The Watchmen Universe.

"That's what it is...... My future?"

Looking at the strange big screen overhead, Doctor Strange's eyes were slightly distracted, and he was stunned.

Just now, Dr. Manhattan suddenly appeared in his self-built dimensional space and invited Dr. Demonization to leave with him to see something.

He was already trapped in a dimension of his own making...... It's been too long, too long.

With the strength of Dr. Demonization, it is not difficult to open a portal and leave.

However, the universe he was in had been completely destroyed, leaving him alone, and even the love of Dr. Demon's life, Christine, had died in his arms.

In this case, Dr. Demonization is actually a little distraught.

After Manhattan appeared, he didn't even persuade him, just said his intention and left directly, leaving only the portal in the dimension.

Looking at the blue light door in front of him, Dr. Demonization hesitated for a while, but finally couldn't suppress the curiosity in his heart.

With his strength, there aren't many things to worry about in the multiverse.

To be honest, in this situation, Dr. Demonization is actually not very afraid of death.

But Dr. Demonization really never expected that after he stepped through the light gate, what appeared in front of him was actually ...... Myself?

Shocked, Dr. Demonic held his breath and took a long breath as he watched all the images related to himself on the screen.

"In the future, I'll be with that bald head...... Destroy the robots that have mastered the Infinity Stones, and then save the multiverse?"

Dr. Manhattan stood aside and said calmly:

"In the vast majority of cases, the image of the variant in the parallel universe is playing on this screen. "

"But I don't think so...... In other universes, there is a person like you. "


Hearing this, Dr. Demonization smiled bitterly:

"That's right, a man like me, who destroyed a universe because of his obsessive mind, I am afraid that even in the multiverse, I will not be able to find a second one. "

Shaking his head slightly, Dr. Demon's eyes gradually became solemn. Looking at Manhattan and asking:

"Did you come to find my dimension and bring me here just so I could see this?"

Without directly answering Dr. Demon's question, Dr. Manhattan looked away, looked at the void next to him, and said softly:

"I've also recently started trying to observe the multiverse, and not only ...... I can't see all of the universe like that observer did. “

"Seeing that you are still alone in that dimension, it can be seen that the observer should not have met the infinite Ultron. "

Or rather, this crazy robot has not yet been created by Tony Stark in some universe. "

"Tony Stark. "

Hearing this familiar name, Dr. Demonization's eyes also showed a look of remembrance.

Of course, the universe he is in also has the Starkey Group, but all of this has been wiped out with the collapse of the universe.

As a first-class super student, it only took a few seconds for Dr. Demonization to understand what Manhattan meant:

"Do you want me to know in advance what Ultron is going to do, and then stop him sooner?"

Manhattan said calmly:

"It's better to be able to solve this crisis in advance than if you were in that lonely pocket dimension...... Forever guarding Dr. Zola, are they going to be?"

"I've eliminated the tachyon that obstructed my vision, but the multiverse is still a new subject for me. "

"Your presence can also help me accumulate experience in another aspect. "

Staring at the blue eagle in front of him, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Dr. Demon's mouth.

"I was just as duplicitous as you back then, but now I don't have that scruples anymore. "

"What if...... If you just want to find a companion because you're lonely, you can just say it. "


In the face of Dr. Demonization's one-on-one approach, Dr. Manhattan was silent for a while.

Maybe...... With an existence whose strength has reached his level, it is indeed very difficult to find someone who can speak on an equal footing.

Seeing that the blue eagle was speechless for a while, the professor suddenly smiled happily.

It was the first time he had smiled since his universe had completely collapsed.

While laughing, he turned his head to look at the screen in front of him again, and said curiously:

"What is the principle of this screen, is it magic or technology?"

At this point, Dr. Manhattan's face had regained its composure:

"I don't know, according to my quantum observations...... This screen doesn't even exist in this universe at all. "

"Oh...... Quantum observations, that's amazing. "

At this moment, Dr. Demonization himself did not know that his actions ...... Elsewhere in the multiverse, it has also shocked countless people.

Merlot Heaven.

"Pocket dimension, this ...... What is this thing?"

Above the main hall, a series of question marks appeared on Angel Hiko's head, and he couldn't help but look at Queen Kaisha on the throne.

This Divine Kaisha, the strongest in the known universe, actually had a stiff expression at this time.

"Creating dimensions empty-handed, it's no wonder that he was able to resist the collapse of the universe. "

After thinking this out, Keisha's heart trembled, and he felt an indescribable shock, pounding into his heart.

That's amazing!

Before that, Queen Keisha had also seen ...... Doctor Demonized uses the scarlet space he has created to resist cosmic deflation.

At the time, she thought it wasn't an ordinary subspace or a small world, and there was nothing special about it.

But now that she thought about it, Queen Keisha was suddenly shocked.

If this Doctor of Demonization ...... It's amazing to be able to create a whole new dimension at will!

Trying to suppress the excitement in her heart, Queen Keisha looked at the confused angel in the main hall and asked slowly:

"Hiko, do you remember the ...... that appeared in the previous video? Marble universe?"


As soon as they heard Kaisha's words, the three angels in the hall, including Hexi, were all taken aback, and their faces were shocked.

The "marble universe" in the Men in Black universe can be said to be chilling as long as you think about it.

Put the universe in marbles and use it as a toy for children!

In the face of such a terrifying god-level civilization, no matter how strong a person is, I am afraid that there can only be despair left.

None of the three angels present were fools, and they immediately understood the meaning of Keisha's words.

"Queen Kesha...... Could it be ...... This pocket dimension. "

The angel asked in disbelief, but before he could finish speaking, he gasped, obviously frightened by his own speculation

Queen Keisha nodded a little heavily:

"This pocket dimension, once developed to the extreme...... It's the marble universe. "

"If one day, this Doctor of Demonization can put the entire universe in his pocket dimension, and he can use that dimension ball as a toy!"

Upon hearing this, the other three angels in the main hall all had shocked expressions on their faces.

"This ...... It's incredible!"

"Putting the universe into the dimension, can this Doctor of Demonization grow to that point?"


Including Hexi, the surprised expressions on the faces of the three of them directly froze, and their hearts set off turbulent waves, which could not be calmed down at all.

Even Hexi ...... No exception.

Even standing at the pinnacle of the universe, she was shocked by this news!

In fact, after seeing Dr. Demonization swallow Ultron's "Interstellar Destruction Energy Wave", Hexi and other angels' evaluation of this human mage has increased to an unbelievable level.

It can be said that in Hexi's opinion, if Dr. Demon comes to this Kamigawa universe, he is afraid that he will immediately become the strongest person in the universe.

However, such words, they will only hide them deep in their hearts, and they will never say them!

Otherwise, where would Queen Keisha be?

But listening to Kaisha's words, as long as time passes, this mage, who doesn't know whether he is a human or a demon, can grow into a ...... A super boss who makes the universe into marbles!

It's terrifying, isn't it?

Seeing the shocked appearance of the three angels of Her Royal Highness, Queen Kaisha herself sighed softly.

Even he didn't expect that a "metaphysics" like magic, which cannot be explained by science, actually contained such terrifying development potential!

This is really powerful to the point of unscience!

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen in front of everyone.

[Video continued]

[After completely solving the problem of Infinite Ultron, the observer sent the members of the Guardians of the Multiverse back to their own universe and time period. 】

[The only thing left is the Black Widow where Infinite Ultron is,]

[The earth where she is has been completely destroyed by Ultron, all the human beings have died, and she is the only one left, and there is nowhere to go at all. 】

["I...... No interference. "】

[Hearing the observer's excuse, Black Widow finally became excited:]

"To you, we are not flesh and blood, we are just characters in some story. "】

"You just watched us fight, win, lose. "】

["Tell me, were you eating popcorn when you watched Ultron kill my friend and destroy my world?"]

[In the face of the grief and despair of the Black Widow, the observer is unable to remain calm. 】

"You are not the characters in the story, to me, you are everything. "】

[Faced with Black Widow's request for her world to return to normal, the Observer expresses regret. 】

[But in order to compensate for the lonely woman in front of him, he once again broke his oath of "only observing and not interfering", and directly teleported to another universe with Black Widow. 】

["This is ......"]

[Looking at the scene of war all around, Black Widow was stunned for a moment. 】

[It turns out that she is now on the deck of a flying carrier.] 】

[Right next to him, Captain Mi, Captain Marvel and others...... A fierce battle is underway with an army of aliens!]

"Where are we?" asked Black Widow, confused. 】

[The observer calmly answers:]

"This is a world that has lost Black Widow. "】

[It turns out that this is the world where Hank Pym wiped out almost all the Avengers!]

[After Captain Marvel returned to Earth, he is teaming up with Captain Mi and others to try to expel Loki's army from this human world!]

["Haha, this is really a messy place. "】

[Looking at the fierce battlefield in front of her, Black Widow's face actually showed a high-spirited smile. 】

"Thank you. "】

[She didn't look back, but Black Widow thanked the observer who brought her here.] 】


[The black braised egg fell to the ground hard, and before he could get up, he was pointed at by Loki, who was holding the spiritual scepter. 】

["Hehe, you and your substitute Avengers are quite heroic. "】

[Loki said arrogantly:]

"But it's time to tell me all your secrets. "】

[Just when Loki was about to urge the scepter of the mind and control the boiled egg......]


[Black Widow jumped out from the side and kicked him so hard that Loki's whole body flew out! 】

[Lying on the ground and looking up, Loki's face suddenly showed an uncontrollable look of consternation. 】

"Black widow, I heard you're dead. "】

[Holding the scepter of the mind, the black widow smiled lightly:]

"When I saw you, I thought so too. "】

[As soon as the words fell, Black Widow stretched out her hand, and the Spiritual Scepter suddenly poked Loki's body, controlling his mind. 】

In the live broadcast room,

"I'll ......"

Seeing this, Loki's face suddenly showed a look of crying and laughing, and even his shoulders drooped.

Before, he was very happy when he saw that one of his variants had finally succeeded in ruling the earth!

But now it seems that Loki's fate ...... Sure enough, it's a failure!

It seems that no matter what multiverse you are in, this is an iron rule!

At the same time, on Temple Two, Thanos's gaze flickered slightly.

"That's the scepter of the mind! Where did this Asgardian get this thing?"

PS: Next up is the Matrix, the heavens of Keisha! ^_^

PS2: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly passes, ask for full support!

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