[The two Doctors Strange are dressed almost identically.] 】

[But one of them looked like an ordinary person, and the other looked terrifying and gloomy, as if possessed by a demon. 】

[Looking at the "self" in front of him who didn't look like a human and a ghost didn't look like a ghost, Strange asked with a look of surprise:]

["What the hell did you do?"]

["Dr. Blackened" did not answer Strange's question, but said to himself:]

["I need to talk to you alone, I don't need Wang or Gu Yi, they don't understand at all!"]

[A sad look suddenly appeared on his face, and "Dr. Blackened" said sadly:]

["They don't know her at all!"]

"When we all know her, we all love her deeply. "】

[Strange takes a breath and suddenly interrupts Dr. Blacken's words:]

["I can't resurrect Christine, now the outside world is disintegrating......"]

[But Dr. Blackened was annoyed when he heard it:]

["Don't you want to lie to me, I'm you!"]

[He angrily walks up to Strange and confronts him.] 】

["How many nights have we sat in the Supreme Sanctuary with the Time Stone in our hands, and we could go back in time, but we never had the courage?"]

["But I finally mustered up the courage!"]

"In centuries of reincarnation, I sacrificed everything for Christine. "】

[Looking at the unrecognizable self in front of him, Strange asked in a deep voice:]

"Then you can save her now."] "】


[Dr. Blackened reaches out and grabs Strange, a smile on his face:]

"We can save her. "】


[With the scarlet portal light illuminating, the two Doctors Strange came to the same place at the same time.] 】

[This is where they got into a car accident in the first place.] 】

[Because the Ancient One mage used the power from the dark dimension to split Skechers's soul into two, this caused their soul power to be weakened.] 】

[In order to reverse the absolute point in time and cast a spell to resurrect Christine, the two souls must become one!]

[But Strange still kept his senses and pointed out again...... Once Christine is resurrected, then the entire universe will collapse and disintegrate. 】

[Even at this point in time, you can clearly see that the surrounding buildings are slowly turning into black mist and drifting away!]

[This is a sign of the collapse of the universe!]

[And Dr. Blackened has gone mad, and his thinking is a little abnormal, turning a blind eye to all these visions, and only insisting on becoming one with Strange.] 】

[Looking at himself who was completely in a frenzy, Strange categorically refused:]

"You're completely insane. "】

[Dr. Blackened has also lost his patience, just like he absorbed those demons and evil gods, and wants to forcibly absorb Strange into his body!]


[But the "absorbing light" emitted by Dr. Blacken.] But it was resisted by the "White Magic of Emperor Weishan" set by the king. 】

[At this moment, the two Doctors Strange completely tore their faces, and an earth-shattering magic battle began. 】

["Boom...... Crash. "】

[Intense waves of magical light flew in all directions, blasting everything it came into contact with to pieces.] 】

[Although these two Doctors Strange should be almost the same in strength when they first separated. 】

[But for hundreds of years, Dr. Blackening has absorbed the power of many evil gods and demon clones!]

【Strong Strength...... It's already unbelievable!]

[It didn't take long for Strange to be completely overwhelmed, and for a while he only had the ability to parry, and he had no power to fight back!]

Seeing the worse and worse situation, there was also an uproar in the chat group.

Starlight: God, what is this going to do? If that devil is allowed to win, the whole universe will be over.

Ghost Rider: I don't understand at all! What is wrong with this guy, is he going to destroy everything for the sake of a woman?

Agent J: I think it's strange why that Dr. Melanoid looks like he's crazy, is it because of the demons he absorbed into his body?

After making this statement, James, a black guy, was suddenly stunned for a moment, and then a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Just a few hours ago, he couldn't have dreamed of it...... I would actually be in a chat group that spans the multiverse, discussing topics such as "absorbing demons"!

This strange feeling made him feel the urge to pinch himself for a while.

John Constantine: What else could it be?

JOHN CONSTANTINE: Damn! I've heard that, too...... Some third-rate magicians fail to summon demons, resulting in being possessed by demons and even having their souls eaten on the spot.

John Constantine: But this Dr. Blackened is a whole other level of madness! He's actually absorbed all those evil gods and demons! And judging by his words, he seems to have been eating for hundreds of years!

John Constantine: Now...... This guy can't be considered a human at all, no matter what he does...... I wouldn't be surprised!(O_O)

Even though his profession is dealing with demons and ghosts, Konstantin is still frightened by the madness of Dr. Blacken.

He simply couldn't imagine it...... After absorbing so many demons into his body, how did this man maintain his basic sanity?

Wolverine: Is it because you absorb so much demonic energy in your body that you're completely insane?

His own life experience is also quite tragic, so Wolverine can always have a trace of sympathy in his heart for those unfortunate characters.

But at this moment, Strange suddenly spoke in the group.

Stephen Strange: No, I don't think this "Doctor Strange" can be described as simply "crazy".

Wanda Maksimov: Ha Strange, what are you talking about? (⊙o⊙)

Loki Odinson: Magic boy, you don't want to defend your variant, do you?

Rocky Odinson: Looks like this guy is going to destroy the universe soon!

Stephen Strange: What he did was absolutely wrong......!

Clark Kent: Let me understand that Doctor Strange on the screen is your isotope, or variant, in other parallel universes, and you think there's a reason why he's so crazy.

Stephen Strange: Well, that's what I mean.

Clark Kent: Tell me, then, what do you think...... What is his reason?

In the face of Clark's calm words, Strange's irritable heart also calmed down.

He organized his words for a moment, and then spoke in the chat group.

Stephen Strange: I chose to study magic to heal my hands.

Stephen Strange: But on the screen in this universe, my motivation for metamorphosis magic, from the very beginning, was to resurrect Christine!

Tony Stark: Ah, I see, so this guy's obsession is too deep to change?

Stephen Strange: No, there's something else!

Stephen Strange: In the previous Doctor Strange footage, another variant of me didn't want to be a Supreme Mage in the first place, I just wanted to heal my hands with magic.

Stephen Strange: Later, it was only through the persuasion of the Ancient One before his death that he fully understood his responsibility!

Stephen Strange: In the end, he gave up healing his hands with magic and chose to use magic to protect the planet instead!

Stephen Strange: But this "Doctor Demonized" has never experienced these struggles, and all he thinks about is using magic to achieve his own personal goals.

Mage Mordo: Sigh...... Although the Supreme Mage is the strongest spellcaster on Earth, she also has a strong sense of responsibility that is strong enough to control these magical powers!

Stephen Strange: Yes, it is precisely to protect the Earth that the Ancient One mage will not hesitate to absorb the power of the dark dimension and survive.

Stephen Strange: But that Doctor Demonized may have power, but he lacks that sense of responsibility, and he has an overpowering paranoia, which is what makes him so crazy.

Peter Parker: Great power, but no sense of responsibility at all? That's what I always say, the more power you have......

Ghost Rider: Alright, you kid better shut up, we'll all memorize those two verses of yours!

CLARK KENT: I also agree with Mr. Strange that it's really hard to balance power and responsibility.

When I think of my adoptive father, I taught myself since I was a child, "Don't come out." Don't be exposed", Clark felt a little emotional.

If you can't use your power effectively, you can only end up being a burden.

John Constantine: No, I think the brains of this 'Demonic Doctor' have been problematic from the beginning!

John Constantine: Would a normal person think about learning magic to bring her back to life after losing his girlfriend?

John Constantine: I think ...... He's already insane!

At this moment, a new change appeared on the screen as well.

[In the face of the onslaught of "Doctor Demon", Strange finally couldn't resist it and gradually lost the battle. 】

[In the end, Strange is locked up by the magic chains released by Dr. Demonization!, and the white magic shield on his body is about to be broken.] 】

[At this critical moment, his floating cloak hurriedly rushed towards Dr. Demonization, sacrificing himself to entangle the other party for a moment!]


[Strange didn't waste this perfect moment, he raised his hands and did his best, unleashing an incomparably powerful magical shockwave at Dr. Demonization!]


[In order to break free of the floating cloak, Dr. Demonization's movements slowed down a little, and he was hit by this magic shockwave.] 】

[The sound of a strong explosion shook the sky, and the dazzling golden light illuminated the night for a while. 】

[After the light of the explosion dimmed, a white light suddenly lit up. 】

[Strange looked at the white ball of light in the air with a puzzled expression, and before he could react, the shadow behind Strange suddenly came to life and grabbed him into a strange space!]

[In this space, Strange sees Christine again, but when he thinks of the real world that is about to collapse, he still recognizes it...... It's just an illusion!]

"I hope it's true, but you're not her. "】


[The illusion was exposed, and the Doctor of Demonization became angry, and directly used brute force to break the white magic protection spell on Strange's body!]

["You can't do this......"]

[Seeing that the protective spell was about to be completely destroyed, Strange actually showed a hint of pleading in his eyes. 】

["I have to do this!"]

[In the end, Dr. Demonization forcibly stripped Strange of the guardian magic of Emperor Weishan, and the two Doctors Strange finally became one!]


[After obtaining his other half of the soul, Dr. Demonization roared and urged the Time Stone hanging on his chest. 】

[Under the strong magic force, the green light emitted from the time gem actually turned into a scarlet magic light!]

[This Demonic Doctor actually used his own power to change the magic of the Infinity Stones!]

[Not only that, but even the "Time Magic Aura" wrapped around Dr. Demon's arms has changed from green to red!]

[But after gaining the full body and releasing all the magic power, Doctor Strange also completely lost his human form for a while!

[Because Christine, who was in her heart, was about to be resurrected soon, Dr. Demonization didn't notice the abnormality of his body for a while. 】

[With a lift of his right hand, the wreckage of the Lamborghini at the scene of the car accident immediately floated into the sky, and the corpse inside was also regained its life under the light of magical light. 】

[Carefully holding the resurrected Christine in his arms, Doctor Strange, who completely turned into a demon form, looked at his girlfriend who came to life expectantly. 】

[But as soon as he opened his eyes and saw the terrifying monster in front of him, Christine's face immediately showed a look of horror. 】

["Oh my God, it's not real, it's a nightmare!"]

["Don't! stay away from me!"]

[Frightened and sweaty by the horror monster in front of her, Christine screamed desperately, and the whole person was about to faint with fright. 】

[And at this moment, Christine's body, who had just been resurrected, also began to dissipate into black mist. 】

["No! Christine! I can fix this. "】

[Dr. Demonization hurriedly cast a spell to transform himself back into human form.] 】

[But only then did he realize that due to his own destruction of the absolute point of time, the whole world began to crumble and disintegrate and turn into nothingness!]


[After a lot of hard work, it was hard to resurrect his girlfriend, Dr. Demonization, or Stephen Strange couldn't accept such a cruel reality. 】

[He used all his magic power to construct a scarlet protective shield to fight against the collapsing reality.] Trying to put an end to the collapse of the world is simply a drop in the bucket. 】

[But the red shield is still shrinking, and the collapse of Christine's body continues to intensify.] 】

[At this moment of desperation, Doctor Strange saw the observer again, as if grasping a life-saving straw, and he exclaimed:]

"You can stop this, please, help me. "】

[In the face of Doctor Strange's pleas, the observer finally opens his mouth and says in an indifferent voice:]

["Like you did for Christine?"]

"You've been warned. "】

"I know...... I know. Doctor Strange bowed his head in remorse :]

"But the world should not pay for my arrogance. "】

"I read about you from the books in the library, and I sense your presence. "】

"You are a god, and you will be able to stop all this. "】

[The observer responds in an unwavering voice: "I am not God, and neither are you."] “】

[At this time, Doctor Strange finally despaired, and he shouted desperately:]

["Then come and punish me, please spare this world and Christie."] "】

[Seeing the sad appearance of Dr. Demonization, the observer's face is expressionless, but there is a hint of anger in his tone. 】

["To be honest, if I can fix all this, if I solve this problem by punishing you, I will do it now!"]

"But I can't interfere. "】

["Moreover, you should know better than anyone that disrupting the course of time will only bring more destruction!"]

[After saying that, the observer's figure disappears.] 】

["Don't ...... Don't!"

[In Doctor Strange's desperate howl, the entire world, including Christine, completely collapsed and disappeared.] 】

[The only thing left is the tiny magical space that Doctor Strange constructed.] 】

[With the power of endless demons, he will not die so simply, but he will also face eternal regret and loneliness in this space. 】

Seeing the screen go black, there was a sudden silence in Kama Taj's square.

From time to time, someone looked back at Strange. The eyes were full of doubt, regret, worry and regret.

And the expression on Strange's own face also became extremely exciting.

He really didn't expect that this "Doctor Demonization" would end up like this.

Being imprisoned in this magical space constructed by himself for almost eternity, such an end is even more miserable than death!

What's worse is that in this space, he must also face the guilt that can drive ordinary people crazy!

It was he who destroyed the entire universe with his own hands, and he also killed his girlfriend for the second time!

Facing such guilt is enough to drive anyone to a breakdown!

At this time, on the other side, the eyes of the Ancient One Mage suddenly widened slightly, and there was a hint of amazement in his eyes.

"Strange, who absorbed the demonic power, actually used his own magic power...... Changed the energy output of the Infinity Stones!"

"That's why the light of the Time Stone turns from green to red. "

"No wonder...... He can destroy the absolute point in time!"

"And survive the collapse of the world. "

At this moment, the Ancient One Mage was almost certain that if it was purely about power, that Demon Doctor ...... I'm afraid she has surpassed herself!

And at this moment, another line of words suddenly appeared on the screen.

["The End of the Avengers!" will be played next!]

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