in the live broadcast room


Seeing this title on the screen, little Wanda rolled her eyes and suddenly burst out laughing.

Stark, I remember...... You also have a variant, which is Sherlock Holmes!

"And that variant seems to be in love with Watson!hahaha......"


Staring at little Wanda's unbridled laughter, a series of black lines appeared on Tony's forehead, and his expression looked extremely embarrassed.

God testifies, Tony, all his life, only likes beautiful women!

A macho man like Watson who retired from the battlefield, he definitely doesn't have ......


At this time, Tony's eyes changed suddenly!

It was only then that he remembered that he had ...... It seems that he often deals with those military figures led by Rhodes, and many of them are soldiers with a tiger's back!

No way?

Could it be ......


Feeling goosebumps all over his body, Tonis Darkk quickly shook his head frantically and threw this series of thoughts out of his mind.

Immediately afterwards, he secretly swore in his heart that he would ...... in the future Don't have anything to do with the military guys anymore!

At this moment, a new change appeared on the screen as well.

[Video continued]

[John Watson was a veteran medic.] 】

[Although he returned to a peaceful society, he was still plagued by the symptoms of PTSD on the battlefield and had nightmares every night. 】

Moreover, due to his severe psychological and physical condition, Watson's leg injury never healed, and he could only be put on crutches. 】

[One day, Watson meets his old friend Mike on the street, and through Mike's introduction, he learns about a potential roommate. 】

[His name is Sherlock Holmes.] 】

[Mike takes Watson to the Sherlock Holmes lab, and the two meet for the first time.] 】

The Watchmen Universe.

"This is Sherlock Holmes?"

Looking at the young man on the screen, Dr. Demonization only felt that his breathing was heavy.


That was his first impression, the young Sherlock Holmes looked to be in his twenties or thirties at best, and with thick curly hair, he looked heroic.

Compared with......

Dr. Demonization looked at his hand and secretly smiled bitterly.

Until now, he had not been able to completely tame the demon god's body that had been absorbed into his body.

Every now and then, these bodies will come out and make trouble and turn his body into a monster!

That's the price of gaining power.

When he saw his young self on the screen, Dr. Demonization also had more and more mixed feelings.

in the live broadcast room.

"Watson, this guy is Watson?"

Little Wanda's eyes widened slightly, and she suddenly shouted as if she had just woken up from a dream:

"Isn't this man the CIA agent in the Black Panther video?"

"He even has a variant in a parallel universe?"

Bruce Wayne didn't say a word next to him, but his gaze changed slightly.

It seemed that the complex connection between these endless parallel universes was beyond his imagination.

However, Master Wayne was still a little surprised.

After the tragedy of his parents, he has always been determined to become a hero against criminals.

So in college, Bruce also spent a lot of energy, and studied several degrees related to crime.

And if this modern-day Sherlock Holmes really has the ability to solve crimes, then he also wants to take the opportunity to observe.

[Video continued]

[After meeting Mike, Sherlock directly borrows his phone from him and wants to text him.] 】

[Mike didn't bring his phone with him, so Watson volunteered to lend his phone.] 】

[As soon as Sherlock saw Watson's mobile phone, he immediately guessed that he was either from Afu Khan or from Yira Ke, which immediately stunned Watson, and could only instinctively answer that it was Afu Khan. 】

[Moreover, Sherlock quickly guessed that Mike brought Watson to make him his roommate.] 】

[Next, he directly suggested that Watson go to see the house with him.] 】

[In the face of Sherlock's one-handed approach, Watson was a little overwhelmed, thinking that such progress was a little too fast. 】

["We just met, are we going to go to see the house together?"]

["We don't know much about each other at all, and I'm still ...... I don't even know what your name is?"]

[Hearing this, Sherlock glanced at Watson, and immediately said a series of words like a cannon:]

["I know that you are a military doctor, and you have just returned from the retirement of Afu Khan due to injury. "】

"Your brother is worried about you, but you won't ask him for help. "】

"Your resentment with him may be due to his alcoholism, or more likely because he has recently abandoned his wife. "】

["And, what does your therapist think...... Your lame leg may be a mental illness, and I'm afraid this diagnosis is very correct. "】

[Seeing Watson's expression gradually stiffen, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes that could not be concealed, Sherlock nodded lightly:]

["As a roommate, I think this understanding is enough. 】

[By the way, my name is Sherlock Holmes and the address of the house is 221b Baker Street!"]

[After saying that, Sherlock even winked at Watson.] 】


Seeing Sherlock's words, there was an uproar in the live broadcast room.

Almost all of them had a look of surprise on their faces, as if they couldn't imagine how this young man had learned so much information in such a short period of time.

"This guy can't be some kind of hacker. "

It seems that because he had just seen the Matrix, Bruce Wayne immediately thought of this aspect as soon as his mind turned.

If this Sherlock is really a hacker and hacks into ZF or the military's systems in advance, it is possible to obtain a lot of information about Watson.

But then, there's a second problem.

How did Sherlock know that Mike would meet Watson on the street today and bring him to his lab to meet him?

No, could it be that Mike was also Sherlock's accomplice, but what's the point?

The suspicions in Young Master Wayne's heart became more and more, and in the end, his head was a little dizzy.


After taking a deep breath, little Wanda suddenly looked up at Tony, and then shook his head regretfully.

"It's a pity, Stark, this Sherlock...... Seems to be a lot smarter than your version of Sherlock Holmes. "

"Hmph, don't make an assertion so early. "

Tony's chin was raised, a hint of pride on his face.

"In my experience, this kind of person who talks so much when they first meet is generally trying to cover up their lack of confidence!"

"Wait and see, this kid in his twenties is definitely not as powerful as you think. "

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After returning home, Watson searched the Internet for information about Sherlock and found that he had a website called "A Study of Deductive Method", which recorded some knowledge of how to observe others through detail. 】

After hesitating for a while, he finally agreed to the door of Sherlock's house. 】

"This is the city center, so the rent must be expensive. "】

[In the face of Watson's concern, Sherlock said calmly:]

"Well, Mrs. Hudson gave me a special offer, and he owes me a favor. "】

"A few years ago, her husband was sentenced to death, and I did something about it. "】


[Watson asked with some surprise:]

["Did you save her husband from the execution ground?"]


[Sherlock said without hesitation:]

["It was my testimony that sent him to the execution ground."] "】


[Hearing such an unexpected speech, Watson was stunned again. 】

[After looking at the house, Watson was very satisfied with the room. But there was only one pass in the room. 】

[Faced with this, Mrs. Hudson claims that if Sherlock and Watson slept separately, there would be a bedroom upstairs.] 】

[Watson listened a little strange:]

["Of course we slept separately"]

[Seeing Watson's expression, Mrs. Hudson hurriedly comforted:]

"Oh, don't worry, we have all kinds of people here. "】

["The couple at Mrs. Teller's house next door is even married"]


[Facing Mrs. Hudson's "I understand" expression, Watson's face was full of tears and laughter, and he was speechless again. 】

in the live broadcast room.

Seeing this, little Wanda clenched her fists with excitement, and little stars appeared in her eyes.

"Wow, together, please be together. "

And looking at the little girl's excited appearance, Tony's brows also furrowed.

What the hell?

This little girl...... How did I suddenly become so interested in men and men.

Thinking of this, he also glared at the screen with a dissatisfied face.


The more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became, and Tony simply whispered and muttered:

"Why does Sherlock Holmes have to be with Watson, no matter which parallel universe it is?"

"What is this...... Is it enough to cross the curse of parallel universes?"

"Like Loki's fate?"

"Mortal, what blasphemous words are you talking about!" The weak chicken honestly stood aside to watch the live broadcast, and suddenly a pot was buckled from the sky, and he was suddenly furious.

At that moment, a new image finally appeared on the screen.

[Sheriff Lestrade of Scotland Yard has finally found Sherlock.] 】

[Original. New cases of drug use have emerged. 】

[But unlike before, this time, the deceased left a pre-death message at the scene. 】

[Sherlock was excited when he heard that there was a new case, and it was such an unusual serial murder case. 】

[But if you want to investigate the case, he seems to lack an assistant.] 】

[At this time, Sherlock remembered that Watson was once a military doctor and would never be a stranger to corpses, so he invited him to go to the scene with him. 】

[Next, the two are in the car, and Sherlock introduces Watson to his profession.] 】

[It turned out that he claimed to be a consulting detective, and whenever the police had a case that could not be solved, they would ask him to be a consultant. 】

[Some people can't get used to Sherlock's arrogance, so Watson simply stabbed him:]

"The police don't look for laymen as advisers. "】

[Hearing the suspicion in Watson's words, Sherlock directly began to reveal his methods. 】

["When we first met yesterday, I pointed out that you were either from Afu Khan or from Yirak. "】

"You seem surprised. "】

["Actually, it's very simple, your hairstyle and standing posture are indicative of your military background. "】

["And when you just entered the hospital laboratory, you said 'things are not people', which means that you have studied in this hospital before and are a doctor!"]

["The two identities together are military doctors."] "】

[Hearing Sherlock's methodical reasoning, Watson's expression gradually began to change.] 】

[Next, Sherlock continues:]

"Your face is tanned, but your wrist down is still white. "】

["It means that you have just returned from a sunny foreign country, but you are not here to sunbathe."] "】

["Obviously on crutches, but you have been standing, and you didn't think to find a chair to sit down, it means that your legs may be fine, and the crutches are because of your psychological disorder. "】

["A leg injury plus mental illness is the battlefield ptSD. "】

[And the battle wound plus tanning, except for Afu Khan, only Yilak remains. 】

The Watchmen Universe.

"This variant of mine is a really smart guy, worthy of Sherlock Holmes. "

Looking at the young version of himself on the screen talking eloquently, Watson was stunned for a moment, and the corner of Dr. Magic Strange showed a smile of relief.

By now, the death-like demeanor between his eyebrows had disappeared for the most part, and between his eyebrows, a curious light could be faintly seen.

By now, it seems that Dr. Demonized has been completely ...... by this kind of live video that spans the multiverse I was fascinated.

And what he felt was the joy of the observer!

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