Temple 2.

Thanos sat on the throne in a daze, his always indifferent eyes were already full of shock, horror, unbelievable and many other emotions at this time, and he couldn't calm down.

The scene on the video just now really hit his heart and caused an uproar in Thanos's heart.

Although he already knew that this Emperor Thanos located in other universes was strong.

But I didn't expect it to be so outrageously strong.

The strength of Odin, the god king of the Nine Realms, Thanos knows a lot.

He is not only a Heavenly Father-level powerhouse, but also has some kind of terrifying characteristic of "the older you get, the stronger you get"!

If Odin is really old to the point of dying, his strength may even break through to the level of a single universe!

In the face of such a strong person, no matter how confident Thanos is, he doesn't feel that he can easily defeat him.

And the gray-haired old Thanos on the screen just made a move...... Just give Odin seconds!

"There's an old ghost with white hair, what has come of it?"

Thanos gritted his teeth slightly, and a thought popped up in his heart that couldn't be contained.

Could it be ...... Has he also reached the level of a single universe?

At the same time, the four obsidian generals who were kneeling around Thanos' throne were all stunned.

"It's so powerful, even the god king Odin can kill it!"

The Dead Blade General suddenly became excited, and said busily:

"Although this old guy is not as good as the real Thanos-sama, he is already very strong!"

As soon as he heard the Death Blade General speak, Proxima Centauri in the dark night also hurriedly said:

"That's right, what Nine Realms God King...... It's not worth mentioning at all!As long as Thanos-sama makes a move......"

Before she finished speaking, Thanos suddenly snorted coldly and glared at Proxima Centauri in the dark night, so frightened that her face turned pale and her heartbeat almost stopped.

As the overlord of the universe, he also has his own arrogance.

After "admitting that he is inferior", this bottomless touting, listening to Thanos's ears, can only make him more angry!

And at the same time of anger, Thanos still has more doubts in his heart.

"Why is that old ghost so powerful?"

"Moreover, what kind of means is that 'hand-released energy wave'?"

From the previous video, Thanos has learned that Emperor Thanos has modified his body to obtain this bizarre superpower.

But just by watching the video, he doesn't know how this Emperor Thanos did it!

"Self-transformation, energy release?"

Staring at his hands, Thanos fell into deep thought for a moment.

At this time, in the live broadcast room, everyone was speechless.

At the moment when he saw Emperor Thanos kill Odin in seconds, whether it was Tony, Wayne or Clark, they all felt as if they were there, and they felt the terrifying destructive power!

"Good fellows. "

Clark's pupils narrowed, and his brow furrowed.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have imagined that there would be someone in this world who could be so powerful.

Although he was not at the scene, just through the feedback from the video, he could feel the terrifying killing of Emperor Thanos' energy wave.

Clarke felt that if he replaced Odin with himself, he would be using his steel body to take the blow hard...... I'm afraid I'll be seriously injured!

Compared to this Emperor Thanos, that General Zod is not even a strong enemy!

Clark frowned and thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't think of how he would win if he faced such a strong man in person!

I'm afraid that with him now, no matter how hard he tries...... You can only lose!


Peter swallowed quietly, cold sweat oozing uncontrollably from his forehead.

Although what is reflected on the video is only part of the battle situation. But it still makes his heart skip a beat!

Before, when Peter saw that his variant was killed by the "middle-aged Emperor Thanos" on Earth, he was still a little unconvinced.

And now, he has nothing to say.

Peter had the feeling that even if he was equipped with the Venom suit, facing one of the two Thanos, he would not be an opponent at all.

Even...... Even the results of the flash sale will not change!

The emperor Thanos of this parallel universe is so desperately strong!

And Loki's face was even more frightened and trembling at this time, as if he had seen a ghost, and the whole person was stupid.

In previous videos, he had also seen Odin's death.

But compared to this kind of spike...... That's not the same thing at all!

Although he already knew his origins, deep down, Loki always regarded himself as Odin's son.

And for this eccentric father, Loki's heart is also full of complicated feelings.

But no matter what, Odin is a god king who has suppressed the entire Nine Realms for thousands of years!

It was so easy to be killed by the white-haired Thanos.

The impact of this scene on Loki was not even horror, but horror!

Uncontrollable fear struck his whole body like a tidal wave.

His clever head was down in an instant.

"That universe...... Is it already over?"

Bruce Wayne didn't say a word, but there was a hint of despair in his eyes.

From the current point of view, Emperor Thanos has not only eliminated all the superheroes in the universe, but even the strong including the observers...... All of them were killed!

If you want to go down again, this universe is really going to be killed by Thanos!

All living beings will be turned into his sacrifice to the goddess of death.

And at this moment, there was also an uproar in the chat group.

Ganata, the Daughter of the Star Swallower: Dad, you stupid, why did you die like this?

Wolverine: Honestly, after every time that Swallow Star plays...... It's all instantaneous! It seems to be a special appearance for the sake of being seconds!

Ganata, the Daughter of the Swallowing Stars: Shut up! Don't talk about my dad like that!

Thor: Father!How is it possible!Father!( ̄口 ̄)!! !

Loki Odinson: Don't scream, it's not in our universe anyway, just admit it.

Thor: No way! How could Father be ...... so easily

Garnata the Daughter of the Star Swallower: Even my father has been killed, even if there is one more father of yours, what is it!

Ghost Rider: What I care more about now than the tragedies in other universes is...... This kind of cosmic energy doesn't seem to be as strong as expected.

Looking at the "Star Swallower, Ghost Rider, Punisher" on the screen, Johnny Blazer was a little messy for a moment.

He also thought that he was the first evil ghost rider in the world to possess cosmic energy.

But now it seems...... Even if you become a "Cosmic Ghost Rider", you may still not be able to defeat a strong enemy that you can't beat!

Star-Swallowing Daughter Ganata: Emissary, I have literally given you energy to make you stronger!

Goddess of the Stars, Ganata: And not only did you not appreciate me, but you still complained about me! Don't you think it's too much?

Ghost Rider: Uh...... What's this......

Ganata, the Daughter of the Star Eater: Hmph, that guy called the Punisher is really ungrateful in comparison!

Garnata the Daughter of the Star Swallower: Not only did he not avenge his father, but he also went along with that damn Thanos!

Ganata, the Daughter of the Star Swallower: If I see this bastard, I must disassemble him and feed him to the messenger!(▼Dish▼#)

Ghost Rider: Ahhhhhhhh

Nick Fury: Ahem, actually, Frank Custer has always been a jealous person.

Nick Fury: And ...... The person on the screen may have gone completely crazy. (O_O)

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Video continued]

[After annihilating Odin, the Celestials, the Observers...... After waiting for countless powerful enemies, Emperor Thanos spent thousands of years slaughtering all the lives in the universe. 】

[And after killing almost everyone, Emperor Thanos used the bones of the Celestial Formation to build a temple, which ruled his lonely and deserted cosmic kingdom. 】

[At this moment, the picture suddenly turned.] It came, countless years ago. 】


[On the home planet of the Kingdom of Kitari, loud cheers came and went. 】

[A young purple-skinned giant man trampled the king of the Kingdom of Kitari under his feet, calmly greeting the cheers of countless people in the gladiatorial arena. 】

[He is Thanos Thanos.] 】

[During this time period, although Thanos has gained the title of Thanos, he has not yet been called "emperor" by the world. 】


[With one kick trampling the king of the kingdom of Kitari into meat sauce, Thanos stepped onto the throne on the high platform of the gladiatorial arena and sat down calmly. 】

And just as Sanos sat on the throne of Zitari, a terrifying rain of blood suddenly fell in the air. 】


[The Cosmic Ghost Knight unleashed its cosmic energy in mid-air, beating the Zitari warships to the ground. 】

[Looking up at the powerful enemy descending from the sky, Sanos's face showed an arrogant smile. 】

[Very good.] 】

[Finally has an opponent who can fight decently.] 】

[Driving the Flame Chariot, the Cosmic Ghost Knight slaughtered the surrounding Zetaris, and then shouted to Thanos in a frantic tone:]

["Hehe...... Dude, I have something to do, I need you to come with me right away!"

[Facing this nervous guy, Thanos directly threw a punch and knocked him away. 】

[But at this moment!]


[Scarlet chains fell from the sky and tied Thanos in an instant!]


[Sanos struggled to struggle, but was surprised to find that the chain was made of unknown materials, and he couldn't break free with his strange strength.] 】

["Hehe, you better not waste your efforts, this chain is forged from the bones of Setolak, you can't break it!"]

[With a weird screech, the Cosmic Ghost Rider pulls out a small green fragment from his arms.] 】


[As soon as he saw this fragment, Sanos's eyes changed.] 】

"That's right, it's a small time gem. Let's start our journey through time. "】

[Tying Thanos with the bones of Setolak, the Cosmic Ghost Knight activates the Time Gem and drives his demon locomotive at the same time. 】


[With a golden-red fireball and a green glow, this locomotive has traveled millions of years in an instant and come to the future!]


[Thanos was taken to a strange palace by the Evil Ghost Knight, and the Universe Evil Ghost Knight didn't even look at him again, and walked directly to a throne in the depths of the palace. 】

["Boss, I've brought him here, this is your Time Gem Fragment. "】

[Seeing that he was so ignored, Thanos was completely angry:]

["Damn, come and face me, you damn coward, I'm Thanos."] "】

["Hahaha...... Of course you are Thanos. "】

[An old laugh sounded in the palace, and Thanos looked up sharply, and the expression on his face froze at once. 】

[I saw a wrinkled, gray-haired self, sitting upright in the throne made of the skull of the Planet Devourer, looking at him indifferently!]


At this time in Asgard, the corners of Odin's eyes also kept twitching.

No matter how down, the Devourer of Planets is also one of the five gods of creation.

Kill him and take his head to sit on the throne?

That's just too much, isn't it?

At this time, there was also an uproar in the chat group.

Ganata, the Daughter of the Star Eater: Dad!! this damn purple bastard in the name of the Planet Eater!

At this moment, the anger in Swallow Mei's heart is really indescribable.

As a descendant of a cosmic god, she certainly knew about the existence of the multiverse, and she understood it...... The scene in front of me is happening in a parallel universe.

But after killing the Devourer of Planets variant, he also used his head as a throne???

Such blasphemy is really a crime that deserves death!!

Thanos Thanos: ............ Boring, why do such pointless things? Just to scare people?

Looking at the throne he was sitting on, Thanos sneered lightly.

If he wants to scare people or establish his majesty, it is enough to rely on himself, and there is no need to use such means to be ashamed of the remains of his enemies.

In this sense, this Emperor Thanos may have terrifying powers, but his mind is still the same as that imp on Titan, with an immature side!

"It is precisely because of this that this old ghost has lived for so many years, but he is still trapped to death by that goddess of death!"

Thinking of this, the disdain in Thanos' eyes became more and more obvious.

It's so sad to have a lot of power, but not a strong psychic match.

Such a guy doesn't deserve the name of Thanos at all!

Kama Taj

"Setolak's bones?"

Hearing this astonishing term, Strange chewed on it, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

"No, this Setolak, is it ......?"

Seeing Strange's incredulous appearance, the Ancient One Mage who was standing aside nodded slightly.

"The Crimson Demon God Setorak is the Lord of the Crimson Dimension!

"Use the bones of the Crimson Demon God as chains??

Upon hearing this, all the mages in the entire Kama Taj Plaza were stunned.

Everyone's expressions were as if they had seen a ghost.

Mage Mordo's eyes widened, and his eyes were filled with deep shock.

Even a veteran mage like him couldn't believe what his ears were hearing for a while.

Although the mages of Kama Taj mainly practice white magic, they sometimes borrow power from demon gods in other universes.

One of the most commonly used spells by Kama Taj mages is the "Crimson Chain of Setolak"!

And the premise of cultivating this kind of magic is to successfully communicate with the Crimson Universe and borrow power from the Crimson Demon God Setorak!

In this sense, Setolak can even be compared to the Vishandi to a certain extent!

And such a "magic root" level existence was not only killed, but even the bones were extracted and made into weapons!

As soon as they thought of this, all the mages felt numb all over their bodies, and they were all stunned, almost thinking that they were dreaming!

And after answering Strange's question, the expression of the Ancient One mage also became a little serious.

"Even the Lord of the Crimson Universe has been killed, which shows that the slaughter of this Emperor Thanos is not limited to the main universe. "

"Has this Mad Titan even invaded other dimensions?"

While thinking, the Ancient One looked down at the Eye of Agomo hanging in front of the murderer.

With such terrifying power, this old Emperor Thanos also specializes in using time gems...... What is the purpose of catching the young version of yourself into the future?

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Video continued]

[Unexpectedly, the Cosmic Ghost Knight has just removed the crimson chains that bind Thanos.] The young overlord rushed straight up.


[Young Thanos threw his fists together and knocked Emperor Thanos to the ground in an instant.] 】

[But what happened next surprised him.] 】

[I saw this gray-haired old man kneeling directly on the ground and asking young Sanos for help. 】


[Seeing this scene, young Thanos became even more angry. 】

["You guy, how dare you put your face on my knees and beg for such a thing!"]

["You still dare to say that you are the emperor, and you still dare to say that you are Thanos?"]

[In the face of the attack of Crazy Thanos, Emperor Thanos finally lost his patience. 】


[He just raised his hand and struck, and the terrifying energy cannon sent Sanos flying.] 】

[Next, Emperor Thanos calmly spit out a name.] 】

["Dio. "】

[Hearing this name, Saunston was stunned.] 】

[These were his mother's last words before she was dissected by him, and they were Thanos's real name.] 】

[Recalling the powerful energy cannon released by Emperor Thanos before, Thanos finally believed it,]

[The old man in front of him is his old self. 】

[And at this moment, Emperor Thanos also explained his purpose to him. 】

[It turned out that he wanted to ask this young Thanos to find his lost love.] 】

[Goddess of Death.] 】

[Day 2 morning.] 】

["Hahahaha, is this the eye of judgment?"]

Holding the skull of the Cosmic Ghost Knight in his hand, young Thanos stares at the empty pupils of the Flame Skull. 】

[Through the Judgment Eye of the Evil Ghost Rider, Thanos felt all the sins he had committed in his life at this moment. 】

[The past flashed through his mind, and the faces of the victims who died at his hands were all clearly visible.] 】

[And such memories are simply wonderful for Sanos!]

[In fact, there are so many people he has slaughtered in his life, if he doesn't have the reminder of the Eye of Judgment, he will forget these brilliant achievements!]

"It's wonderful. "】

[Feeling the appearance of the deceased that kept passing through his mind, as well as all kinds of cruel atrocities, young Thanos had a smug smile on his face. 】

[This kind of experience is perfect for refreshing your mind every morning.] 】

"Shenma ???"

Looking at the image on the video, Ghost Rider Johnny Blazer opened his mouth wide, and the whole person was frozen in place with shock, unable to move.

The Eye of Judgment, this is his housekeeping skill.

No matter how terrible a sinner is, in the face of the scorching hellfire, he will let out a howl of despair, and in the end the whole soul will be burned and turned into the walking dead!

But this Thanos actually used his Eye of Judgment as an early morning entertainment!!

This is the ultimate insult!

PS: If the season 1 finale is out! If you haven't seen it, hurry up and watch it, and write it tomorrow! ^_^

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