[After the end of World War II, peace came, economic development and crime gradually decreased, and the vigilante heroes began to decline. 】

[Members of the first-generation vigilante organization "Militia Regiment" were either shot dead, retired, and some were even sent to psychiatric hospitals. 】

[Originally, everyone thought that the era of superheroes had passed. 】

[But in 1960, the beautiful country unexpectedly obtained the ultimate deterrent more terrifying than the black weapon!

[Because of the appearance of this god-like man, the world began to change amazingly. 】

[The Laughing Artist of the militia group was hired by the people behind the scenes to shoot Ken Ni Dee. 】

[And the new generation of vigilantes led by Dr. Manhattan...... "Watchmen" are still running for justice and fighting crime everywhere. 】

[But in the eyes of the people, they have changed from a symbol of justice to a lackey of ZF!]

[Immediately afterward, anti-war sentiment and fear of the Black War spawned social unrest. 】

[Thinking that the watchmen had robbed them of their jobs, a large number of police officers and inspectors began to strike, and the society became more and more unstable. 】

[In order to stabilize the situation and reassure the people, the three-time re-elected chief Barrel Ne Keesson introduced the "Keene Act", stipulating that the vigilante heroes either retired or served ZF. 】

[In this case, Dr. Manhattan and the Laughing Maker chose to work for the state.] 】

[The second-generation night owl chose to wash his hands and become an ordinary person. 】

[The second generation of Silk Soul fell in love with Dr. Manhattan and became a couple. 】

[Pharaoh Werther revealed his identity, threw himself into the business world, and soon became one of the richest people in the world. 】

[In 1971, the beautiful country began the Vietnam War. 】

[The barrel boldly sent Dr. Manhattan to the battlefield, which achieved a crushing effect, and at the same time sent the laughing man among the watchmen.] 】

[Under the godlike power of Dr. Manhattan, the Vietnam War ended in the victory of the beautiful country!]

[This unexpected victory has further strengthened the deterrent power of the beautiful country in the international arena. 】

[But it also pushes humanity into a more dangerous situation.] 】

[In the face of Manhattan's extraordinary strength in the Vietnam War, Solstice was terrified and began to frantically hoard black bullets. 】

[In this way, the black armament competition between the two superpowers is out of control. 】

[The 3rd World Realm Great War, or the full-scale Black War, seems to have reached the brink of breaking out!]

Seeing this, many people in the live broadcast room were stunned.

"Uh...... What's going on?"

Little Wanda opened her big eyes, and her eyes were full of puzzlement:

"I'm not very good at history, but something seems wrong. "

A hint of understanding flashed in Tony Starck's eyes, and he gently patted little Wanda's shoulder, and said indifferently:

"The so-called parallel universe should be like this. "

"Although it looks similar to our world on the surface, history, society, and even race may change!"

Peter Parker also nodded thoughtfully:

"yes, there are no superheroes or mutants in my world. “

Speaking of this, Peter's expression became a little strange:

"Ken Ni Dee was actually killed by a vigilante!

"Moreover, the Cold War looks like it's about to turn into a hot war!"

"That Warden universe is too crazy!"

Little Wanda also didn't understand when she heard it, and asked with a wink:

"Yes, why did the world become like this?

"I'm looking at the history of the other X-Universe...... It hasn't changed to this point. "

Bruce Wayne, who had been silent, suddenly spoke:

"I think it's still the Manhattan doctor's reason. "

I saw Young Master Wayne say with a solemn face:

In the original history, those two superpowers had no intention of destroying the world, so the Cold War remained at the level of "cold". "

"But in this Watchmen universe, because of the appearance of Dr. Manhattan, the beautiful country has completely floated!"

"What's worse is that the total barrel ...... He even ordered Dr. Manhattan to win the Vietnam War for him!"

"Seeing the fate of the Yue country, the fear of the winter country is also completely imaginable. "

Speaking of this, Young Master Wayne's tone was already full of regret and regret.

Sure enough, once the superhero falls into the hands of the main guest, it will cause such a terrible tragedy!

How good would it be if that Manhattan doctor could remain free and read?

Peter Parker was also dumbfounded.

"Huh, is it because of Manhattan that the world is facing the end of the world?"

Bruce Wayne nodded with some regret:

"In my opinion...... Yes. "

"The power of the superpowered is too strong for the world...... Actually, it's not necessarily a good thing. "

Hearing Wayne's skeptical and negative words, Tony Stark raised an eyebrow, a hint of disapproval in his eyes.

In his opinion, no one else is qualified to say anything more about how strong he has become.

And that Manhattan, if anything, was done wrong...... That is, he ran to serve ZF, and in the end even participated in the Vietnam War!

At this moment, Tony really didn't understand.

Why should such a powerful superhero in Manhattan obey the orders of those idiots?

Let's see the ending!

You listened to them and won the war, but they brought the threat of destruction to all mankind!

Isn't that self-defeating?

In fact, Tony is also full of disdain for the main guests of the Warden universe.

The Kean Act they introduced is simply another version of the Sokovia Agreement!

How can obeying the orders of these rat-eyed guys end well?

At this moment, there seemed to be someone in the chat group who couldn't help it.

Deadpool: Blue Big · Are you still there? I really don't understand, why do you have to listen to those dignitaries to go to war?

Deadpool: I was in the military before, and it was really terrible!

Captain of the United States: He ...... I guess there are some hardships.

As a super soldier, Steve Rogers has no objection to joining the army.

But...... He is more inclined to be a good man than a good soldier!

Therefore, the captain is also very incomprehensible to the ignorant actions of those high-level leaders in the Warden universe.

Obviously there are superheroes as powerful as Dr. Manhattan, but instead of reaching peace, these regulars have brought humanity to the brink of destruction!

This kind of behavior is simply a crime against mankind!

Nick Fury: Hey, this should be easy to understand. If this Manhattan is really what he said before...... With the power to observe and modify the universe itself, then the higher levels cannot allow such an existence to get out of control!

Nick Fury: And he probably chose to cooperate because he didn't want to cause more trouble.

Ghost Rider: Cooperation? I think he's simply obedient.

Carol Danvers: Boring, if he doesn't want to obey the orders of the human hierarchy, can he leave Earth and go to the universe like me?

Nick Fury: Bitter smile, Captain, not every universe is filled with all kinds of interstellar civilizations like our world.

Nick Fury: If that Manhattan doctor had left the earth in a hurry, all that awaited him might have been endless loneliness! Wouldn't that be worse?

Dr. Manhattan: No, you're all overthinking.

Deadpool: Huh?

Dr. Manhattan: I didn't think much at all, I was an employee of ZF before I got my superpowers.

Dr. Manhattan: So after becoming what I am now, it was a natural fit for me to start working with ZF, and you all know the rest.

Bruce Wayne: Is it mental inertia?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): I think that's easy to understand, but superheroes are human beings to put it bluntly?

"The human way of thinking?"

At this time in the laboratory, Lan Da··· The eagle's expression was calm, and his expression remained unchanged at all.

In fact, his answer just now only told part of the truth.

After becoming a quantum observer, Manhattan still obeyed ZF's orders and even went directly to the front line of the Vietnam War!

The reason why he did this was out of the inertia of "thinking before he was born" at first, but later, it was purely for one reason.

He doesn't care.

What is the difference between doing it and not doing it?

In that case, why should it be regarded as playing with ants?

But when he thought of the changes that had happened to him, Manhattan's eyes also had an indescribable look.

Lately, he doesn't seem to see the future clearly.

The reason why this is so is either because there is an unprecedented black war in the future, which will destroy the whole world!

Either that, someone is interfering with their observations with a stream of tachyon particles.

And who else on earth can do this?

Just as Manhattan was lost in thought, a new change appeared on the screen.

[Video continued]

[198.5.] 】

[The secret conflict between the two superpowers is becoming more and more intense, and the situation is becoming more and more serious day by day, and even the common people are beginning to discuss the end of the world. 】

[Scientists set the doomsday clock, which symbolizes the Black War, to 23:55.] 】

[This means that humanity is only 5 minutes away from complete extinction.] 】

[One day, a mysterious person invades the home of the watchman member "Laughing Maker". 】

[The laughing master seems to know who this person is, and he also knows the other party's intentions. 】

[The two engaged in a fierce fight, but the laughing master was easily defeated in the end.] 】

[It seems that he has realized that death is coming, and the laughing craftsman looks at the person with blood on his face and smiles:]

"It's a joke, it's all a joke. "】

[Before the smile on his face disappeared, the mysterious man lifted the laugher, smashed through the glass, and threw it out of the window!]


[The laughing craftsman fell from the sky from a tall building and fell to his death on the sidewalk.] 】

[And the "smiley face logo" he wore on his body was also stained with his own blood. 】

[In this era, superheroes are either accepted and become official eagle dogs, or they wash their hands and retire to become ordinary people. 】

[But even in such a bleak reality, there is still a man who has firmly established his inner principles and fought crime as a private person. 】

[That's the original Warden member, Rorschach!]

[After learning of the death of the laughing man, Luo Xia infiltrated the scene of the laughing craftsman's death and tried to investigate the cause of his death. 】

Rorschach is a simple and stubborn man. As a human being, he cannot change the fate of the world. 】

[But even if he gambles his life, he must catch the murderer who killed the laughing man!]

[In order to maintain the justice in his heart, Rorschach will never make any compromises. 】

[Next, he approached the retired second-generation Night Stalker, claiming that the death of the laughing master may be someone trying to get rid of all the superheroes.] 】

[And the night stalker is used to a stable life, but thinks that Rorschach is a little nervous and too alarmist.] 】

[In his opinion, the laughing master has been doing some dirty work for ZF all along, and it is not unusual for him to encounter revenge and murder at some point. 】

[Therefore, the night owl instead persuaded Rorschach to take off his mask and live a normal life like him before his true identity was revealed. 】

[On the morning of the second day, a ragged homeless man held a sign and asked the newsstand owner if the newspaper had been delivered. 】

[The boss replied impatiently, he didn't know either.] 】

[At the same time, the Night Stalker, who received Rorschach's warning, still felt uneasy in his heart, and immediately found another former member of the Warden, the brightest genius in the world...... Pharaoh. 】

[After retiring from his superhero career, Pharaoh has become a supertycoon. 】

[Now, he is working with Dr. Manhattan on the development of new energy sources, and he has also established a research laboratory in Antarctica.] 】

[The Night Stalker asked the Pharaoh to relay Rorschach's warning, advising him to stay safe, but the Pharaoh didn't care, and claimed that only the black war between the superpowers was the greatest crisis for all mankind!]

[Fearing that Dr. Manhattan might intercept the black warhead, the Solstice Kingdom has created tens of thousands of black bullets!Even if it is only 1%, it is enough to destroy the entire beautiful country!]

[It can be said that it is out of fear of Dr. Manhattan that the Solstice Nation will create so many black warheads.] 】

[That night, Rorschach, disappointed by the night owl, finally arrives in Dr. Manhattan's laboratory. 】

[Dr. Manhattan and his lover, the second generation of Silk Soul, are already the last two people that the night owl can trust. 】

"I need to tell the invincible man that someone wants to kill him. "】

[As soon as he entered this classified research room, Rorschach saw a blue giant that was dozens of meters tall. 】

[He is Dr. Manhattan.] 】

[And the most incredible thing is that this blue man's body is actually completely bare!]


Looking at Dr. Manhattan's blue PP on the screen, little Wanda screamed and quickly covered her eyes with her hands.

And the expressions of several other people in the live broadcast room also changed slightly.

This scene is indeed a bit spicy!

Deadpool: Whoahaha! You see, that's what I call Blue Big... Carve.

Deadpool: How's it going? I'm not lying, am I?

Carol Danvers: ............ Perverted.

Bruce Banner: Ahem, let's be honest, even the Hulk knows how to wear a kushit, Dr. Manhattan, you ...... Why bother?

Dr. Manhattan: When I'm in public, I always wear a formal attire. But in my own home, I prefer to be a little more casual.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): The Original ...... Doctor, you're really blue.

Deadpool: Hahaha! yes, now I realize that he really looks a bit like the apocalypse ^_^

Magneto: What kind of superpower is this, isn't he really a mutant?

Charles Xavier: Probably not, Dr. Manhattan seems to have said that he was the only person in that world with superpowers.

Wanda Maksimov: The only one? Wouldn't that be lonely?

Dr. Manhattan: Little girl, what do you mean...... That's quite right.

In the face of little Wanda's unintentional words, Dr. Manhattan actually had an indescribable look in his eyes.

As his abilities grew, he found ...... It's getting harder and harder to get along with humans.

But this bizarre screen and system is the ...... for Manhattan's life Brings a new surprise!

Isn't the endless multiverse much more interesting than this depressed earth?

Nick Fury: Don't talk about these pointless things.

Nick Fury: Doctor, you said before that you know the past and future of this world, so do you know who killed the laugher?

Dr. Manhattan: Someone has blocked my observation of the future by unknown means, so I can't see it clearly.

Holy Keisha: In that backward pre-nuclear civilization, how could anyone block the sight of a high-dimensional observer?

Dr. Manhattan: Hehe, no matter how backward a civilization is, there will always be geniuses.

Bruce Wayne: Genius? Do you mean......

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