambition, and it's normal to join the Time Authority as an ordinary employee.

Bruce Wayne: In contrast, I'm a little curious, what does Deadpool want to do in the morning of the Time Authority?

Tony Stark: Do you need to ask?

Tony Stark: You haven't forgotten the previous episode, Deadpool got the time controller from the "Future Traverser" cable.

Tony Stark: And then he used the controller to planeswalk and revise history.

Tony Stark: The most typical example is his girlfriend.

Deadpool: ............ I'll say whatever you like, don't mention Vanessa.

Tony Stark: Hah, I'm just talking about things.

Tony Stark: Besides, your girlfriend should still be alive and well, so why bother to react so much.

Tony Stark: In the story, Deadpool's girlfriend must have died in an accident in a firefight with an enemy.

Tony Stark: But now you see, there's another Vanessa at his birthday party!

Tian Xiaoban: I see!

Tian Xiaoban: This girlfriend should be from another timeline!

Tian Xiaoban: Deadpool has traveled to another timeline!

Tian Xiaoban: But what about Wade Wilson in this timeline?

Tony Stark: Who knows, maybe he killed him.

Tony Stark: Maybe, this Wade didn't have an X gene injection at all, he's just a normal person.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): I get it, too. Deadpool's behavior of altering the timeline must have violated the taboo of the Time Authority.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): That's why he was captured in the Time Authority.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): But it's kind of strange that Loki had a collar around his neck when he was caught in before. Why didn't Deadpool?

Deadpool: Hahaha! Do you need to ask? They must have been conquered by my Uncle Wade's charm!

Loki Odinson: Shut up, idiot, these Time Authority people must be trying to take advantage of you, just as they want to use "me".

Deadpool: Really?

Deadpool: It's okay to say anything else, but since it involves the Time Authority, it means that behind this "story" must be the "you" who became the god of time.

Deadpool: I'd like to know, the god of time, what kind of drama has been arranged for my Uncle Wade?

At this moment, a new image appeared on the light screen.

["Wade, you are different from ordinary people!"]

[On the screen, the middle-aged man handed Wade's suit to him while talking:]

["Now, it's time for you to become a hero among heroes!"]


[Wade was still a little confused, but the man in the middle of 773 brought him to the "multiverse monitoring screen" of the Time Administration. 】

[On the screen, Wade sees Iron Man, Captain America, and the angry and roaring Hulk. 】

[Although he had never seen these people before, out of some strange instinct, Wade actually raised his right hand and saluted these Marvel characters on the screen. 】

["As soon as you pout your ass, I know what shit you want to poop on. "】

[It is worthy of being a character who can break the 4th wall.] Deadpool quickly understood what the Time Authority wanted him to do:]

["But since you want me to intervene, your little cinematic universe will be rewritten forever!"]

[Looking at the one in front of him, the middle-aged man Wade said confidently:]

["I am your Messiah!"]


[Hearing this kind of crazy talk, even the "middle-aged man" who has seen countless multiverse worlds is confused. (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[But Wade's next sentence is even more shocking:]

["I...... It's Marvel's Jesus!"].

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