["Whew!"] 】

[The left arm of the "Dangerous Wanderer" falls into the sea, causing a large splash. 】


[And at this moment, Raleigh in the cockpit also covered his left arm and screamed loudly.] 】

Seeing this scene, Tonydak's gaze suddenly froze.

This "consciousness sensing system" will actually convey the "injury" suffered by the mecha hunter to the pilot's body intact!

In this way, if the robot you are driving is "fatally injured", will the driver faint in pain?

[After stabbing through the left shoulder of the mecha hunter, the head of the Kaiju Beast's scythe opened its bloody mouth and bit the head of the dangerous wanderer. 】

["Crackling ......"]

[With a tooth-souring sound, most of the mecha hunter's head was bitten off by the scythe head.] 】

[Seeing that the teeth of the chrysanthemum beast were pierced into the cockpit, Raleigh was so frightened that he couldn't help but scream. 】

["The shell has been pierced!"]

[Seeing this terrible scene in front of him, Raleigh's twin brother also showed despair in his eyes, and quickly turned his head and shouted:]

["Listen to me, you have to ......"]

[Before he could finish speaking, the sickle head actually rushed into the cockpit and took his brother away!]

["No !!"]

[Seeing his twin brother being swallowed alive by the monster, Raleigh exclaimed, and the whole person almost collapsed. 】

[And due to the loss of a pilot, the dangerous wanderer has become like a clay sculpture, completely losing the ability to resist.] 】

[At this critical juncture. The head of the scythe rushed up again, and the sharp horns on its head once again pierced deep into the fierce mouth of the dangerous wanderer!]


[Because of the "consciousness sensing system", Raleigh was also in pain for a while. 】

[But at this moment of death, looking at the monster that killed his brother in front of him, Raleigh gritted his teeth and made an unbelievable operation. 】

[With the strength of one man, he activated this ...... MechHunter that requires two pilots to control!]


[Seeing that the head of the sickle was frantically biting the armor he was driving, Raleigh, who had already saved the will to die, didn't care about it, just desperately ...... All infused into the plasma blaster in the right arm. 】

["Charging ......"]

["Charging ......"]

["Charge is complete."] "】

[After reaching the maximum limit of charging, Raleigh used his last bit of strength to release the strongest plasma blaster at the belly of the sickle head!]


[After the terrible impact, all communications and radar responses are gone.] 】

[It's like...... The dangerous wanderer and the scythe head of the Kaiju beast are all gone. 】

Seeing this, a slight sigh sounded in the live broadcast room.

"That kid is a good driver, but I didn't expect to die like this. "

Strange had a look of regret in his eyes.

But Tonydak's face was grim at this time, and he said slowly:

"This sucks......"

"What's wrong?"

Little Wanda blinked and asked curiously:

"Could it be...... You're referring to the guy named Raleigh. "

"But there are a lot of mecha hunters in the human world, even if he dies......"

Tony shook his head:

"I'm saying that the whole situation against the opening monsters has gone bad. "

Hearing this, Xiao Wanda was stunned at first, but her eyes widened.

"Looks like you're not too stupid, little girl. "

Loki stood aside and smiled indifferently:

"The sudden appearance of this third-level monster can be said to have upended the balance of the entire battlefield. "

From now on, the human race of that world will suffer. "

Now Strange also came back to his senses, and said with a solemn expression:

"But the bitter battle of this pair of twin brothers shows that the strength of this third-level monster is definitely much improved compared to those previous chrysanthemum beasts!"

"If all the powerful monsters that appear in the future are like this, then the hunter plans to ......"

Before Strange could finish speaking, Loki suddenly interrupted him and smiled coldly:

"You still haven't figured it out, it's a third-level monster now, and in the future, will there be a fourth-level or even fifth-level, sixth-level?"

"If those invading monsters can really be strengthened like this almost infinitely, then the defeat of the human side and even extinction...... It's just a matter of time. "

As soon as they heard this, almost all the people in the live broadcast room changed color in horror.

Even Magneto's eyes flickered.

He doesn't care about humans, but these monsters are going to destroy the entire planet!

At this time, Godzilla suddenly bubbled up in the group again.

Godzilla: What level 3, level 4...... If I'm on that planet, no matter how many monsters there are, I'll be able to spray them all to death with a mouthful of atomic breath!

As the last descendant of the ancient atomic dinosaurs, Godzilla can't look down on the so-called chrysanthemum beasts in the video!

In his opinion, even if he doesn't have to breathe in Yuanzi, these little things that are a few heads shorter than him and weigh less than a fraction of his own weight are not enough to be trampled to death in minutes!

Wanda Maximov: Godzilla is really reliable! Hey, it's a pity that there are no monsters like Godzilla in that universe, otherwise there would be no need to be afraid of any chrysanthemum beasts.

Tony Stark: Hey, that's unscientific. No matter how powerful Godzilla is, it can't be a clone!

Nick Fury: It seems that in order to solve the problem of the proliferation of monsters in that world, we must go deep into the portal under the sea to eliminate the culprit behind the scenes!

Natasha Romanoff: Nick, I completely agree with you.

Loki Odinson: To put it simply, if that portal was so easy to get into, humans would have gotten in a long time ago.

Stephen Strange: It looks like there must be a secret hidden inside the portal at the bottom of the sea.

[Video continued]

[Although, in the end, Raleigh relied on his unimaginable driving ability and escaped with his life. 】

[But this time the mecha hunter's disastrous victory cast a shadow over the hunter plan. 】

[The warrior of the battle armor, the proudest of mankind, has become vulnerable in front of monsters!]

[They were all second-level monsters that appeared on the earth before, and mecha hunters can easily kill them. 】

[But the size, weight, defense, and destructive power of the third-level monster have been greatly improved compared to the second-level monster!]

[In the face of these never-before-seen powerful enemies, mecha hunters around the world were caught off guard. 】

[Soon, the battle situation took a sharp turn for the worse, and more and more high-level Kaiju monsters began to pour into the earth through the portal. 】

[In just one year, there were 14 monster invasions!]

[Faced with the army of Kaiju Beasts, which have greatly improved in quality and quantity, the hunter plan has begun to collapse. 】

[It takes at least 30 billion meters to build a mecha hunter.] 】

[And with the improvement of the strength of the Kaiju Beast, the probability of defeat of the mecha hunter has also increased greatly. 】

[In the end, the speed at which humans create mecha hunters can no longer catch up with the speed at which Kaiju monsters destroy hunters. 】

[In desperation, the human race can only close almost all the hunter bases, leaving only one Hong Kong. 】

[Seeing that the Hunter Project was on the verge of failure, the humans decided to adopt a defensive strategy and began to invest all their funds in the construction of the so-called "Anti-Monster Wall". 】

[More desperate events are yet to come. 】

[In the new round of monster attacks, the level 4 monster disease and poison effortlessly destroyed the "Wall of Life" built by the Kangaroo Country. 】

[Fortunately, the latest fifth-generation mecha hunter "Eureka Raider" was ordered to successfully eliminate the invading Kaiju Beast "Disease Poison". 】

[But the "wall of life"...... This huge fortification, which gave confidence to all mankind, turned into a joke in front of the mighty monster. 】

[As a result, humanity's strategy of building walls and shrinking its defenses proved to be a complete failure. 】

[Just then, Stark, the black commander, arrives at a construction site in a helicopter. 】

[It turned out that after narrowly escaping his life, the pilot Raleigh was on the verge of a mental breakdown, gave up driving the mecha hunter, and ran here to repair the defensive wall. 】

[In the face of the decadent Raleigh, the black commander didn't say anything about chicken soup for the soul, and said directly to the showdown:]

["The end of the world is coming, do you choose to die in the mecha or die in this construction site?"]

[In the face of such straightforward words, Raleigh, who was desperate, could not refuse, so he could only follow the black commander to the Broken Dome in Hong Kong. 】

[Here, this is the last mecha hunter base of mankind.] 】

[There are 4 mechs left in this base: Crimson Tempest, Eureka Raider, the original Alpha, and the Dangerous Wanderer who has been recovered and repaired.] 】

[Here, Raleigh also found another driver with his partner, Miss Asako.] 】

[As soon as Raleigh arrived at the Shattered Dome base, two level 4 monsters rushed out of the portal: Leathback and Otachi]

[Two monsters attacked at the same time, which is unprecedented. 】

[In the face of a strong enemy, the black commander is also ready to send out all the mecha hunters in his hands. 】

[First, he sent Crimson Tempest and Alpha to take the lead, while the Eureka Raiders stayed behind to support.] 】

[But no one expected that the crimson storm would be killed in seconds soon after it went into battle!]

[And just when the remaining two mecha hunters were fighting with the two Kaiju monsters. 】

[The Ridgeback Turtle violently unleashes its hidden skill...... EMP Blaster!】

[Under the blue impact electromagnetic impact, the electronic equipment of the two mecha hunters stopped at the same time!]

[In a state of no resistance, the "first alpha" was also instantaneously seconds. 】

[At this moment, the battle situation instantly fell into a realm of despair!]

[Now the hope of mankind is only ...... Driven by black energy, a dangerous wanderer who is not afraid of EMP!]

PS: The total weight of the brother is nearly 100,000 tons, and the 4th generation of chrysanthemum beasts is less than 3,000 tons......

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