Seeing this, the chat group fried again.

Captain Mikoku: It's too much, what exactly does this Hulk mean?

Captain Mi Guo: Even if he has a grudge against these 4 people because of his banishment to an alien planet, he shouldn't play with human life like this!

At this moment, the captain was really angry, after all, like Green Hulk, not only forced these 4 superheroes to fight monsters, but even asked them to kill each other!

This kind of cruel act is exactly like those famous tyrants in history!

Tony Stark: Looks like he wants these four people to suffer the same pain he had in the first place!

Starlight: This ...... That's a bit excessive, isn't it?

Starlight: This Hulk has suffered a lot of misfortunes, but it's ...... to be angry with others. That's not right.

Loki Odinson: Hehe, this Hulk is here to kill and take revenge on Earth, how can he think about right and wrong!

Loki Odinson: These superheroes are stupid too!

Rocky Odinson: One by one will only kill itself. In the end, they have come to this point! They can only blame themselves!

Stephen Strange: I don't think they're all weak, but they didn't think ...... Hulk went to the universe and became so powerful!

Bruce Banner: I feel like I still have a say in the Hulk issue.

Bruce Banner: This Super Hulk on the screen is really a bug!

Bruce Banner: No matter what kind of attack you make, you can't really hurt him, and not only will you recover quickly, but you can also fight back with more force!

Bruce Banner: The Hulk I transformed into can't compare to him!

Tony Stark: The angrier you get, the more powerful you get! Add to that the wit and cunning of Bruce Banner! No wonder these superheroes are no match!

Bruce Wayne: It's no wonder it's so troublesome...... The Illuminati want to launch it into the universe.

Bruce Banner: Hey, what do you mean by that? Don't you think that's a good idea?

Bruce Wayne: I've thought about it, there's simply no way to keep this monster in place for long on Earth.

Bruce Wayne: For the safety of the lives and property of the earthlings, unless you kill the Hulk, you can only send him to the universe!

Bruce Wayne: Or ...... What better way could you do it?


Faced with Master Wayne's questioning, Dr. Banner was also speechless for a while.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that in the previous video, Hulk also seemed to be flying a fighter plane...... Inexplicably, he left the earth and went to the planet ruled by the High Heavenly Venerable in the universe!

Now, isn't this some kind of self-exile?

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Video continued]

[Although Iron Man and other superheroes resolutely refused to kill each other, under the influence of the control chip implanted in their bodies, they still reluctantly raised their weapons!

[Looking at the death match in front of them, the people in the stadium audience shouted and cheered, cheering and shouting one after another. 】

[This kind of fight between superheroes is not something you can see every day!]

[Tony Dark, who lost his steel suit, seems to be the weakest of these people, and was knocked to the ground by the first one.] 】

[Under the control of the control chip, Reed Richards raised the huge meteor hammer, and it seemed that the next blow was about to smash Tony's head to pieces!]

[Seeing this, all the audience shouted excitedly.] 】

"Kill him!" 】

"Kill him!" 】

["Smash his head!"]

[Amid the shouts of the audience, Green Hulk slowly stood up and raised his right hand. 】

[According to the traditional Western gladiatorial arena etiquette, the host of the dueling arena can make the final decision.] 】

[As long as he thumbs up, it means that those remaining gladiators can live.] 】

[But if the thumbs are down, it means "no forgiveness"!]

["Thumbs up! Let him live!"]

["Thumbs down!Let him die!"]

[Seeing that Hulk also raised his right fist after standing up, it seemed that he was about to show his thumb, and the spectators in the audience all entered a frenzy for a while!]

[They are eager to see the blood of these usually high-flying superheroes splashed and even die in front of themselves!]

[At this time, at Robert Reynolds's house, the Sentinel looked at the live broadcast on the screen, and suddenly remembered what Iron Man said to him a few hours ago. 】

"Robert, I know you're afraid of your own power, and you're afraid you're going to hurt others. "】

"I'm scared too. "】

[At that time, Iron Man said sincerely:]

["As the head of S.H.I.E.L.D., every day, I have to make choices for my actions, and they will affect the lives of millions, if not hundreds of millions, of people!"]

["With such great power as you comes responsibility. "】

"I know you're not ready, in fact, no one on this planet is ready to do such a thing. "】

["But...... Now it's time for you to play God!"]

[Suddenly, Hulk holds out his thumb, and his thumb is pointing down!]

This is the declaration of death. 】

["Do you hear that? "】

[At this moment, listening to the deafening cheers coming from the TV, the corners of the sentry's mouth curved, and a dazzling golden glow suddenly shot out of his eyes. 】


[With a sound that broke through the speed of sound, the sentinel's body turned into a golden light, instantly pierced the sky, and disappeared at the end of the sky. 】

["It's time to play God!"]

[And at this moment, the conflict in the gladiatorial arena has also reached its peak!]


[Reed Richards' meteor hammer smashed next to Tony Stark's head, and it turned out that it was Hulk who stopped the control chip on Reed's body.] 】

[It turns out that what Hulk wants is not just to kill these 4 people, but to let all humans know the ugliness of these superheroes hidden under the aura!]

[At this moment, Tony Dark, who was covered in bruises and blood on his face, suddenly raised his head and said with a sneer:]

"Bruce, we've explained again and again, but you just won't listen. "】

["So, I'll give you one last chance to surrender."] "】


[Hulk asks coldly:]

["What can you do if I don't surrender?"]

[As soon as Hulk's words fell, a golden ray of light carried infinite flames from the sky, completely piercing Hulk's spaceship in an instant!]


[After penetrating the spaceship, the Sentinel rushes towards the Green Hulk unswervingly!]

[A terrifying wave of energy sent all the Hulk's subordinates flying out.] 】

[Golden light envelops Green Hulk's body.] Punch a big hole in the walls of the stadium. 】

["Boom, boom, boom!boom!"]

[The terrifying golden light against the Green Hulk, crashing through several buildings in a row, shattering countless buildings, and then stopped.] 】

[Only then did this golden light reveal its prototype, which was the strongest hero on Earth with the power of a million sun explosions-Sentinel!]

["Do you want to be on their side? Sentinel!"]

[Hulk rises from the rubble, releasing a scalp-tinging aura.] 】

["That's right!"]

[The sentry's eyes were full of golden light, and there was no hesitation or confusion in his eyes, and he said coldly:]

["Because...... You're the only one who can get me to punch with all my might!"


[The Sentinel punches Hulk and knocks him flying again, falling down again, smashing a building!]

[In the face of the sentinel's aggressive attack, Green Hulk stands up again!]

[Not only that, but his terrifying anger seems to have risen to another level!]

"Okay...... Then you're up for yourself!"]


[Hulk roared wildly, and the terrifying sound resounded through the sky and the earth!]

[Under the stimulation of the rage, the muscles of his whole body swelled!

[Immediately after, this green monster collided violently with the sentinels scattered with endless golden light!]


[The fight between the Golden Guardian and the Green Monster can hit a sonic boom with one punch and kick!] The terrifying shockwave turned into a wave of air, frantically washing everything around!]

[For a moment, the sky collapsed! A large area of the ground shattered into dust, and countless buildings collapsed with it!]


[Green Hulk slammed a blow full of anger into the sentry's face, almost breaking the bridge of his nose. 】

[Blood flowed down the sentry's face, and the world's strongest superhero not only did not retreat, but showed a smug smile. 】

["It's a good time!"]

[With this laughter, the next second ......]

【Boom !!!!】

[The sentinel actually released golden flames in all directions like a real sun!]


[The extremely high temperature distorted the air, burning in all directions, and endless heat waves swept over the sky!]

Everywhere you go, streets, cars, and buildings are melted...... Even evaporate!]

["What is this, O God!"]

[Among the wreckage of the stadium, the remaining superheroes ...... They were all stunned by the terrifying scene in front of them, and almost thought they were in a nightmare. 】

[The terrifying golden flames engulfed almost everything around it!, and the vibration caused by it made the whole of New York shake to the ground!]

[This is the power that is truly comparable to a natural disaster! Once used, it is enough to destroy the heavens and the earth!]

[The stone man opened his mouth wide and said in disbelief:]

["Maybe...... The Sentinel is unleashing the energy of his million sun explosions. "】

["How can this be?"]

[Reed Richards, who had a blue nose and swollen face, swallowed hard and muttered to himself:]

"Sentinel is a severe schizophrenic, and he is afraid of his own strength. "】

["Before, he had never exploded with all his might on Earth......"]

[Speaking of this, Reed Richards seemed to think of something, turned his head violently, looked at Tony and shouted:]

["Tony, what did you tell him before?"]

[Tonis Darker bowed his head and said without looking back:]

["I told the Sentinel, sometimes in order to do the right thing, you have to play God!"]

["You goddamn idiot!"]

[General Ross, who was also a prisoner, looked at Tony and suddenly became angry:]

["You've got another monster to deal with that green monster!"]

["Not a monster ......"]

[An avenger looks at the sky and mutters to himself:]

["That's a world destroyer!"]

[At this moment, the battle between the Sentinel and the Hulk was actually raised to a whole new level. 】


[The golden flames released from the sentinel's body formed a tornado of flames that connected the heavens and the earth!]

[Wherever the flames passed, the tall buildings were quickly disintegrated, and the cars on the street were like paper, quickly ignited, and then reduced to nothing.] 】

[Under this golden energy wave like the explosion of the sun, everything in the world was turned into dust. 】


[Suspended in the center of the tornado, the sentry with blood on his face laughed:

["It's such a great feeling!Bruce, I really want to thank you!...... I don't dare release all my energy yet!"]

[At this moment, in front of the powerful sentinels, except for a very limited number of the strongest heroes, all life on the earth is no different from dust!]

At this time, looking at the sentinels on the screen who were covered in golden light and frantically released endless flames, countless people were stunned.

"This golden ...... Wait a minute...... Neither of these guys is human. "

Standing in her fancy apartment, Diana Prince's eyes widened, and her eyes couldn't contain a look of surprise.

Even through the screen, she felt as if she was there. Feel the terrifying impact of two monsters when they collide!

It's unbelievably strong!

Although she has a demigod body, Diana also felt a shock that went straight to her heart!

Even among the Olympian gods, I'm afraid it's hard to find an existence that can defeat these two guys head-on!

These two monsters are really stronger than the gods!

At this time, the most shocking thing was the people in the same room as the sentinels in the live broadcast room.

"This ...... It's amazing!"

"This is the power of a million solar explosions?"

"No way! How could this stupid homeless man?"

Loki, Peter Parker, Little Wanda and the others stared at the sentinel, their faces full of disbelief, as if they had seen the most ridiculous thing in the world!

Even Tony Stark couldn't help but take a deep breath at this time.

"This guy...... It's really strong!"

"If you fight head-on, I'm afraid that except for that Superman Clark, no one in the live broadcast room is his opponent!"

At that moment, Tony suddenly remembered another thing.

"In the face of Hulk's terrible threat, that variant of mine actually claimed to make him surrender!"

"It doesn't look like he is a lie...... What does this Iron Man rely on?"


At this time, Bruce Wayne's pupils were also shrinking, and his heart was extremely shaken.

In his opinion, if you are purely destructive, Superman may not really win...... The sentinel on the screen who is like the embodiment of destruction!

However, after obtaining the "Silver Superhuman Power", it is completely unclear how powerful Clark is now.

After the initial horror passed, Master Wayne's mind turned and something suddenly came to mind.

"The explosion of a million suns? If this is true, how can ordinary earth humans withstand this kind of power?"

"Wait a minute! Second personality, nothingness?"

"Do you mean...... Wouldn't it?"

Young Master Wayne's breath froze instantly, and he was shocked by his own conjecture for a while.

The sentinel in front of him may be unable to withstand the power of such a powerful million sun explosion, so he will give birth to a second personality!

At this moment, the sentry's eyes were obsessively staring at the screen in front of him, and his face was intoxicated.

"Yes! Hulk!"

"Sure enough...... You are the only one on earth who can withstand my fists. "

PS: After "Hulk World War", followed by "Superman: Red Son"! ^_^

PS2: Collect, flowers, votes, and monthly passes!

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