[Suddenly, the screen shifts to a museum in London.] 】

[A man named Eric wants to take an artifact made of vibranium from the museum.] 】

[The person in charge of the museum immediately said in surprise:]

["These artifacts are not for sale. "】

[Eric sneers when he hears this:]

["How did you white ancestors get these artifacts, did they pay for them?"]

["They were robbed!"]

[Immediately afterward, Eric joins forces with his accomplices, and the guards in the museum are all killed, stealing the vibranium weapon.] 】

[Immediately after, the scene returns to Wakanda.] 】

According to the tradition of the Wakanda Kingdom, Prince T'Challa will drink a potion to eliminate the superpower of the heart-shaped grass, and then under the Brave Falls, he will accept the challenge of people from other tribes who already have royal blood. 】

Only those who win the challenge are eligible to become the new king of Wakanda. 】

[The Jabari tribe, who live in seclusion in the mountains, appears and decides to challenge Prince T'Challa.] 】

[However, even though T'Challa lost the power of the Heart-Shaped Grass, he still defeated the leader of the Jabari tribe. 】

[Next, through the spies set up by the Kingdom of Wakanda around the world, they know the most heinous criminals...... Traces of Ulysses Crowe. 】

[T'Challa decided to go out and arrest the ...... A sinner who caused great casualties in the Kingdom of Wakanda 30 years ago!]

[In order to cope with this mission, T'Challa received the latest equipment from the hands of his genius inventor sister.] 】

[Among them, there is a panther suit made of nanomaterials.] 】

[This new Black Panther suit is usually stored in a necklace, and only when activated will it quickly cover the whole body.] 】

[Not only that, but this brand new suit can even absorb kinetic energy and then release it again. 】

[Tricked by his own sister, T'Challa kicked on the suit, but was shocked back by his own strength! 】

"It's ...... Nano suits! And the ability to absorb enemy attacks!"

Seeing this scene on the screen, Tony's expression changed slightly, and he secretly took a deep breath.

In the previous footage, he had already seen his own variant, the invented Blood-Edged Warframe.

That half-price is made with nanotechnology, and it has incredible attack and defense, and even Thanos has been injured by it.

And although the black panther suit in front of him does not have the terrifying attack power of the blood-edged armor, if you purely recognize the defensive power, maybe it will be stronger!

"Wakanda? It's an incredible country, just by studying vibranium...... can develop such amazing technology!"

Thinking of this, Tony's eyes rolled, and a thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

If vibranium hides such a secret, he can also study it if he has the chance.

If these Africans can study it, why can't he Tonysdaq?

[Video continued]

[In order to hunt down Ulysses Crow, Prince T'Challa the Black Panther came to the Taiji Kingdom. 】

[Here, Black Panther meets a CIA agent Ross, who also came to buy vibranium.] 】

[After meeting Ulysses Crowe again, the Black Panther started a scuffle with him, and even caught up with the street and started a car chase.] 】

[The Black Panther and his female guard captains split into two routes to hunt down Crow and his men. 】

[In the end, the Panther uses the kinetic energy stored in his suit to take out one of Crowe's cars.] But Crow also used the shock cannon in his hand to destroy the car of the female guard captain. 】

[Seeing that Crow was about to flee, the panther soared into the sky, landed right on the roof of his car, and successfully caught him.] 】

[Originally, the Black Panther wanted to kill this bloody sinner on the spot. 】

[However, due to the great movement caused by this car chase, all the people around gathered and even raised their mobile phones to take pictures. 】

[In desperation, the Black Panther had no choice but to hand over Crowe to Agent Rost of the CIA.] 】

[In the face of Agent Rost's interrogation, Crow was very arrogant and turned all the secrets of Wakanda upside down. 】

[And just as Agent Rodst was about to question the Panther, the wall of the interrogation room was suddenly blown open.] 】

[Shot...... It's the Eric who snatched the vibranium weapon!]

[This guy found him through the positioning system in Crow's fake hand!]

[The panther hurriedly put on his suit and prepared to stop Eric, but was knocked down by the opponent's powerful weapon. 】

[During the battle, the panther looked at the ring around Eric's neck, and was taken aback and froze in place. 】

[After the battle, Black Panther discovers that Agent Rost was hit by a bullet in the spine in order to help Nakia block the bullet and was seriously injured. 】

[The level of medical care in the outside world can't cure such an injury at all.] 】

[Seeing that the agent was injured trying to save his fiancée, the panther chose to repay the favor and brought him back to Wakanda to treat his injuries. 】

After returning to Wakanda, the suspicious Black Panther came to the cave and questioned the Elder. 】

[He can't understand why Eric, who saved Crow, has the same ring as him?]

[This ring was handed down by the previous king, that is, the grandfather of the panther!]

[While the elder was taking care of the heart-shaped grass, he reluctantly told the truth. 】

[It turns out that decades ago, Black Panther's uncle was sent to the beautiful country to engage in spy missions. 】

[But when my uncle saw that the black people in the beautiful country were suffering terrible oppression and discrimination, he immediately became angry. 】

[He wants to use vibranium weapons and high technology to overthrow the rule of these oppressors, and even wants to conquer the world and make Wakanda the master of the earth!]

[Uncle knew very well that Black Panther's father would never agree to do such a thing, so he took the initiative to help Yurisis Scrao infiltrate Wakanda and steal vibranium. 】

[This elder was sent by the king to go undercover with his uncle at that time, and all his information was leaked. 】

[Finding that he was about to be captured by the king and brought back to Wakanda for trial, his uncle raised his gun in a fit of rage and tried to kill the betrayer. 】

[In order to protect the elder, who was still a young man at the time, Black Panther's father immediately decided to kill his younger brother with his own hands. 】

[The king's younger brother, the panther's uncle, and a child.] 】

[This child is Eric who has grown up now.] 】

[He also obtained Wakanda's black technology and vibranium weapons, and also wants to regain what his father lost at the beginning!]

At the same time, Eric did not hesitate to kill the Crow he had rescued with his own hands, and gave his body as a gift to the leader of the border tribes of Wakanda. 】

Seeing this, Bruce Wayne's brows moved slightly:

"That Eric is supposed to be like his father, who wants to use Wakanda's weapons to change the order of the real world. "

"But...... He's smarter than his father!"

Black Widow also nodded beside her:

"He used Crow's corpse to curry favor with the border tribes, probably trying to use the traditional dueling ritual of Wakanda to seize the throne of T'Challa the Black Panther in a dignified manner!"

"Once successful, let this Eric sit in the position of king, Wakanda may really start a war on the outside world!"

Hearing the tone of these two people, Xiao Wanda said unconvinced next to him:

"I think this Eric and his father told me...... It's all true!"

"Aren't the relics in the museum stolen by the colonists at the beginning?"

"Also, in your country, there is a kind of... Racial discrimination, just by watching TV!"

Bruce Wayne froze when he heard this, but he still shook his head and said:

"I don't want to deny what you said, but let Wakanda wage war to conquer the world...... It won't solve these problems. "


Faced with Master Wayne's defense, Little Wanda didn't buy it at all, but asked rhetorically:

"You say it's wrong for him to do this, so what's the right way to do it?"


Seeing that Young Master Wayne was speechless, little Wanda sneered, turned his head directly, and ignored him.

Hearing the disdain in the little girl's tone, Young Master Wayne smiled bitterly, but a trace of doubt actually flashed in his heart.

The Wayne family's collection also contains many artifacts from other countries.

Even a few days ago, he had just harvested a vase from the Chenghua period.

And now it seems...... Do you want to donate back to your home country?

[Video continued]

[CIA Agent Ross wakes up from a coma and finds himself in a lab with a wound on his back that has been completely healed.] 】

[Walking to the window of the underground laboratory, Rose looked at the magnificent and brilliant underground underground buildings outside the window, and the whole person was stunned. 】

[All kinds of magical high-tech!]

【Maglev train running at ultra-high speed!】

[And all of this is the application of vibranium technology!]

[At this time, the leader of the border tribe appeared in front of T'Challa and the others with Eric. 】

[It turns out that this man named Eric Stevens is not only a top student at MIT, but also joined the special forces after graduating from college!]

[He has killed countless people all over the world, and even won the title of "Killer Demon". 】

[The Black Panther summons Eric and asks him what he wants to do, and Eric makes no secret of the fact that he killed Crow and did what you, the king, have not done.] 】

"I want the throne. "】

[Facing everyone in the palace, Eric said calmly:]

"There are still 2 billion black people in this world who live in oppression, and you are here to enjoy the life of a human being. "】

["And the vibranium weapon that Wakanda has can be used to liberate all these compatriots!"]

[Black Panther directly refutes Eric's claim, claiming that Wakanda's weapons will never be used to wage war.] 】

[And at this time, Eric also had a direct showdown, he claimed that he was the son of the younger brother of the previous king, and now he was going to exercise the power of the royal family and compete for the throne of the king and the identity of the black panther!]

[Facing the King's Ring that Eric took out, Black Panther T'Challa accepted his challenge with a complicated expression. 】

Seeing this, Tony shook his head slightly.

"This Eric is different from his father. "

Hearing this, the black widow said lightly:

"And the father was a radical idealist, but Eric ...... Just a simple careerist. "

"If he really takes the throne of Wakanda, I'm afraid it will really cause a terrible disaster. "

And Superman Clark stood to the side, his face also showing a thoughtful expression.

As a child, he also had delusions about using his superpowers to change the world.

But as an adult, Clark discovered that many problems in this world cannot be solved by force alone.

Not to mention the fact that there is such a thing as conquering and ruling the world...... Clark just thinks about it and feels like a headache, how can he really do it?

[Video continued]

[But in the duel under the Brave Falls, T'Challa was defeated by Eric in the end because of his soft-heartedness. 】

[And in order to save T'Challa, the black elder was also stabbed to death by Eric.] 】

After Eric's victory, he lifts the mortally injured T'Challa and throws him off the waterfall. 】

However, T'Challa did not die, but was saved by the leader of another tribe. 】

[Successfully ascending to the throne, Eric decides to send vibranium weapons to black rebels around the world and set off a global uprising!]

Nagia, on the other hand, sneaked into the mysterious cave and stole a heart-shaped grass. 】

[After taking the Heart-Shaped Grass, T'Challa, who was badly wounded, recovered and regained the power of the Black Panther. 】

[Just as Eric was about to distribute the vibranium weapon around the world, the recovered Black Panther appeared in front of him, and the women's guards of the palace also betrayed him and re-sided with the Black Panther. 】

[This civil war between Wakandans has begun!]

[This civil war is in full swing, and even a steel rhinoceros is used!]

[After a fierce battle, Black Panther and Eric fall into the underworld at the same time.] 】

[With the help of a special device, the Black Panther eliminated the special effects on the vibranium suits of the two.] 】

[In the end, the Black Panther seized the opportunity with the passing hovertrain and defeated Eric completely.] 】

[Black Panther claims that with Wakanda's technology, Eric's injuries can still be healed.] 】

[But Eric refuses, and only asks the Panther to help him get to the top of the mountain.] 】

[After watching the sunset in Wakanda, this lost descendant of the royal family closed his eyes forever. 】

[After this civil war, T'Challa the Black Panther also realized something new. 】

He decided to open the truth about Wakanda to the outside world and share Wakanda's knowledge and resources with the world. 】

[Black Panther playback ends]

And after the screen went black, most of the people in the live broadcast room showed strange looks on their faces.

Peter muttered to himself:

"Rhinos, those Wakandans...... Fighting with a rhino?"

"Somehow, what the hell are they doing?"

Little Wanda shook her head, and even her little face wrinkled.

She really can't understand that she has mastered such a powerful technology, and even built a floating spaceship, but she still uses cold weapons to fight?

Are these Africans in the water of their brains?

Tony frowned slightly, but his brow quickly widened.

Obviously, although the technology of this Wakanda is developed, there are still a lot of places on the technology tree!

That's why this kind of ...... came about. Use high-tech weapons to make jokes about cold weapon warfare.


Black Widow's expression was calm, but she was secretly thinking to herself.

Now, she's not a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, but if ...... Nick Fury saw the video in front of him, and he was afraid that he would actually do something.

At least...... Send out spies for sure.

At this time, the voice of the system sounded again!

[Today's live stream and on-demand have ended, and the next live stream will be held in 25 days.] 】

[At that time, a new guest audience will be invited.] 】

[Twenty-five days later, the live broadcast includes: "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2", "Wonder Woman", "Ant-Man 2", "Avengers 4 (Part I)"]

【Coming soon】

"Avengers 4?"

Seeing this title, most of the people in the live broadcast room were in high spirits, and some even showed disbelief on their faces.

"There's a follow-up! "

Little Wanda opened her mouth wide and said in astonishment:

"Thanos has already snapped his fingers, half of the entire universe has been wiped out!

Hearing this question, Tony, Black Widow and the others all frowned and thought carefully, but they couldn't seem to come up with an answer.

And at this moment, the voice of the system sounded again.

["Thanos Thanos" has been added to the chat group]

"Shenma ???"

After a brief silence. , unbelievable exclamations, suddenly resounded one after another in the live broadcast room.

And at the same time, in the depths of the universe.

On the bridge of the Templar II.

"This ...... What is it?"

Sitting upright on the throne, the purple sweet potato essence released an astonishing majesty, but a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

He really didn't expect that a screen would appear inexplicably in his battleship!

PS: CIA agent Ross once teamed up with Doctor Strange to make a TV series, have you all seen it?...... ^_^

PS2: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly passes, ask for full support!

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